Wednesday, July 31, 2019
The term â€Å"animism†is defined as the belief of a life-force existing within non-human forms. In other words, according the this idea, non-human forms such as thunder, rocks and trees are possessed by spirits and souls. The term, first developed as â€Å"animismus†by chemist/physicist Georg Ernst Stahl in 1832, defined as the â€Å"doctrine that animal life is produced by an immaterial soul†, was reintroduced in 1871 by English anthropologist Sir Edward Burnett Taylor to be defined as the â€Å"theory of the universal animation of nature†. The mass majority of animistic belief systems holds that the soul within the non-human form will be able to survive physical death. It is believed in some systems that the soul must journey to pass through to an easier world. In other systems, it is said that the soul would remain on earth as a ghost. There are also situations where it would return to earth in order to avenge its death. If murdered, the spirit would either assist in discovering the identity of its murderer or wreak vengeance for itself. A widespread belief of those who die a violent death is that the soul would become a dangerous spirit and endanger the lives of those who approach the haunted area of the its death. In literature, animism is most often used in mythology and folklore. The myths and folklore generally contain a magical or spiritual sense to the story. An example would be of the tale of the Pontianak. The Pontianak is a type of vampire in Malay folklore and Indonesian mythology. It is said that a woman who has died during childbirth becomes undead, seeking revenge and terrorizes villages. The use of animism is applied because the Pontianak is not human and has a spirit within. Many Urarina myths apply animism into their myths by portraying plants, inanimate objects, and animals as personal beings. An example would be of a Urarina deluge-myth, a myth of a great flood sent by a deity to destroy civilization as a punishment. It is said that a man had saved himself from the flood by climbing a tree. The man's wife had transformed into a termites' nest and was clinging onto the tree and their two sons had transformed into birds. Though the man's wife and sons are not in their human bodies anymore, their souls are still intact within their new form. Therefore, this myth applies the use of animism.
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
How do family traditions and cultural legacies contribute to and/or inhibit an individuals self-identity? Essay
Are Test Scores a Good Indication of a School’s Competency? Ever studied for a test and still manage to receive a failing score? It happens to almost all of us. Schools may effectively or ineffectively design study material for a chapter, but to me it does not have a big effect of the overall resulting test scores. A high grade average depends on the students’ method of studying and comprehension, the way that the instructor teaches the material, and the way that the test it produced. On numerous occasions, students have reviewed specific test material and gained plenty of confidence for success, but failed with the most horrifying score of their life. On the other hand, some students may choose to cram as much as they can right before taking the test and excel. Every student has a different level of comprehension; some may learn faster than others, or be a different type of learner. Normally, students will be informed of an approaching test, this way each student know to more attentive during class time and while studying. The amount of tine that one has to prepare for an upcoming test varies. That length of time may be brief or extended. Because of the fact that every student is different, the time they may require to study effectively varies. I personally need about a week’s worth of study time to retain most of the appropriate information. Some may only need a few days. This can sometimes be a reflection of the way the material has been taught to a stud ent. For effective education retention, a study plan must be well-organized and taught thoroughly. Some instructors become lackadaisical causing the students to not be fully prepared for a final test while depending solely on that professor’s teachings. No matter how organized and thorough a lesson plan is designed, if the material is not taught right, the scores will not be right. Students should not depend only on the professor. They should combine what is taught to the with their own study method so that they can comprehend. A lot of times, students will believe that attending class and paying attention is enough which is false. They can be taught one way and be tested on it the subject in another form. Often times, students may say, â€Å"that had nothing to do with what I studied all week for.†From my past experiences, I would study diligently for a test and find that the test asks questions that were not given examples of in the study material. That has to be one of the most frustrating things for a student. If schools were to have tests contain more of what was taught to the students, there would be a higher test grade scale. By this I mean that tests should ask similar questions that the homework asks or that were given in examples. I am sure that many can relate to a test asking questions that they have never seen. To sum it all up, the end result of a test depends on how much effort is put forth from the student, the student’s comprehension level, and the effectiveness of the instructor’s teaching method. There may be an A student who experiences test anxiety, this can cause low testing scores. There may be a student who cheats, of course, this mainly results in higher scores. There also may be a student who just happens to be a great test taker. Test scores are not a good indication of a schools competency.
Monday, July 29, 2019
Surveillance of literature Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Surveillance of literature - Essay Example These imbalances are identifiable in tenses and temporal orientation. The imbalance has been brought about by constant development of new technologies, which have served to displace historical literature analysis, and introduced new ways of literature analysis. This has caused tracing the historical development of the social environment a big challenge, which can only be overcome through learning the history of surveillance, notably the change from the pre-computerized duration to the computerized age of post modernity (Genosko & Thompson, 2006 p123). Therefore, this article presents two major issues, which are analyzed from their traditional perspective to their post-modernity nature. The two major concepts are: Temporal disunity This is a major concept presented by the article, where a disparity between the traditional concepts of time and the present concepts are identified. In the post modernity era, the concept of time has become more and more vivid, especially as it relates to the present and real time definition (Genosko & Thompson, 2006 p129). There is a thin line between the present and the real-time in the post-computer era, as compared to the pre-computer era, where the sequence of activities was traceable, giving a clear difference between what was happening presently and what was happening in real-time (Mehlbaum, 2011 p29).... However, this has changed in the post modernity era, where information is generated from the computer, where it has been stored, losing the temporal essence of the literature (Hedgecock, 2008 p63). This is because, although the information could be recorded with details such as the date and the time a transaction occurred, it is not possible to define the actual behavior of the individual at the time of the occurrence of that event (Genosko & Thompson, 2006 p130). Thus, the introduction of ICT has changed surveillance of literature from an initial form where it was visible, to the post modern form where the event remains known, but invisible. The post modernity surveillance of literature is beneficial since it has simplified and automated the process, making it possible to easily record and retrieve information on any given subject, whenever such an action is deemed necessary. However, it has made the process of recreating meaning both hard and uncertain (Lyon, 2007 p209). This has o ccurred because, while the pre-computer era allowed for physical observation of literature and the consequent construction of meaning, based on the observable behavior, the case is different for the post modernity era. The transformation of the temporal horizon by the ICT in the post modernity era has eliminated the chances of criticizing past events, since the visible aspect of the literature is nonexistent. Additionally, the transformation of the temporal horizon has made it difficult for the interpretation of the history of past events to occur (Genosko & Thompson, 2006 p131). The emphasis on the concept of real-time by the post modernity era has resulted to the convergence of both the past and the future in duration-less platform, where it is no longer
Sunday, July 28, 2019
Bacteria and Human Health and Viruses and Humna Health Research Paper
Bacteria and Human Health and Viruses and Humna Health - Research Paper Example A single E-Coli bacteria organism can replicate itself to the extent equaling the mass of earth within 24 hours if left unchecked. The bacteria come in various sizes and shapes. The shapes range from coccal (spherical), bacilli (rods), vibrio (curved rods) and spirochetes (spirals) (Richard Robinson Ed. Biology: 4 Volume Set). The role of bacteria in human health has been both positive and negative. A bacteria organism can be infections and beneficial as well. Although bacteria are mostly known for the harm that they bring to human body, there are only some bacteria that really put a bad effect on the human body (Sheela Srivastava. Understanding bacteria). There are two situations through which the bacteria can put an affect on the human body; one is through infection and second as disease. Most of the times these both are considered synonymous, which in reality is not correct. Infection is caused when a microorganism makes the human body is its host for growth and nourishment. In most cases, the infection leads to disease but not always. An infected person may not necessarily be diseased. On the other hand, in a diseased state, the human body suffers (Paul Singleton. Bacteria in biology, biotechnology, and medicine). Primarily it was not believed that bacteria can be a cause of a disease in the human bod y because of already presence of many bacterial organisms in the human body working for the benefit of human being. There are more than 500 species of bacteria in the human body and most of them are useful for many functions that take place in the human body. There are chances that due to some conditions, the growth of bacteria becomes harmful to the body, it is the when a bacteria is said to be transformed into a pathogen. A pathogen is a microorganism that causes the diseases in the human body (Stuart Hogg. Essential microbiology). There quite a few bacteria which are pathogenic in nature and one of the most
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Explain the degree to which the personality and mental state of Essay
Explain the degree to which the personality and mental state of decision makers impose themselves onto the foreign policy of sta - Essay Example His advisors, including Dick Cheney, who was the Secretary of Defense, were concerned about the issue regarding the end of the Cold War, and they were well aware that the American people were questioning the necessity of a large military budget at that time, seeing as the Soviet Union was on the verge of complete collapse. On the other side was Saddam Hussein he felt that Kuwait was guilty of a multitude of transgressions, which included the fact that Kuwait had depressed oil prices by selling cheaply; that Kuwait was demanding that Iraq pay a debt, even though Hussein felt that the debt should?e been forgiven, because Hussein had defended Kuwait against aggression earlier; and that Kuwait was selling oil that Hussein thought was on the Iraq side of the border. When Hussein made noises towards Kuwait to try to engage them in negotiations over these issues, Kuwait ignored him, which made Hussein all the more angry. Combined with the fact that Hussein was feeling more and more powerles s for a variety of reason, not the least of which was the fact that he couldn? rely on the Soviet Union to help him out anymore, and the situation became a virtual powder keg. Hussein invaded Kuwait, and the United States intervened and made war on Hussein, and this is what caused the Persian Gulf War. This essay will examine the decision-making process of the key players in this conflict. Definition of Foreign Policy The grounds for examining the Persian Gulf War is in accordance with the theories set forth by Hudson (2006).1 She explains that international relations has a ground for its field of study, and that is that what occurs between nations and across nations is grounded in the decision-makers acting singly or in groups.2 That means that the individuals who are a part of the major decisions have a certain way that they perceive and look at the world, and this world view is what impacts their decisions. They are shaped by the world around them, and this is the basis of concer n for Hudson's analysis. She states that the analysis may be multifactorial, which is taking into account different levels of decision-making, and there also may be an agent-oriented theory that grounds the decision-making process. This is assuming that human beings are the true agent, and that international politics and change comes from the world view of these agents.3 This is the theory upon which this paper is based. Bush and his Advisors Reasons for Going to War            Liberman (2007)4 proposes that punitiveness was one motivation behind the decision-makers decision to go to war in the Persian Gulf. In his article, he examines the nature of moral punitiveness, then suggests that President George H.W. Bush might have been motivated by this when Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait. Moral punitiveness has a basis in social psychology, explains Liberman (2007).5 Retribution is another word that Liberman (2007) uses interchangeably with moral punitive ness, and states that retribution is the basis for many moral decisions in public life.6            Liberman (2007)7 states that one of the decisions that is shaped by moral punitiveness is the death penalty, and whether one believes that it should be legal or not. He states that a large percentage of people who believe in the death penalty believe in it because it is
Friday, July 26, 2019
Strategic Fashion Marketing Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Strategic Fashion Marketing - Assignment Example The paper "Strategic Fashion Marketing" concerns strategic marketing in fashion. The contemporary fashion market is mainly for clients who are adventurous and aware of the current fashion trend. Contemporary outfits closely look like those seen on the runway only that they are sold at a different price, which is lower. The rise in status of contemporary fashion can be attributed to the changing tastes in artistic things among other factors. There are various marketing trends currently being used to market fashion wear. Technology and new inventions have seen the rise of many marketing strategies that are better and easier. Two contemporary fashion-marketing trends that will be influential over the next five years in the global fashion industry are mobile marketing and e-marketing. These fashion-marketing trends are important for various reasons. Many people have become very busy with daily activities be it official, academic or home chores. For this reason, they have very little time left for social activities including shopping for clothes. Things have been made easier by technology using the internet and mobile facilities like phones. Changing times have seen the rise in the use of these two marketing strategies. Internet has become readily available and this goes for mobile facilities as well. Mobile marketing is important because many people in various regions can be reached. This means that the market base for contemporary fashion is expanded and in turn, more sales are made.
Investment & privet banking Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words
Investment & privet banking - Essay Example ts of the developing countries but to those markets that are exposed in high risks because of their structure – for example the USA market is a risky one as USA is a global center of commerce; at the next level, USA has an extremely high export activity which means that appropriate mechanisms need to exist for the management of the relevant funds. Particular reference is made to the USA market because the specific market is closely related with current recession – a phenomenon that led to the need for immediate update of existing investment practices. More specifically, the last decade the firms operating in the US financial sector have promoted a specific investment tool: the sub-prime loans. These financial products were initially considered as an appropriate solution for a high profit; however, the potentials for repayment of the loans on which these products were based were not taken into consideration. At the same time, a specific framework of banking activities wa s formulated: the private banking (or wealth management). Private banking has been a secure (alternative) solution for those investors that would like to increase their wealth through innovative investments decisions and proactive investment planning. Indeed, the private banking helped the market to be kept stable when the recession was initially developed – in early 2008. However, the private banking has a weak point (which is considered also as its advantage): it is provided only to customers with high investment ability (those customers that their wealth is extremely high). When the recession first appeared the private banking, as noted above, helped to minimize – as possible – the effects of the crisis. However, it was soon proved that investors that had chosen the specific mode of banking support had suffered severe financial losses. Managers in the banking sector worldwide started then to integrate the private banking in other sectors of their organization s. The specific issue has
Thursday, July 25, 2019
Sources for Early Islam Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Sources for Early Islam - Essay Example various historical books like the God’s Caliph have history about Islam community as well as their Islamic faith, the state of our Allah in the society and our roles as individuals in the Islam faith. The Holly book of Quran has all the obligations of each Muslim in their society. The holy book of Quran has full account of the life history of Mohamed and his role in shaping the faith of Muslims. Furthermore, parents also do much in teaching their children about the Islamic faith. Moreover, we can use the scriptures, the hadiths and the biographies as historical sources of information in various ways. For instance by constant reading of the scripture, we can get the historical information about the important people in the Muslim community and their roles in our society that they played. For instance by reading the scriptures about Mohamed we can typically deduce the various roles he played in shaping the faith of Muslims. In that instance we use the scripture to show us whatever Mohamed and other prophets did in the times before we were born. Similarly, the hadiths are also a collection of all the reports about the actions, words and teachings of the prophet Mohamed. That can be used as a source of history on the things and deeds about the great prophet. These are history about the whereabouts and deeds of the prophet after his death in the Islamic society. Most of our clerics and jurist vindicate the hadiths. However, varied scholars classify these hadiths very dissimilarly. These hadiths help people in proper understanding of the Quran in great depth. Therefore we use the hadiths as historical source in determining what the Prophet Mohamed did in the historical past. Biographies are also significant part of the Muslim history. These are accounts of prominent individuals in the history of the Islam faith,. They account the life events of these people in the society. Through reading of these biographies we come to understand how history unveils by re visiting
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Walmart Company Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Walmart Company - Research Paper Example While the Walmart itself denies most of these charges, it does agree that these unethical practices may be happening at the store level without the knowledge of the top management. However, Walmart continues to prevent unionization of its workers which means that the employees are more vulnerable than employees of other organizations (Paul, 2012). Walmart is also found to discriminate against female workers as it follows an implicit policy of hiring mostly male workers (Kampf, 2007). However, I think the discrimination is more within the store where the female employees may be given lesser salaries and incentives and where they may not be given any opportunities to get promoted or move ahead in their careers. There have been several cases of sexual discrimination against the company which indicates that this discrimination is a fact. In fact, there is a class action suit pending related to sexual discrimination based on statistics and data collected from Walmart’s stores world wide, and this could result in billions of dollars of money lost for the company. The only answer that Walmart seems to have is that again, the top management was not aware of any discriminatory practices that may be happening at the store level. However, by simply stating that the top management was not aware of the unethical practices at the store level, the top management should not be allowed to shun responsibility. In fact, by stating that the top management is unaware of what happens at the store level.
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Federal health care policy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Federal health care policy - Essay Example tient Protection and Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) is an example of federal health policy that was passed and enacted in March 2010 (Cronin & Aponte, 2012). Over the past decades, federal health care policies have been criticized based on their implementation, effectiveness and consistencies with the constitutional framework of federalism. This paper, therefore, primarily aims at describing how the Obamacare raises the question of federalism, including the pros and cons in debates about the policy. It also provides the effectiveness of this policy and its consistency with the constitutional framework of federalism. President Obama signed the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act into law, in March 2010 (Cronin & Aponte, 2012). He outlined that Obamacare program will introduce tax credits that will help small businesses offer insurance to their employees, restrict insurance firms to drop or limit a patient’s coverage due to illness, enable individuals with pre-existing conditions to quality for insurance, and allow people of up to 26 year remain on their parent or guardian’s policies (Cronin & Aponte, 2012). A number of reforms, under this bill, have been implemented while others are scheduled for implementation, in the next few years. Both the Democrats and Republicans have since criticized the bill, even after it was passed by congress. They argue that this bill will only reduce the access and quality to healthcare, and reduce a person’s ability to purchase health insurance (Cronin & Aponte, 2012). The debate about Obamacare concerns its effectiveness in enabling all Americans access and pay for their health insurance plans. People supporting Obamacare argues that this legislation builds on the existing health care system, and uses the available medical providers, doctors and plans. It also provides affordable and accessible healthcare for Americans (Jacobs & Skocpol, 2012). Patients will be able to negotiate about health care decisions with their
Monday, July 22, 2019
Automotive industry Essay Example for Free
Automotive industry Essay In compliance with the fulfillment of the requirements on the course â€Å"Writing in the Discipline†and in accordance with your oral instructions dated November 19, 2013, we are submitting our library research paper entitled â€Å"The Uses of Automobiles†. The main purpose of this research paper is to know automobiles and its uses, to explain the advantages and disadvantages that automobiles bring to the society, and to suggest ways on how to conserve energy using new technologies of automobiles. We hope that this paper will meet your approval. Respectfully yours, Kenneth Llauderes and Mark Joseph Sueta BSME- 1 BSME- 1. The Uses of Automobiles A Library Research Paper Presented to Mrs. Astrid O. Haresco Faculty, Department of Languages Western Institute of Technology In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Course ENGLISH 2- Writing in the Discipline By Kenneth Llauderes- BSME 1 Mark Joseph Sueta- BSME 1 February 2014 Table of Contents Page †¢Introduction 1 ?History 2 ?Contribution to the society 4 †¢Application of automobile as Transportation 5 ?Automobile Industry 5 ?Automobile Racing 6 ?Automobiles Business 9 †¢New Technologies of Automobiles 11 ?Antipollution Strategies 11 ?Safety Features 12 ?Hybrid- Electric Vehicles 13? Computers and Navigation Devices 14 ?Eco- Friendly Automobile 16 ?Other Improvements 19 †¢Conclusion 20 †¢Recommendation 20 †¢Bibliography 21 Llauderes, K. Sueta, M. J. â€Å"The uses of automobiles†. Western Institute of Technology. 2014 Automobiles transport people in a more comfortable and more efficient manner. It is a propelled vehicle used primarily on public roads but adaptable to other surface. They are classified by size, style, number of doors and intended use. The typical automobile also called a car, auto, motorcar, and passenger car, has four wheels and can carry up to six people including a driver. The researchers travelled and gathered information from the correct and truthful data from the internet and different libraries in Iloilo. The researchers conclude that automobiles change the world and the lives of the people because it has a profound impact on the society. As a whole it played a very important role in the society and it is one of the key elements of industrial economies and no doubt, it will continue to shape our culture and economy well into the next generations. The researchers recommend that the overnment agencies especially Department of Transportation and Communication (DOTC) support the production of automobiles that have antipollution features and they must impose rules and regulations, and build more highways and bridges in response on the increasing number of automobiles. THESIS STATEMENT: Automobiles transport people in a more comfortable and more efficient manner. I. What is an automobile A. Definition B. History C. Contribution to the society II. Application of automobile as Transportation A. Automobile Industry B. Automobile Racing C. Automobiles Business III. New Technologies of Automobiles A. Antipollution Strategies B. Safety Features C. Hybrid- Electric Vehicles D. Computers and Navigation Devices E. Eco- Friendly Automobile F. Other Improvements Introduction An automobile is a self- propelled vehicle used primarily on public roads but adaptable to other surfaces. They are classified by size, style, number of doors and intended use. The typical automobile also called a car, auto, motorcar, and passenger car, has four wheels and can carry up to six people including a driver. Larger vehicles designed to carry more passengers are called vans, minivans, omnibuses, or buses. In this paper, those used to carry cargo are called pickups or trucks, depending on their size and design. Minivans are van- style vehicles built on a passenger car frame that can usually carry up to eight passengers. Sport- utility vehicles, also known as SUVs are more rugged than passenger cars and are designed for driving in mud or snow. The researchers chose automobile as their topic among all the topics because it is the one that people uses in their daily lives as transportation and because it is one of the key elements of industrial economies and no doubt it will continue to shape their culture and economy well into the next generations. This paper is intended to analyze and examine how technology especially automobiles change the world and the lives of the people. This paper is all about automobiles, its history, uses and countries that produce automobiles. It also discusses about the advantages and disadvantages that automobiles bring to them. It also focuses on the manufacture and servicing of automobiles. 1 This paper is gathered from the correct and truthful data from different libraries in Iloilo and by the use of the internet, the researchers also gathered some data from different resources. They use the information from the latest resources of the library. They also travelled in nearby provinces of Iloilo to collect knowledge that they apply in this paper. This paper is divided into three parts namely: what is an automobile; application of automobile as transportation and; new technologies of automobile to support the thesis statement: automobiles transport people in a more comfortable and more efficient manner. History The history of the automobile actually began about 4,000 years ago when the first wheel was used for transportation in India. In the early 15th century the Portuguese arrived in China and the interaction of the two cultures led to a variety of new technologies, including the creation of a wheel that turned under its own power. By the 1600s small steam-powered engine models had been developed, but it was another century before a full-sized engine-powered vehicle was created. In 1769 French Army officer Captain Nicolas-Joseph Cugnot built what has been called the first automobile. Cugnot’s three-wheeled, steam-powered vehicle carried four persons. Designed to move artillery pieces, it had a top speed of a little more than 3. 2 km/h (2 mph) and had to stop every 20 minutes to build up a fresh head of steam 2 As early as 1801 successful but very heavy steam automobiles were introduced in England. Laws barred them from public roads and forced their owners to run them like trains on private tracks. In 1802 a steam-powered coach designed by British engineer Richard Trevithick journeyed more than 160 km (100 mi) from Cornwall to London. Steam power caught the attention of other vehicle builders. In 1804 American inventor Oliver Evans built a steam-powered vehicle in Chicago, Illinois. French engineer Onesiphore Pecqueur built one in 1828. British inventor Walter Handcock built a series of steam carriages in the mid-1830s that were used for the first omnibus service in London. By the mid-1800s England had an extensive network of steam coach lines. Horse-drawn stagecoach companies and the new railroad companies pressured the British Parliament to approve heavy tolls on steam-powered road vehicles. The tolls quickly drove the steam coach operators out of business. During the early 20th century steam cars were popular in the United States. Most famous was the Stanley Steamer, built by American twin brothers Freelan and Francis Stanley. A Stanley Steamer established a world land speed record in 1906 of 205. 44 km/h (121. 573 mph). Manufacturers produced about 125 models of steam-powered automobiles, including the Stanley, until 1932. 3 Contribution to the society The automobile has had a profound impact on the society. It has brought superhighways, paved bridges, motels, vacations, suburbia and economic growth which accompanied them. Automobiles provide a great deal of personal freedom to their owners. The article by journalist Kevin A. Wilson provides a history of automobile design and production in the United States, and surveys recent efforts to develop lower- and zero-emissions vehicles, such as electric cars and diesel-electric hybrid cars. As suburbs, generally without public transportation, grew, cars became necessary and auto sales increased. Easy credit facilitated the purchase of cars. The number of cars on the road leaped from 40 million in 1950 to 60 million in 1960. The Federal Highway Act of 1956 created the Interstate Highway System, a 68,400-km (42,500-mi) network of limited-access highways. This system spurred further suburban growth. Technological advances transformed production. The new machine-tool industry, a trail of inventions, including the telephone, typewriter, linotype, phonograph, electric light, cash register, air brake, refrigerator car, and automobile, led to new industries. Business leaders learned how to operate and coordinate many different economic activities across broad geographic areas. Businesses were thus able to become larger, and the modern corporation became an important form of business organization. 4 Application of Automobile as Transportation Automobile industry Automobile Industry is an industry that produces automobiles and other gasoline-powered vehicles, such as buses, trucks, and motorcycles. The automobile industry is one of the most important industries in the world, affecting not only the economy but also the cultures of the world. It provides jobs for millions of people, generates billions of dollars in worldwide revenues, and provides the basis for a multitude of related service and support industries. Automobiles revolutionized transportation in the 20th century, changing forever the way people live, travel, and do business. The automobile has enabled people to travel and transport goods farther and faster, and has opened wider market areas for business and commerce. The auto industry has also reduced the overall cost of transportation by using methods such as mass production (making several products at once, rather than one at a time), mass marketing (selling products nationally rather than locally), and globalization of production (assembling products with parts made worldwide). From 1886 to 1898, about 300 automobiles were built, but there was no real established industry. A century later, with automakers and auto buyers expanding globally, automaking became the worlds largest manufacturing activity, with nearly 58 million new vehicles built each year worldwide. 5 As a result of easier and faster transportation, the United States and world economies have become dependent on the mobility that automobiles, trucks, and buses provide. This mobility allowed remote populations to interact with one another, which increased commerce. The transportation of goods to consumers and consumers to goods has become an industry in itself. The automobile has also brought related problems, such as air pollution, the emission of greenhouse gases that contribute to global warming, congested traffic, and highway fatalities. Nevertheless, the automobile industry continues to be an important source of employment and transportation for millions of people worldwide. Automobile Racing Automobile Racing is a sport in which drivers race specially designed automobiles over tracks or courses of differing lengths, designs, and constructions. The competition tests the skills of the drivers, the speed capabilities of the vehicles, and the endurance of both. Originally consisting of occasional challenges among wealthy individuals in the United States and continental Europe, automobile racing has evolved into an international year-round professional sport that is one of the most popular spectator attractions in the world. There are three basic types of race courses in automobile racing: (1) the oval track, (2) the road course, and (3) the straight-line course. Oval tracks, which can be dirt, asphalt, or concrete, range in length from 0. 16 to 2. 5 mi 6 (0. 27 to 4 km). Some oval tracks, longer than 1 mi (1. 6 km) and highly banked (angled toward the ground), are called superspeedways. Road courses have either of two forms: courses that are created by temporarily closing city streets, and courses specially designed to duplicate the twists and turns of country roads but used only for racing. Road courses of both types are generally 1. 5 to 4 mi (2. 4 to 6. 4 km) long in the United States, sometimes longer in other countries. Straight-line courses consist of a simple strip of asphalt or concrete used for drag races between two vehicles. Straight-line courses are generally 0. 25 mi (0. 4 km) long, but they can be 0. 125 mi (0. 2 km) long as well. There are five basic components of an automobile racing team: (1) the ownership, (2) the team manager, (3) the driver, (4) the support crew, and (5) the sponsors. The ownership of the car is in charge of the team but usually employs a manager to run operations on a day-to-day basis. The driver is always an independent contractor. Drivers usually compete in a variety of different cars for different owners throughout their careers. The support crew maintains the car before, during, and after races. The driver and support crew work together during races to handle needed repairs, tire changes, and fuel refills (done during brief service breaks known as pit stops). Finally, sponsors, usually corporations, provide money to the racing team in exchange for promotional ties. The most obvious examples of this relationship are company and product logos, which are commonly seen on the outside of vehicles during races. 7 Although there are many categories of automobile racingâ€â€and many types and levels of competition within each categoryâ€â€the major forms of the sport differ in the United States and abroad. In most parts of the world, the premier race series are those for Formula One (F1) vehicles and for sports cars. These competitions receive less attention in the United States, where the most important race series are those for Indianapolis (Indy) cars and for stock cars. Some drivers and teams move between American and overseas forms of racing, but this are uncommon. The coordinating committee for automobile racing in the United States is the Automobile Competition Committee for the United States (ACCUS), which serves as the U. S. representative on the Federation International de lAutomobile (FIA; International Automobile. Federation), the worldwide governing body of the sport. ACCUS coordinates activities between FIA and six major sanctioning bodies for automobile racing in the United Statesâ€â€addressing rules, regulations, automotive specifications, safety, and related matters. The eight organizational members of ACCUS are Championship Auto Racing Teams (CART), National Association for Stock Car Auto Racing (NASCAR), Indy Racing League (IRL), Grand American Road Racing Association (GRAND-AM), Professional Sports Car Racing (PSC), the Sports Car Club of America (SCCA), the National Hot Rod Association (NHRA), and the United States Auto Club (USAC). 8 Automobile Business Automobiles have changed and developed in response to consumer wishes, economic conditions, and advancing technology. The first gas-powered vehicles looked like horse buggies with engines mounted underneath because this was the style to which people were accustomed. By 1910, however, features like the front-mounted engine were already established, giving the automobile a look that was all its own. As public demand for cars increased, the vehicles became more stylized. The classic cars of the 1920s and 1930s epitomize the sleek, individually designed luxury cars called the â€Å"classic cars. †During the 1940s and 1950s, automobiles generally became larger until the advent of the â€Å"compact†car, which immediately became a popular alternative. The gasoline crisis is reflected in the fuel-efficient cars made in the 1970s and 1980s. Current designs continue to reflect economy awareness, although many different markets exist. In a turnaround economy like India, small can mean handsome returns. As auto makers Suzuki and Hyundai, focused on the sub-compact segment. It is thanks to buoyant small-car sales by their subsidiaries here that both Hyundai and Suzuki have posted record earnings growth, in the midst of a severe global downturn. It suggests a growth-driver role for the domestic automobile industry, and not merely in terms of volumes and sales. 9 The auto companies and ancillary makers are confident of posting 10 percent rise in business, provided barriers to free movement of goods are removed. Over 80 percent of the players in the automobile industry, having units in north India, said business activities could grow by 10 per cent while 20 per cent of the respondents said business was likely to go beyond 10 percent, a survey conducted by the PHD Chamber of Commerce and Industry said. Reeling under subdued demand for long, the domestic steel industry now hopes that the proposal to reduce excise duty on automobiles in the Interim Budget 2014-15 would spur demand for flat products. The proposal to reduce excise duty on automobiles in the current economic environment is a welcome step, however it would have been more meaningful and impactful if the excise duty on steel would have been reduced, Essar Steel. Leaving direct taxes untouched except for continuing the income tax surcharge on super-rich individuals and corporate, the Interim Budget today slashed excise duty on cars and two-wheelers, and capital goods and consumer durables to boost manufacturing and growth. 10 New Technologies of Automobiles Antipollution Strategies Pollution-control laws adopted at the beginning of the 1990s in some of the United States and in Europe called for automobiles that produced better gas mileage with lower emissions. The California Air Resources Board required companies with the largest market shares to begin selling vehicles that were pollution freeâ€â€in other words, electric. In 1996 General Motors became the first to begin selling an all-electric car, the EV1, to California buyers. The all-electric cars introduced so far have been limited by low range, long recharges, and weak consumer interest. Engines that run on hydrogen have been tested. Hydrogen combustion produces only a trace of harmful emissions, no carbon dioxide, and a water-vapor by-product. However, technical problems related to the gas’s density and flammability remains to be solved. Diesel engines burn fuel more efficiently, and produce fewer pollutants, but they are noisy. Popular in trucks and heavy vehicles, diesel engines are only a small portion of the automobile market. A redesigned, quieter diesel engine introduced by Volkswagen in 1996 may pave the way for more diesels, and less pollution, in passenger cars. 11 Safety Features. Manufacturers continue to build lighter vehicles with improved structural rigidity and ability to protect the driver and passengers during collisions. Bumpers evolved as rails or bars to protect the front and rear of the car’s body from damage in minor collisions. Over the years, bumpers became stylish and, in some cases, not strong enough to survive minor collisions without expensive repairs. Eventually, government regulations required bumpers designed to withstand low-speed collisions with less damage. Some bumpers can withstand 4-km/h (2. 5-mph) collisions with no damage, while others can withstand 8-km/h (5-mph) collisions with no damage. Modern vehicles feature crumple zones, portions of the automobile designed to absorb forces that otherwise would be transmitted to the passenger compartment. Passenger compartments on many vehicles also have reinforced roll bar structures in the roof, in case the vehicle overturns, and protective beams in the doors to help protect passengers from side impacts. Seat belt and upper-body restraints that relax to permit comfort but tighten automatically during an impact are now common. Some car models are equipped with shoulder-restraint belts that slide into position automatically when the car’s doors close. 12. An air bag is a high-speed inflation device hidden in the hub of the steering wheel or in the dash on the passenger’s side. Some automobiles have side-impact air bags, located in doors or seats. At impact, the bag inflates almost instantaneously. The inflated bag creates a cushion between the occupant and the vehicle’s interior. Air bags first appeared in the mid-1970s, available as an optional accessory. Today they are installed on all new passenger cars sold in the United States. Air bags inflate with great force, which occasionally endangers a child or infant passenger. Some newer automobile models are equipped with switches to disable the passenger-side air bags when a child or infant is traveling in the passenger seat. Automakers continue to research ways to make air-bag systems less dangerous for frail and small passengers, yet effective in collisions. Hybrid- Electric Vehicles While some developers searched for additional alternatives, others investigated ways to combine electricity with liquid fuels to produce low-emissions power systems. The hybrid-electric vehicle (HEV) uses both an electric motor or motors and a gasoline or diesel engine that charges the batteries in order to extend the distance that the vehicle can travel without having to recharge the batteries. An HEV at a stoplight typically sits silent, burning no fuel and making no pollution, if the batteries are sufficiently charged. If driven slowly, as in heavy traffic, the vehicle might move only on electric power. 13 Only when more power is demanded for acceleration or to move a heavy load, does the gasoline or diesel engine come into play. Two automobiles with such hybrid engines, the Toyota Prius and the Honda Insight, became available in the late 1990s. The Prius hit automobile showrooms in Japan in 1997, selling 30,000 models in its first two years of production. The Prius became available for sale in North America in 2000. The Honda Insight debuted in North America in late 1999. Both vehicles promised to double the fuel efficiency of conventional gasoline-powered cars while significantly reducing toxic emissions. The Ford Motor Company introduced the first U. S. -made hybrid when it began production for the Ford Escape Hybrid in August 2004. The 2005 model year Escape was also the first hybrid in the sport-utility vehicle (SUV) category. Electric Car. Computers and Navigation Devices Computer control of automobile systems increased dramatically during the 1990s. The central processing unit (CPU) in modern engines manages overall engine performance. Microprocessors regulating other systems share data with the CPU. Computers manage fuel and air mixture ratios, ignition timing, and exhaust-emission levels. They adjust the antilock braking and traction control systems. In many models, computers also control the air conditioning and heating, the sound system, and the information displayed in the vehicle’s dashboard. 14 Expanded use of computer technology, development of stronger and lighter materials, and research on pollution control will produce better, â€Å"smarter†automobiles. In the 1980s the notion that a car would â€Å"talk†to its driver was science fiction; by the 1990s it had become reality. Onboard navigation was one of the new automotive technologies in the 1990s. By using the satellite-aided global positioning system (GPS), a computer in the automobile can pinpoint the vehicle’s location within a few meters. The onboard navigation system uses an electronic compass, digitized maps, and a display screen showing where the vehicle is relative to the destination the driver wants to reach. After being told the destination, the computer locates it and directs the driver to it, offering alternative routes if needed. Some cars now come equipped with GPS locator beacons, enabling a GPS system operator to locate the vehicle, map its location, and if necessary, direct repair or emergency workers to the scene. Cars equipped with computers and cellular telephones can link to the Internet to obtain constantly updated traffic reports, weather information, route directions, and other data. Future built-in computer systems may be used to automatically obtain business information over the Internet and manage personal affairs while the vehicle’s owner is driving. 15. Eco- Friendly Automobile Eight decades after the American auto industry turned away from the electric car in favor of gas-powered vehicles, the giant General Motors Corporation (GM) made a heralded return to the market with the first mass-produced version in the modern era, the EV1. The completely battery-powered $34,000 car, in development by GM since the late 1980s, was delivered amid fanfare to select dealerships in Arizona and southern California on December 5, 1996. Boasting a 137-horsepower engine that can silently accelerate from 0 to 97 km/h (0 to 60 mph) in less than nine seconds, the EV1. (Electric Vehicle 1) is hailed by some observers as an automotive breakthrough. With few moving. parts there is little regular maintenance required and no tailpipe emissions at all. Engineered to be ultralight and extremely aerodynamic to conserve energy, the EV1 is the first electric car to be made entirely from scratch as a battery-powered vehicle since the early years of the century, when as many as one-third of automobiles were electric. Most current electric cars are converted gas-powered vehicles, such as an electricity-powered Ford Ranger introduced in the summer of 1996. The EV1 was first shown to the public as a prototype model called Impact at the 1990 Los Angeles Auto Show. Consumer trials followed, as GM worked to overcome the challenges posed by an electric car: the limited travel range before needing a recharge, size and weight restrictions, power-draining auxiliaries 16 (such as heating systems), and the lack of an infrastructure of charging stationsâ€â€the â€Å"gas stations†of the 21st century, according to electric vehicle backers. But there are also critics of the EV1, who point to the automobiles relatively high cost and its limited range of 113 to 145 km (70 to 90 m) before its lead-acid batteries must be recharged. The special device that can recharge the EV1 in about three hours costs an extra $2000. (Fully charging from a regular household outlet takes about 15 hours. ) Many of the doubters believe that battery technology is still too limited and that the EV1 risks ultimately hurting the cause of alternative-fuel vehicles. The more advanced nickel-metal hydride battery, which can hold a greater charge than a lead-acid battery, is just now becoming commercially available. Others argue that hybrid carsâ€â€combining electric power with internal-combustion technology hold the best promise for the future of the automobile. Other criticisms of the EV1 include the fact that the sporty vehicle is small, holding just two people. Because electric cars generally do not perform well in cold weather, the EV1 is available only in a few warm-climate cities to start outâ€â€Los Angeles and San Diego in California, and Phoenix and Tucson in Arizona. GM plans to make and leaseâ€â€rather than sellâ€â€only a few thousand cars in the initial rollout. Critics of electric cars achieved a victory in March 1996, when Californias Air Resources Board (ARB) pulled back its controversial regulations that would have forced major auto companies to make zero emission vehicles (ZEVs) account for at least 2 percent of their sales in the state starting in 1998. While the 17 ARB backed down on the first restriction, after being heavily lobbied by auto company representatives who argued that the technology was not adequately advanced, it retained the ambitious requirement that 10 percent of all new car fleets be ZEVs by 2003. The air quality of Californias urban areas is among the worst in the United States, and other pollution-plagued regions around the country are beginning to pass similar electric-car measures to address the problem. Beyond the threat of air quality regulations, General Motors is eyeing the electric vehicle as an important new product. They believe that consumers concerned about air pollution levels and rising gasoline prices will be interested in purchasing electric cars. The worlds largest automobile manufacturer, GM was able to devote the resources necessary for such a costly, large-scale projectâ€â€an estimated $350 million in development costs. The company has made the EV1 such a priority that it created a special division for the vehicle and bestowed the corporate name of General Motors on a car for the first time in history (although it is being marketed and distributed by GMs Saturn division). The EV1 is only the first of a variety of low- and zero-emission vehicles that are expected from auto manufacturers in the next several years. The Honda EV, powered by nickel-metal hydride batteries, is expected in 1997, and electric cars from automakers such as Ford, Toyota, and Chrysler are planned for release no later than 1998. GM also hopes to expand its line of electric cars in the near future, including an electric Chevrolet pickup truck targeted at commercial vehicle fleets in 1997. 18 Other Improvements During the 1980s and 1990s, manufacturers trimmed 450 kg. (1,000 lb) from the weight of the typical car by making cars smaller. Less weight, coupled with more efficient engines, doubled the gas mileage obtained by the average new car between 1974 and 1995. Further reductions in vehicle size are not practical, so the emphasis has shifted to using lighter materials, such as plastics, aluminum alloys, and carbon composites, in the engine and the rest of the vehicle. Looking ahead, engineers are devising ways to reduce driver errors and poor driving habits. Systems already exist in some locales to prevent intoxicated drivers from starting their vehicles. The technology may be expanded to new vehicles. Anticollision systems with sensors and warning signals are being developed. In some, the car’s brakes automatically slow the vehicle if it is following another vehicle too closely. New infrared sensors or radar systems may warn drivers when another vehicle is in their â€Å"blind spot. †Catalytic converters work only when they are warm, so most of the pollution they emit occurs in the first few minutes of operation. Engineers are working on ways to keep the converters warm for longer periods between drives, or heat the converters more rapidly. 19 Conclusion. Based on the data presented in this paper, the researchers conclude that automobiles transport people in a more comfortable and more efficient manner because it is used in the daily lives of the people as transportation and it is also good for business. The researchers further conclude that the automobile has had a profound impact on the society. It has brought superhighways, paved bridges, motels, vacations, suburbia and economic growth which accompanied them. As a whole, the creation of automobile has played a very important role in the society and in the daily lives of the people because it is one of the key elements of industrial economies and no doubt, it will continue to shape the culture and economy well into the next generations. Recommendation Based on the conclusion, the researchers recommend the following: (1) That government agencies especially Department of Transportation and Communication (DOTC) support the production of hybrid- electric vehicles, and eco- friendly automobiles because these have antipollution features. (2) That the government should conduct further research about automobiles because the researchers only comply the library research paper having limited information. (3) That the government agencies should impose rules and regulations on the increasing number of automobiles; and or they should build more highways and bridges in response to this problem. Bibliography Bellis, Mary. (N. D. ). â€Å"Automobile history†. Retrieved on December 20, 2013 at www. about. com. Coffey, Frank. 2003. America on wheels: the first 100 years. United States of America: General Publishing. Crouse, William Harry. Automotive mechanics. United States of America: McGraw- Hill Inc. Grant, Alex. January, 2013. â€Å"Entrepreneur Philippines†. Covering all bases. Page 27. Inolino, Leth. July, 2013. â€Å"Entrepreneur Philippines†. Pushing.
Consumer Awareness of Market Economy
Consumer Awareness of Market Economy We know that the conditions of an economy do not remain static. The factors which influence it keep on changing. The rate of flow of funds also, changes with time in an economy, so people have funds available in different strengths at different moment of time. It affects the lives of people living in that economy because to satisfy their needs they require funds. People always feel a gap, positive or negative, between their needs and required funds. So they do their financial planning. In this project we have tried to find and analyse how and in which ways people are doing financial planning in the prevailing market situations. We have also tried to find the awareness of people about current market situations, awareness of financial planning among them and their interest area of investment. Financial Planning is not a very new concept in India. It had been in practice in earlier social systems also. In the past also, people used to do this in some ways. They used to purchasing pieces of land, jewellery and keep these with them for their bad days. Some of them kept their saved money with so called ‘Mahajanas who used to acting as banker. Though people in the past were involved in some kind of activities related to their financial planning, yet they were not very conscious and aware of the thing and were not doing this very actively. It was so because the joint family system was there in the society and also the economic conditions, in the country, were almost static and not as turbulent and volatile as in current scenario. So people did not feel so much insecure. But after industrial revolution, things started to change. People started to move towards cities in searching of new earning opportunities. This leaded to a dynamic economic condition in the country and a change in family structure in the society. This thing has been continuing for years in the country and today we can observe increasing number of nuclear families and varying economic conditions here. The needs of a person and his consumption habits have also changed significantly. Further, the priorities and these needs of a person also change with change in his life stage. So financial planning has become more relevant and important in current market scenario. But, How many persons are there who understand the meaning of financial planning? How many of them are actively doing it? In which ways are they doing their financial planning? These are some questions we need to find answers so that we can conclude to a result and can act accordingly. We have tried to find the answers of these questions in this project. Personal Financial Success: The Six-Level Pyramid  Using the six-level pyramid to help explain the various building blocks to financial success helps to reveal the development of financial planning and indications, at each level, if instruments that might be considered. At the first level of the pyramid, there are four stages that need to be considered. Before any phase of an action plan can be implemented, an individuals current situation must be determined. One must evaluate their personal income because the amount of money a makes directly affects the amount that person can save. After all debts and living expenses are subtracted form income, one can know how much to put in savings every week, month or year. The amount one puts in savings is very important. This will have bearing on a spouse, children, and retirement life. Saving money should become a top priority in the financial planning realm of life. Goals are another important factor in financial planning. Without goals, a person has nothing to strive for, nothing to look forward to. This should come with ease during the implementation of a financial action plan. Career choice plays a major role in ones ability to live at a certain level in society. There are many factors to consider when making a career choice. They include personal factors, social influences, economic conditions, and trends in the industry. A person must consider these things when deciding on a career if they want to have long-term success in any given profession or calling. Keeping good records and being organized is a necessity for a person with a successful financial action plan. After receipts have been found, invoices filed, and check numbers recorded, one can develop a budget. A budget simply allocates income to different areas of spending. For example, one family may spend two hundred and fifty dollars per week on groceries, while another only spends one hundred per week. A budget can be done on a weekly, bi-weekly , or monthly time frame basis. An important part of an overall budget is taxes. Taxes, in general, include federal and state, occasionally county expenses on land ownings and other purchases. A person should be fully aware of how to calculate their taxable income and on how to get help with taxes. The second level of the pyramid involves managing. The absolute first way to begin with money management is to get the money out of a pocket ( or from under a mattress ) and put it into am interest-bearing account. Before this can be done, however, the best bank suitable to a persons needs mus be located. To do this, one must evaluate the different banks rates, fees, and other factors such as number in branched in the area and the services offered. One should examine the gains and losses of having a checking account as well. Credit is a way of life for million of American today. In my opinion, one must be very cautious when choosing whether or not to use consumer credit. There are almost always hidden costs and consumer traps ready to suck a trusting person in. One should be aware of possible credit mistakes and try their best to avoid them. Also, spending far above ones personal income level can become a major problem if taken advantage of. In the market for loans, the most enduring statement is to Shop Around! A person will never know what could be gotten until they try to look for the best deal. One should be aware of the fluctuation of interest rates and the affect that they will have on the principle amount of money borrowed. The third level of the pyramid illustrates the major purchasing decisions in life. Should I buy that shiny new Mustang on credit or save that money for a down payment on a home in a nicer neighborhood? The allocation of personal funds is one of the most harrowing sets of decisions a person will ever make. The decision to purchase a home is in this set. This will probably be the most expensive purchase one will ever make. One should be sure that the purchase of a new home is not outrageously out of his or her income range and that it meets all of their needs. The second most important purchase would be that of a new vehicle. A car purchase can be an exciting time. Since cars are seen as status symbols in society today, most people attempt to buy one that they cannot afford. This can be ruining to credit and make daily expenses much harder. Day to day existence in todays society can be dangerous if a person does not have adequate insurance coverage for self, spouse, and children ( if any ). The fourth stage of the pyramid deals with the adequate amount of insurance. How much is too much or too little? Risk management is a major factor in this. For example, a race car driver is not going to get a good a rate of insurance as a middle aged accountant. Factors such as car accidents, speeding tickets, safety measures taken, and daily activities such as smoking or drinking all affect the amount different types of insurance will cost an individual. After life insurance, I believe that the next necessity is to have automobile and home insurance. These are the two most likely things that someone might have to call on insurance to cover. Health care and disability insurance truly comes in to play when one has a family, nut possibly when single if severe illness occurs frequently. Finally in the fourth level, a value must for life insurance must be chosen. This is directly affected on who will be left depending on money received from your life insurance. This insurance money can be left as a legacy, as a help for funeral expenses, or even a gift from the deceased. The fifth stage of this financial planning pyramid is about investing. There are four fundamental ways that one can invest. They are stocks, bonds, mutual funds, and real estate. Stocks are divided into two main categories, common stock and preferred stock. Common stock makes money by dividing the value of an investment three ways: income from dividends, dollar appreciation of the stock value, and stock splits. Preferred stock is similar to common stock. However, with preferred stock, the investor receives his/her cash dividends before the holders of common stock receive theirs. There are a number of factors that enable investors to evaluate the value of any certain stock. One can read daily newspapers, and gain information from professional in the stock market field. Bonds are divided into two main categories as well. A corporate bond is a corporations written pledge to repay a specified amount of money plus interest gained over a specific period of time. This total is referred to a s the face value of the bond. Corporations issue bonds in order to have available monies to finance expansions, takeovers, etc. This is referred to as debt financing for a corporation. The other type of bond is one that is issued by the federal, state or a local government agency. The bonds that the federal government sells are referred to as treasury bills, notes, bonds, or savings bonds. These are used to finance the national debt and for the governments everyday activities. A municipal bond is one that is issued by a state or local government. All three of these types are said to be generally risk-free. As a financial planner, I would advise my client to seriously look into bonds. Mutual funds are unique in the fact that there is diversification of the purchased portfolio. A persons money goes into a large pool, which a company then invests in many different stocks. The last type of fundamental investing is Real estate. There are different types of real estate investments. For ex ample, your home can be an investment if handled properly or one can purchase commercial property for resale only. The sixth and last stage of the pyramid involves retirement and estate planning. Taking steps now to ensure that a person has money during retirement is particularly important. This should be linked in with the amount of money chosen to save in part one of the financial planning program. Last of all, one must know a little about estate planning. There are legal and personal aspects of this matter. Estate planning is the plan for the disposition of ones property during ones lifetime and at ones death. Legally, everyone needs to have a last will and testament to ensure that their properties are distributed accordingly. A lawyer usually needs to be consulted on this matter. In summary, the most important aspect of financial planning is just what it states-PLANNING. A great deal of money can be gained and saved if the correct methods are incorporated into a persons everyday life and activities. OBJECTIVES We have conducted the study taking following objectives in our concern: To understand customers awareness about current market/ economic scenario. To understand customers awareness about financial planning. To understand how customers do their financial planning. Capture reasons for doing / not doing financial planning. Understand the key areas where investments and savings are made and rational reasons behind the same. Review of Literature Jim Gewert Named Executive Vice President of Worldwide Finance, Planning and Systems for Warner Bros. Home Entertainment Group An industry leader since its inception, WBHEG oversees the global distribution of content through packaged goods (Blu-ray Disc and DVD) and digital media in the form of electronic sell-through and video-on-demand via cable, satellite, online and mobile channels, and is a significant developer and publisher for console and online video game titles worldwide. AGL Resources; AGL Resources To Webcast 2010 Annual Meeting of Shareholders on April 27 During the meeting, AGL Resources Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer John W. Somerhalder II will provide an update on the companys financial and operating performance and its business strategy. 2010 MAY 1 ( AGL Resources (NYSE:AGL) will webcast its annual meeting of shareholders on Tuesday, April 27, at 10 a.m. Eastern Daylight Savings Time. During the meeting, AGL Resources Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer John W. Somerhalder II will provide an update on the companys financial and operating performance and its business strategy. The meeting will be held at the AGL Resources corporate headquarters at Ten Peachtree Place in Atlanta. Solutions Financial, Llc; Launches Personal Financial Planning Website The site includes personalized financial planning, budgeting, goal-setting tools and reports, a library of information and resources, blogs, tips, financial coaching help to manage money and community features such as forums, message boards and live chat for guidance and support. Financial Planning Steps Needed Now to Prepare for Health Care Bill Outcomes Even though the bill is still a few years from implementation, its not too soon to consider several financial planning strategies now to mitigate significant tax increases for the wealthy and the potential for increased borrowing costs for earners of all income levels, Kahler advises. Walking the Walk: A Financial Planner Teaching His Children In an interview, Daniel M. Stern, CFP, with his children, Lily and Benjamin, talked about financial planning for his kids. Stern said theyve been doing it two years now, since right after they talked. Looking at the idea of an allowance as something you give to the children; you dont base it upon work that theyre doing. Its so they can learn how to handle money and get a sense of the value of money and what can be done with it or not done with it. When it came to charity, they were trying to do it every week, but its not that big of an amount to give. Ben thinks its great. It gives them experience to know how to handle money. Lily also thinks its really good. Stern added that toward the last part of the year they had to adopt a spending moratorium. He thinks in todays society theres a huge amount of materialism. Lessons from Her Father Its no surprise that 30-year-old Kimberly Allman has her finances in order. Her parents guidance dovetailed with her own financial self-discipline. A Cornell Law School alum, Allman uses her financial sensibilities in two jobs: as manager at a nonprofit that helps homeowners avoid foreclosure, and as president of Allman Financial Planning LLC, her own personal finance consultancy. Allmans father helped to shape her relationship with money. Allman who is single, now follows her fathers example when she doles out advice to clients regarding debt, credit scores, and investments, among other concerns. In addition to her law degree, Allman has a bachelors in psychology and political science from Duke University, and shes set to receive a certificate in financial planning from Boston University this spring. While in school she avoided frills and kept expenses to a minimum. To reach her current level of financial security, Allman resisted shopping for handbags and jewelry. Money on Your Mind: The Brains Role in Financial Decision-Making The sophistication of modern civilization masks the fact that the brains have evolved little since the Stone Age. The neural programming of human beings was optimized for physical survival, not contemporary challenges such as financial decision-making. The human brain has separate, dedicated centers for coping with situations that present imminent danger or attractive rewards. When triggered by highly stimulating personal or financial events, these centers can cause the brain to react reflexively, dampening the ability to think analytically. Technology gives people ready access to their credit, savings, and investment accounts. Unfortunately, this access makes it easier for people to act upon impulsive financial decisions. This paper examines a case study to demonstrate how perceived financial dangers or rewards can unconsciously trigger emotions that override their rational decision-making. Financial planners also can help their clients develop new methods to read to financial situa tions in a more analytical manner that is consistent with the clients primary values. A House Divided: Americans Have Two Distinct Views Of Retirement The financial turmoil of the past few years has taken a huge toll on Americas confidence about the future and apparent readiness for retirement, said Jamie Ohl, senior vice president and director of The Hartfords Retirement Plans Group. The Planning Dynamic But The Hartfords research shows that people who have taken the time to plan their retirement are generally in a better place financially and are significantly more optimistic about the future than those who have not planned, Ohl said. OppenheimerFunds Survey: When It Comes to College for Their Kids, Women Drive the Planning Process But Many Take a Back Seat on Finances Later College funding is an issue for women in college, after college and for decades after, for both parents and students alike. Because women outnumber men on college campuses by a factor of almost three to two, women pay the price literally and figuratively for poor college financial planning, frequently dropping out or graduating with debt that can cast a shadow over much of their adult life, affecting even their ability to retire, Winn said. The Financial Planning Association(R) of Arkansas iShares* Make $20,000 Contribution to Arkansas Aspiring Scholars Matching Grant Program For more information about the iShares 529 Plan, contact your financial advisor, call 1-888-529-9552 or visit to obtain a Program Description and Participation Agreement which includes investment objectives, risks, charges, expenses, and other important information; read and consider it carefully before investing or sending money. If you are not an Arkansas taxpayer, consider before investing whether your or the designated beneficiarys home state offers any state tax or other benefits that are only available for investments in such states qualified tuition program. METHODOLOGY Methodology is a strategy that guides a research in providing answers to research questions and for which, research survey is being done. This study has been carried in the following manner:- Methodology Adopted Questionnaire Design: The questionnaire was prepared covering the details about the client and the above objectives. The questions were designed in an easily understandable way with the help of (Miss. Nancy sahni ) that the respondents may not have any difficulty in answering them. The questionnaire also contained a comments section. This section was included so as to get opinion of the people. Random Sampling: Sampling can be defined as a part of population. Thus random sampling may be defined as the selection of a portion from the whole population in which each elements of the population has an equal chance of being selected. In this research survey people were surveyed at random to get the relevant information. Sampling Techniques: The sampling techniques used in this project are probability sampling techniques and the methods used in cluster sampling. Sampling Unit: The respondents who were asked to fill out questionnaires are the sampling units. In this survey these comprise of Govt. Employees and Self Employed persons. Sample size: The sample size was restricted to only 100 people between age group more than 25 years which comprised of mainly peoples from the area where the survey was conducted. Data Collection: Structured Questionnaire: In this part of data collection, structured questionnaire was used as a tool by asking a set of standardized questions which answers we needed to know. Interpretation: Interpretation refers to the task of drawing inference from the collected facts after an analytical study. The simple statistical tools are used to analyze the data collection. Bar Graphs and pie chart have been used to illustrate the findings diagrammatically. AREA OF SURVEY The survey was conducted in a village BEAS and Mehru which is situated in kapurthala district in Punjab. Though it is a town of almost 40,000 people yet its market caters the need of a large customer base which comprises of people, in addition to the town people, living in several villages that surround the town. It is situated near the BEAS river and second near Phagwara, so people from other side also come here for shopping. This is a reason that a big part of population here is involved in business and related activities. A good number of service class people are also present here, because of working of several Government organisations in the town. Block Office, Subdivision Office, Seema Suraksha Bal, Registration Office, Banks, Food Corporation of India, Irrigation Department, Public Work Department, Govt Schools, Municipal Office and also some other departments are working here. In financial institutions here these are present: State Bank of India (CBS) Punjab National bank of India (CBS) Bank of India Life Insurance Corporation of India ( Satellite Branch ) Bajaj Allianz LIC Co LTD ( Branch Office ) Rahika Co-operative Bank ( Branch Office ) Sahara India ( Branch Office ) Some other institutions like – Birla Sunlife, Reliance Life Insurance, ICICI Prudential also work here controlling their activities from Main branch. LIMITATIONS The report is prepared on the basis of responses given by the respondents and is confined to the area of survey, so it does not necessarily show a pattern applicable to other areas also. Some respondents were reluctant to divulge personal information which can affect the validity of all responses. In a rapidly changing environment, analysis on one day or in one segment can change very quickly. The environmental changes are vital to be considered in order to assimilate the findings.
Sunday, July 21, 2019
Equality and Diversity Case Study: ABC Concordia Healthcare
Equality and Diversity Case Study: ABC Concordia Healthcare Managing Equality and Diversity Lonita M. Tejano In this case study of ABC Concordia Healthcare Ltd is dedicated toward eradicating discrimination based on color or race, gender, age groups, ethnicity or national origins, disability, religious or ethical belief, sexual orientation, employment status, political opinion and marital status. This reporting requirement of stakeholders to be treated equally and deprived of discrimination. Consequently, the obligation of every stakeholder anticipates that they should not practice discriminations and have the same opportunities to all employees regardless of. Stakeholders believe that ABC Concordia Healthcare Ltd will act in accordance with legislations and compelling explanations stages to make sure stakeholder and the employee to be treated justly and with no discrimination further down the relations of any regulation in strength from the period of connecting to discrimination in occupation and the establishment of properties, services or amenities. Since ABC Concordia Healthcare Ltd is faithful to remove discrimination in selection process in recruitment sector, individual career development, relations of and conditions of employment, taking up benefits corresponding to work life balance policies an embodiment having flexible working requests, planning for training opportunities not restricted to equality and diversity, any complaint and disciplinary procedures of the employees, processing of resignation, selection redundancies, and dismissals and working with other organisations. ABC Concordia Healthcare Ltd is applying the policy like being accountable who is working with ABC and to all associates, affiliates and board directors, thus complaints of discrimination will be inspected. ABC Concordia Healthcare Ltd will be observed and recorded equal opportunities or benefits data about workforce, associates, colleague, and board of directors on the basis of age group of individual, gender, group of ethnicity, and disability. ABC Concordia Healthcare Ltd is responsib le for equal opportunities, facts to the Human Rights Services Commission and evaluation of the action of this policy every six months in a year. On the contrary, external stakeholders should not be discriminated. Their detailed prerequisites like disability should be addressed. Every individual should be restricted of discrimination and be treated equally because of social justice ABC Concordia Healthcare Ltd deliver equal opportunities evidence to the Human Rights Services Commission as a mandatory in relation to workforces and customers further down the relations of the legislation. Many commenters on New Zealand society consider these events both historical and present day a good example of social justice in this country. In a recent study, Michael Belgrave, Merata Kawham and David Williams (2005) showed that in the history of New Zealand, Michael, Merata, and David also found that unexpectedly, The Treaty of Waitangi was only implicitly debated by ten contributors only 4% of th e example and was connected with five different arrangements of social justice like tolerance, equal right, equal treatment, equal distribution and legislative. In addition, discrimination an argumentative effect on individual and groups like for example special effects on health and economic. ABC Concordia Healthcare Ltd will periodically reevaluate the policy of the organization operator every six months for a year, but it depends if there is non-compliance or problem concerning equality and diversity issues with clients and personnel identification more than regularly. At that point remedial action should be taken under the policy or barriers to equal opportunities. In addition to that, the policy will review and considering the outcome of monitoring and review actions under communication and training plans. The universal statement of ABC Concordia Healthcare Ltd provides fair treatment within the personnel and new job applicants to prevent discrimination. For occupation comprise the variety of employment development, circumstances and relations of employment, admission to working out opportunities, and admission to relocation and promotion, disciplinary measures, dress code, reductions of employees, layings-off of staff, positions, bonus outlines, work allocation and a ny other employment related activities. ABC Concordia Healthcare Ltd promotion and career development will be centered specially on merit. Therefore, promote a positive approach to the employees in agreement toward pertinent anti-discrimination legislation and encourages the staff to work better and it depends on their job performance .According to National Guard Health Affairs, Saudi Arabia staff benefits and compensation working in the Hospital, annual merit increase (from 0 to 3% of the employee’s basic salary for non-Nurses and up to 4% for Staff Nurses) upon contract renewal, based on performance appraisal, subject to availability of budget and salary cap restriction. In addition to that ABC Concordia Healthcare Ltd treat all employees equally and create a working environment which is free from unlawful discrimination and which respects the diverse backgrounds and beliefs of employees. ABC Concordia Healthcare Ltd acceptable optimistic arrangements or an allowable except ion standards selection do not illegally discriminate on the grounds of sex orientation corresponding to married employees, pregnancy, maternity and paternity leaved. Maternity Benefit Act (1961) stated that, aims toward stereotype of employment of women personnel in assuring institutions for influencing episodes before and after child birth and bargains for maternity and certain other benefits. Terms and conditions of service for employees will meet the terms with anti-discrimination legislations. Therefore, every woman intends to be eligible to, and her employer shall be accountable for the payment of maternity benefit, which is the amount billed to the staff at the percentage of the usual daily salary for the retrial of her real absence. ABC Concordia Healthcare Ltd will improve through audit a good example is an individual survey of the employee, team meetings in order to gather information and ideas on how to improve the organization, to update the role and responsibilities of the employee, policy and procedure improvement, distribution of resources in the organization and programs. Therefore, I conclude that diversity is a broad terminology than equality or equal opportunities. Diversity procedures and policies comprise all individuals by identifying that all of us have diverse individualities which create us exceptional organization’s advantage from captivating these into explanation when subscription services or hiring people. In contrast to equal opportunity, diversity is not about treating individuals in the same way, but rather it is about identifying and reacting to different necessities, practices and objectives and performing consequently. Diversity is a courtesy to equality of opportunity while equal opportunities checking to implement and investigate to gather information about certain individual in order to check the procedures and policy does not have a contrary impact on a particular group of individuals or aggregates to unlawful discrimination. Gathered information in relations to gender, age group, disability, color or race, ethical belief s or religion and some circumstances sexual orientation. Unlawful discrimination which includes the harassment and victimisation, direct discrimination and indirect discrimination. Positive action inspires individual to include with access to services under-represented individuals. Positive discrimination, in which individual makes a resolution on a particular characteristic like for instance color or race, gender preferences and disability.
Saturday, July 20, 2019
The Berlin Wall :: European History Cold War
The Berlin Wall Throughout the history of the World, there are many great facts, and things to learn. There is an abundance of information out there not only about our country but about the rest of the world also. After researching the Berlin Wall, I was quite interested, and did not realize what I was missing out on about the past history of our world. I am going to share all that I learned about the Berlin Wall, and how it made a difference in our past and future times. Â Â Â Â Â The Berlin Wall was built on the night between 12th and 13th August 1961. Everyone always asks why the Berlin Wall was built and what did it stand for. In 1945, following World War II, Germany was divided into two countries - East Germany and West Germany. East Germany was controlled by the communist regime of the Soviet Union while West Germany became a democracy supported by the United States. Berlin, the former capital city, although entirely within East German borders, was also split into two. On August 13, 1961, the German Democratic Republic (GDR) decided to block off East Berlin and West Berlin by means of a barbed wire. Streets were torn up, and barricades erected. Rail lines and the subway between East and West Berlin was torn up. People of East Berlin and the GDR were no longer allowed to enter West Berlin disrupting 60,000 commuters who were employed in West Berlin. Within the year, construction work began to build a solid wall separating the two cities. The German Democratic Republic along with 60,000 commuters, under the leadership of Erich Honecker. The Berlin Wall fell down on November 9th, 1989. In my opinion, the Berlin Wall was built simply because; Germany was controlled by Communist Regime, and by the Soviet Union. Those two groups are not going to get along, and that is why I believe they were split up. Â Â Â Â Â Since I learned to read music, and play it well, it has been a large part of my life. I learned that just playing the note on the page perfect is not music. To play music well, you have to feel it in your body, spirit, mind, and soul. The music that has been picked out this year, in my opinion, is the best music I have ever played. My favorite is 2nd Dawning, and not just because I have to write about it, but it really is.
Friday, July 19, 2019
Behavior Change Theories and Strategies Essay -- Psychology, Cognitive
To begin with,a health practisioner may fascilate behaviour change in an individual with a health risk behaviour through the application of different behaviour change theories and strategies. In general,health risk behaviours are actions which may threaten an individual's health causing negative effects(Barkway,2009).Until the mid 20th century,global health threats were primarily a result of infectious and communicable diseases.However,recently in developed countries,health threats are now posed by diseases in which lifestyle play a role in the causation and or management of illness.For instance,the modifiable risk factors for coronary heart disease,a leading cause of disease burden are tobacco smoking,high blood pressure and high colesterol level which are eventually related to health behaviour and lifestyle(Barkway,2009). This essay will first introduce the health risk behaviour,in this case,smoking.Secondly,it will decribes the theories or models of behaviour change, which are thecognitive and non cognitive theories, transtheoritical model of behaviour change and motivational interwiewing.Lastly,it will mention the different health strategies and how it aids in bringing about behaviour change followed by the conclusion. Jones(as cited in Jons and Creedy,2008) states that large proportion of the morbidity and mortality associated with lifestyle diseases is preventable.It is also estimated that 25 % of all cancer deaths and a large propotion of deaths from coronory heart disease and stroke could be prevented by modifying just one behaviour,that is,cigratte smoking(Taylor as cited in Jons and Creedy,2008).In addition,Allen(as cited in Jons and Creedy,2008) sta... ... and withdrawal symptoms. Currently, bupropion (Zyban) and varenicline (Chantix) are the only two medications that don’t contain nicotine which are approved as smoking cessation aids. These anti-smoking pills are intended for short-term use. (Lhrar,Segal&Smith,2008). To sum up,it seems that a health practisioner can fascilate behaviour change through the understanding and application of various behaviour change theories, and different considerable strategies.The different theories seem to educate and guide a health practisioner through the processes of behaviour change . It is also noted that, behaviour change requires willingness or determination from an individual with a health risk behaviour and a health practisioner's knowledge on how and through what strategies to bring about that change to achieve the goal of fascilating behaviour change.
Anne Hutchinson :: essays research papers fc
ANNE HUTCHINSON Anne Hutchinson made the journey to the New World to break away from the Church of England. Anne wanted to feel free to express her increasingly Puritan views. Upon expressing these views, the government of Massachusetts believed that Anne was a great threat to the social and political order of Massachusetts Bay. Anne Hutchinson had claimed that a holy life was no sure sign of salvation and that the truly saved need not bother to obey the law of either God or man (Cohen, 47). Anne was basically telling the people that if they were already chosen by God to go to heaven, it did not matter whether they attended church because they were already chosen to go to heaven. Her claim also meant that if they were not chosen by God to go to heaven, it did not matter if they went to church because they were already chosen to go to hell. This also meant that they didn’t have to listen to the law of man. This was a great threat towards the government of Massachusetts. If all peoples were to live by what Anne claimed, there would not be any law-abiding citizens. The whole state would turn into a state of corruption. The government of Massachusetts was not going to let this happen. It was the very life of the colony that they should have conformity. They had to protect the unity of the colony. The government felt that Anne challenged all male supremacy. Women like Anne Hutchinson, strong-willed and very talkative, were unheard of during this time period, and had no real place in society. The role of a woman during the colonization period of the New World was basically that of a housewife. The chief duty as a wife was to her husband and children. Gathering a select group at her home, she would review and even reinterpret the ministers’ sermons in the light of her own brand of Calvinism (Bailey, 45). She taught them that every person could ask and receive an answer from God if they would listen. If Anne would continue to express her thoughts amongst other women, all women would become a challenge to all male supremacy. The government of Massachusetts was forbidding letting this happen to their society.
Thursday, July 18, 2019
Confronting The Gap In Inclusive Education Education Essay
IntroductionThis chapter will look into an overview of the research findings on inclusive instruction policy of PWDs in Yangon, Myanmar. The chief determination of this research is through the single interview, leting the respondents to give their sentiments and general impact of the authorities IE policy execution for PWDs that is non supported by necessary conditions. There are a batch of jobs in both what made inclusive instruction success for pupils with disablements to larn besides made for high quality instruction for all and the enforcement of the policy. From the above conceptual model, several factors are at drama to the persisting challenges of accessing all inclusive instruction. They were tackled from independent variables viz. ; socio-cultural factors like the attitude of the parents of CWDs, faith, parental involvement and attitudes and the policy environment all can be explained as causal factors for the unequal CWDs entree to educational services. The Myanmar authorit ies does non hold any local ordinances sing the educational position of PWDs. Furthermore, the execution of the policy still has limited chances for CWDs and made many troubles in the realization of policy. Besides, the several challenges to entree inclusive instruction are socio-cultural attitude, faith, and the policy environment that can be explained as causal factors for the unequal CWDs entree to educational services. This chapter examines what is the construct of inclusive instruction and its policy model and execution in Myanmar, what are the authorities ‘s and stakeholders'A perceptual experiences of inclusive instruction, and what are the jobs of handiness to instruction faced by CWDs in Yangon Division. Basically, the findings of the field research have shown that the aim of inclusive instruction is to back up instruction for all, with particular accent on taking barriers to engagement and acquisition for CWDs but the execution of the inclusive instruction policy for people with disablements has shown small advancement therefore far. The basic instruction jurisprudence was promulgated in 1973 and amended in 1989 to enable every citizen of the Union of Myanmar to go a physical or mental worker good equipped with a basic instruction, good wellness and moral character. Furthermore, the survey besides found that Myanmar has formulated national EFA Goals as Myanmar ‘s demands and conte xt through a participatory procedure as EFA National Action Plan ( EFA-NAP ) since 2003 turn toing the demands of scholars who are vulnerable to marginalisation and exclusion through antiphonal educational chances. Furthermore, this research highlighted that the job faced by pupils with disablements is handiness to installations in mainstream schools. Accessibility in mainstream schools still limits the mobility and integrating for CWDs and remains the most critical modification factor on instruction sector. Furthermore, by the deficiency of educational assistive stuffs, the negative attitudes of the community and societal stigma reduced the assurance of PWDs. Besides, the function of engagement of PWDs in the policy preparation and execution procedures has non to the full participated. However, Myanmar ratified the CRPD on 7th December, 2011 and some handicapped people organisations ( DPOs ) have initiated protagonism plans to run for the rights of people with disablements including the rights-based attack to education scheduling and nucleus human rights duties in instruction, and their function in beef uping IE activities. The overall intent of look intoing the execution of inclusive instruction policy for CWDs is to happen out whether the authorities policy is suiting CWDs in educational reforming system efforts go manus in manus with the rules of IE that promotes, protects and Fosters a human rights procedure. As a consequence, the research will be able to happen out what are the benefits of the inclusive instruction policy for CWDs in Yangon.Policy development for people with disablementsDue to the stigmatisation, neglecting, and misconstruing on PWDs, they are left out from our society and their rights are besides denied. In Myanmar, some of the PWDs might confront a batch of favoritism or/and exclusion, but the grade and badness frequently depend on the nature of their damage on their day-to-day life, within their households and communities. Children and adult females with disablements are peculiarly vulnerable. During the colonial period, the impact of British jurisprudence has, so far, been limi ted to the general influence of regulation of jurisprudence during that clip. The British ordinances of Article 38 stipulated on wellness position that it adopts the disfunction paradigm of the medical nature as follows: â€Å" The State should advance the promotion of public wellness by organizing and oversing wellness services, infirmaries, dispensaries, sanatoria, nursing and convalescent places and other wellness establishments †. This article focuses on the person and emphasizes the medical intervention for the damage as the primary cause of exclusion or isolation. Medical rehabilitation was seen as the most effectual response for PWDs at that clip. Their specialised services and establishments and frequently rely on expensive tools and equipment. At that clip, handicapped people did non hold a important protective. However, â€Å" Article 40 †of colonial ordinances pointed out the societal supports for some PWDs as â€Å" The attending of the physical instruction particularly in increasing the capacity for handicapped veterans and retired from the military service with a nice occupation and free vocational preparations for their lives †. It can be clearly seen that the colonial swayers ‘ rehabilitation programmes of public assistance and services for handicapped people were largely focused on military service aside from the Torahs and ordinances refering for all PWDs. In add-on, that ordinance has concentrated on more wellness attention services than instruction and employment chances for PWDs. After acquiring independency on the 4th January 1948, the cardinal authorities set up the â€Å" Ministry of Social Welfare †in 1953 with the purposes for assisting towards persons and their societal environment. This nonsubjective tends to acquire through the practical techniques. These are designed to let single demands and work out their jobs by altering forms of economic and societal development conditions of society. More societal public assistance activities and coaction with the international and national nongovernmental organisations are using in assorted governmental sectors. Then Myanmar authorities set up the National Policy by updating the Disabled Person ‘s Employment Act in 1958. Besides, the jurisprudence on Rehabilitation and Employment of PWDs was based on the enacted statute law in 1958 to supply more disability-related services and plans that bing as the 4th bill of exchange until now. Since 1975, the Constitution of the Socialist Republic of the Union of Burma ( Myanmar ) emphasized the commissariats for rehabilitation of PWDs and their reintegration in productive activities after rehabilitation. Government rehabilitation policies for PWDs are implemented through the Ministry of Social Welfare with twin-track attacks such as encouraging autonomy and diminishing trust for long term sustainability. Earlier clip, before the period of the declaration of the Asian and Pacific Decade of Disabled People, 1993-2002, the Central Law Scrutinizing Committee reviewed the disablement Torahs in Myanmar. It is now in the proficient finalized phase to execute in the close hereafter. In this drafted jurisprudence ensures the rights to entree societal services particularly for wellness, instruction and employment chances. The legal model in the recent fundamental law of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar, 2008 references in subdivision 32 as the Union shall care for female parents and kids, orphans, fallen Defense Services force ‘s kids, the aged and the handicapped people and besides guarantee handicapped ex-Defense Services forces a nice life and free vocational preparation. Again, a jurisprudence shall be enacted to supply aid and attention for handicapped Defense Services forces and the households of asleep or fallen Defense Services forces in subdivision 344. That included the following declaration by seeking assorted ways and agencies for the rehabilitation of disablement besides supplying re-integration of individuals with disablements in the production activities after the rehabilitation period. Myanmar is now set abouting the ASEAN Decade on the Enhancement of the Role and Participation of the PWDs in ASEAN Community, BIWAKO Millennium Framework, and BIWAKO plus Five in close coaction with regional states. Besides, the new Government of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar has already initiated guaranting the rights of PWDs and signed the Bali Declaration on Inclusive Development for People with Disabilities on 17th November, 2011. Yet, until the clip of making this research, the Rights of the Persons with Disabilities Law is still draft and there is a deficiency of research and recommendations to set up an inclusive development plan for those with disablements in Myanmar. Through the better apprehension of the heterogenous demands of PWDs, CRPD is formulated to equalise chance for them by implementing to carry through the disablement issues in IE and CBR programmes. Heterogeneity is one of the major features of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar. Now â€Å" Rights of Disabled Persons Law †was submitted to the Hluttaw ( Senate ) NAY PYI TAW, 27th June, 2012. That bill of exchange jurisprudence tries to safeguard the rights of PWDs in Myanmar, to guarantee that they enjoy cardinal human rights without favoritism on the evidences of disablements, and to better their life criterions by allowing them take part in national development undertakings.3.3 Education policy in MyanmarEducation is upgrading and changing the societal and political environment can increase the chances to utilize capablenesss for PWDs straight through accessible constructions. To run into the Millennium Development Goals, the international community needs to turn to disable ment issues. The application of accomplishments in instruction can acquire the free infinite for PWDs by conveying greater flexibleness, and this can profit for the whole community. After acquiring the independency, the Government announced new Educational Policy which was based upon the â€Å" Report of the Educational Policy Inquiry Committee and upon other studies antecedently considered by Government †( Office of the SUPDT, 1953, p 3 ) , but the policy was non successful due to the factors of the eruption of civil war. The new policy was initiated in 1st June, 1950 with a program for free instruction for all pupils from the primary degree. Private schools were allowed under the â€Å" Private Schools Act 1951 †. Besides, the compulsory primary instruction undertaking was introduced in Yangon for two old ages. In 1953, the authorities launched the new instruction system as one of the 10 â€Å" Welfare Plans †( Office of the SUPDT, 1953, p 17 ) to develop a sufficient figure of technicians for the national rehabilitation program. Education at that clip has brought about both academic and vocational accomplishments but inequality of chances and no proviso for the religious development for all kids. In 1962, all schools became nationalized, and the system of instruction was reorganized the Basic Education system with Primary School, Secondary School and High School. In 1974, military regulation changed the fundamental law, and in that fundamental law â€Å" Article 152 †determined as â€Å" Every citizen shall hold the right to instruction †and â€Å" basic instruction would be mandatory †. Although the right to free instruction was theoretically free to all, in fact, it was a different narrative for PWDs. In UNICEF study, at least 40 % of kids ne'er attend school and about three-fourthss fail to finish primary instruction at that clip in Myanmar ( Khin Maung Kyi et Al, 2000, p 146 ) . In these kids, most of them are handicapped. From this point of position, the research worker evaluates that the state of affairs of PWDs instruction chances in Myanmar is still limited and hard to guarantee the instruction of kids with disablements and make the national end. Because school edifices and learning installations are non accessible for kids with disablements, educational instructors and staffs with proper preparation to learn handicapped kids are really limited, and households can non afford to direct their handicapped kids to school due to poverty. Particular instruction plans are besides non available in every part and provinces. As effect consequence of it, people with dis ablements become an uneducated group, and continuously can non entree advanced vocational surveies, good occupations and can non take part in IT based society. However, this survey finds out that the new demands of the Myanmar instruction system are sensible and just system of formal and non-formal instruction to develop shared apprehension, and promote school and place closer together for grassroots degree. MOE adopted the World Declaration on Education for All ( Inter-Agency Commission, 1990 ) and formulated Myanmar EFA-NAP since 2003. This program aimed to develop in all instruction sectors with equal entree and relevancy to basic Education degree for all school age kids. Besides, EFA-NAP aims to cut down illiteracy rates of PWDs by implementing the regular and particular instruction system. Inclusive Education and upgrade Life Skills for out-of-school young persons with disablements is straight good to societal and economic development attempts of the state. In conformity with that new educational policy, every citizen has the right to instruction and shall be given basic instruction which the Union prescribes by the Union laid down every bit compulsory in â€Å" Section 366 †of that new fundamental law, 2008. Besides the Union shall honour and help citizens who are outstanding in instruction irrespective of race, faith and sex harmonizing to their makings. Implementing the educational rehabilitation plans can promote autonomy of PWDs and lessening dependence.3.3.1 Myanmar basic instruction jurisprudenceThe basic instruction jurisprudence was promulgated in 1973 and amended in 1989. The purpose of the authorities ‘s instruction policy is to make an instruction system that can bring forth a learning society capable of confronting the challenges of the cognition age ( MOE, 2007 ) . Harmonizing to the Basic Education Law ( 1973 ) , the chief aim of basic instruction particularly for kids with disablements is to enable every ci tizen of the Union of Myanmar to go a physical or mental worker good equipped with a basic instruction, good wellness and moral character. Harmonizing to the instruction policy of 1989, MOE is organized with nine chief sections such as Basic Education I, II, and III ; Educational Planning and Training ; Higher Education ( Lower and Upper Myanmar ) ; Myanmar Board of Examinations ; Myanmar Education Research Bureau ( MERB ) ; and Myanmar Language Commission. The sections Basic Education I, II, and III are implementing the basic instruction policy. Particular instruction is under the authorization of DSW. In the determination devising procedure at all degrees of MOE, the determination devising commission is set up by the Minister, two Deputy Curates, Director General and Chairperson of the sections. The determinations of this commission are implemented by those responsible sections of all degrees. Based on the Dakar EFA Framework for Global Action and the Millennium Development Goals, Myanmar has formulated national EFA Goals as Myanmar ‘s demands and context through a participatory procedure affecting the UN organisations, assorted Ministries and I/LNGOs. The four concerned countries for accomplishing the end of EFA in Myanmar are entree to and quality of basic instruction, early childhood development, non-formal instruction, and instruction direction and information system. To implement the end of EFA, MOE uses six chief schemes particularly for developing and spread outing Child Friendly Schools and doing more accessible in basic instruction for all kids with disablements. Through the EFA National Action Plan ( EFA-NAP ) , hence, the Ministry of Education has established an inclusive instruction model in conformity with international criterions and ends that addresses EFA ends straight. Again, the National Constitution of 1974 specified that every citizen shall hold the right to instruction and shall be given basic instruction which the province prescribes by jurisprudence as compulsory. By the rule of mandatory instruction, the lone five old ages, from grade 1 to 5, screens free instruction for all kids. Primary instruction is organized with two degrees ; kindergarten degree from grade 1 to 3, and upper chiefly for classs 4 and 5. Besides, the new Constitution of 2008 fulfilled with the educational policy as follow: Every citizen has the right to instruction ; Every citizen shall be given basic instruction which the Union prescribes by jurisprudence as compulsory ; and Every citizen has the right to carry on scientific research to research scientific discipline, work with creativeness and write to develop the humanistic disciplines and behavior research freely other subdivisions of civilization. There are some inclusive instruction schools and particular schools for handicapped kids in the full state, which are run by MOE and Ministry of Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement. However, it is still really small if we compared to the full state. By sing about the better of the educational chances for PWDs, the authorities ‘s attempts are still in restrictions. Besides, the latest course of study for primary was revised since 1998 for holding a more balanced instead than stressing merely academic topics. The school principals and instructors are the chief undertaking of monitoring and measuring on the impact of course of study for kids ‘s development. â€Å" Life accomplishments †was made mandatary for inclusion at the primary degree as a separate nucleus course of study in 1998 and at secondary degree as a separate co-curriculum in 2001. From this survey, the research worker notified that content, teaching-learning methods and hours have been carefully specified for primary and secondary school course of study.3.3.2 Myanmar Child jurisprudence for particularly for instructionChildren with disablements can entitle to instruction, harmonizing to the Child Law. Myanmar Child Law was enacted in July 1993 in order to implement the rights of the kid recognized in the CRC. The Child Law, Article 20 stated that â€Å" Every kid shall hold the chances of geting instruction and the right to get free basic instruction ( primary degree ) at province schools †. Besides the MOE shall hold an aim of implementing the system of free and mandatory primary instruction ; lay down and transport out steps as may be necessary for regular attending at schools and the decrease of ill-timed drop-out rates and do agreements for literacy of kids who are unable for assorted grounds to go to schools opened by the States to go literate. Article 22 stipulates that â€Å" Every kid shall hold the right of entree to literature contributes to his or her all-around development and to get cognition †. Harmonizing to Article 18, â€Å" A mentally or physically handicapped kid ( I ) has the right to get basic instruction ( primary degree ) or vocational instruction at the particular schools established by the DSW or by a voluntary societal worker or by a non-governmental organisation and ( two ) has the right to obtain particular attention and aid from the State †.3.3.3 Inclusive Education Policy in MyanmarIn the past decennary, there has been important traditional advancement to guarantee CWDs who have entree in mainstream schools. However, with civilization and cognition barriers from some school principals and instructors, the journey towards to the full inclusive instruction has merely merely begun. A clear apprehension of the significance of IE in the Myanmar context, it has a clear definition in all policy statements along with mentions to international normative instruments.A In add-on, the current execution procedures of IE are following the guidelines of the EFA framework.A IE policy Acts of the Apostless on both the national and local level.A At the national degree, the authorities is implementing with a new policy of inclusive instruction, while at the local degree schools and the community are take parting in the procedure of capacity edifice, and resource mobilisation for those CWDs.A The national policy on IE is grounded in international statute law and policy.A Inclusive Education policy is the best attack for turn toing the participatory larning scheme concentrating on PWDs. That policy desperately addresses to the demands of scholars who are marginalized and excluded through antiphonal educational chances. The Dakar World Education Forum in April 2000 was besides pointed out: â€Å" The cardinal challenge is to guarantee that the wide vision of Education for All as an inclusive construct is reflected in national authorities and support bureau policies. Education for All aˆÂ ¦ must take history of the demand of the hapless and the most deprived, including working kids, distant rural inhabitants and nomads, and cultural and lingual minorities, kids, immature people and grownups affected by struggle, HIV/AIDS, hungriness and hapless wellness ; and those with particular larning needsaˆÂ ¦ †( Expanded commentary on the Dakar Framework for Action, para 19 ) Summarizing up, the Myanmar authorities is now seeking for the inclusion of these excluded handicapped communities such as physically and intellectually handicapped kids and kids with particular demands. But there are still a big figure of kids who are non yet go toing schools. This is besides an issue for every state in the universe. So every state tries to happen out these kids from excluded groups and non yet included in the formal instruction watercourse. In this regard, the term inclusive instruction came into being. Based on the Salamanca Statement, Myanmar is now seeking for the inclusion of these excluded groups physically and intellectually challenged kids.3.4 The authorities ‘s and stakeholders'A perceptual experiences of inclusive instructionIE is under the umbrella of EFA. Myanmar has an Internet explorer policy, which most of CWDs have an chance to fall in mainstream schools but evidently limited to those with mild disablement because of the deficiency of capacity, accomplishments and cognition every bit good as substructure for the instructors and schools. The authorities ratified EFA end at UN organisation. It is over ambitious and barely run into its end due to poverty that doing low income for all hapless households. It will be more positive as respect to authorization inclusive instruction in the hereafter since the new authorities has practiced its openness policy and more crystalline with people. IE policy in Myanmar strongly based up on last three old ages experiences non merely for officers and instructors from MOE in Yangon Division but besides other divisions and other stakeholders such as DSW, other I/LNGOs those who work in inclusive support plans so that they can include handicapped people in their development activities. Understanding the construct and doctrine of IE is a critical demand for the sustainability and success of the undertaking. After implementing the consciousness raising activities on this issue particularly for CWDs and their parents, the effectivity of understanding disablement and inclusive instruction construct right and it is really encouraging. It is one of indispensable plan in the state and will necessitate to advance amongst other disablement related organisations. IE policy for PWDs has been implemented by its ain schemes. It was non seen as an active battle in formal basic instruction. The end is set based on its definition for PWDs. This means that IE policy, itself, needs to be redefined to make its end. So far, the current policy and end work manus in manus. The effectivity and quality of result is non up to the grade due to the authorities ‘s hapless budget allotment in the Education Sector. The effectivity of IE at this phase seems non merely at the authorities schools, besides following to the particular schools such as unsighted school or deaf schools to take pupils from particular schools to set up exams etc. So at that place needs to hold a wider apprehension of IE, whereby every school needs to fix to accept CWDs to supply the same chances like other kids. And besides necessitate a dedicated instruction section on this. The schemes of inclusive development and mainstreaming everything for PWDs will be really dearly-won and ne'er finish. There has no expostulation but they need a batch of support. The lone job is prioritization. At the ceremonial of Celebration to â€Å" Make the Right Real number †at 27th June, 2012, the Union Minister of Ministry of Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement of Myanmar U Aung Kyi said that: â€Å" Children, who have completed particular instruction and basic primary instruction from the several schools for the handicapped, are now prosecuting instruction at basic instruction center, high schools and universities concerned shoulder to shoulder to ordinary kids. Since 2006, the schools for the blind have got entree to e-mail and the cyberspace and Myanmar mark linguistic communication dictionary and Myanmar mark linguistic communication basic spoken book have been published for the deaf. The Myanmar blind linguistic communication written pattern book is besides in the procedure of compliment. Measures will be taken to print more books for the handicapped †. He besides said that that Myanmar will more and more attempt to better quality of life of the handicapped people as it is a member of the UNCRPD. That ceremonial was organized by DSW, Myanmar Independent Living Initiative ( MILI ) , UNESCAP, Asia-Pacific Development Center on Disability ( APCD ) and The Nippon Foundation ( TNF ) to honour the existent rights for the handicapped in connexion with the publicity of the execution of the UNCRPD at Sky Palace Hotel in Nay Pyi Taw Hotel Zone. The departmental construction for the dedicated grip personal businesss for CWDs needs either at mainstream schools or at particular schools and demands to integrate preparation constituents for instructors. This has non been done yet a batch. Engagement by PWDs in the policy preparation and execution procedures, there needs to travel a long manner for the current Myanmar status. The authorities ‘s position IE for PWDs ; Myanmar has signed & A ; ratified the UNCRPD on 7th December 2011 IE has been already in the treatment & A ; pilot stage in coaction with concern I/LNGOs Inclusion is a new construct for Myanmar, where merely 12 % of I/LNGO are inclusive of PWDs, where inclusive is normally mistaken with Automatic Beneficiary and portion of donees instead than inclusion as a procedure. For guaranting that important advancement is achieved so that all school-age kids have entree to and complete free and mandatory basic instruction of good quality, the completion of basic instruction by all CWDs is the footing signifier of accomplishing Universal Basic Education. Nonetheless, the proviso of schooling and policies finding how instruction chances are distributed across precedence mark groups in Myanmar clearly will hold far making effects on chances for productive work. The position and instruction degree of adult females and misss can exercise peculiarly strong inter-generational effects, and are therefore important for cut downing poorness. Following conjunct attempts by the Government, I/LNGOs and communities, the primary school consumption rate has increased aggressively during the EFA period, although the dropout rate after completing the primary degree remains high. Quality confidence in basic instruction is particularly of import, because low quality can take to low entree if CWDs and their households do non see the impact of registration in low-quality schools. However, the findings of this field research show that the authorities ‘s position inclusive instruction for PWDs does non to the full accept it for full inclusion. Through the ministry degree, the right to inclusive instruction for CWDs can understand really good, but in grass-root degrees implements can non cognizant yet. They are still seen disablement as particular issue and largely think that handicapped kids needs to travel merely to particular schools ( non to mainstream schools ) . Besides, most of the I/LNGOs do non take portion in the place of preparation and execution procedure on basic instruction for CWDs, where chiefly concentrate on the Rights of PWDs and advance equal rights and inclusion through engagement of Law Drafting and Social Policy development. As I/LNGOs, they can merely include all kids out of school in the procedure of giving 2nd opportunity of larning basic instruction. In covering with authorities line section, they have non yet involved in the preparation procedure.3.5 International Norms on Education for kids with disablementsIn 2000, the Dakar Framework for Action for EFA was adopted at The World Education Forum to accomplish the quality basic instruction by 2015. That model generated with six comprehensive ends particularly as free and mandatory primary instruction for all kids, just entree to life accomplishments plans, and accomplishing mensurable betterments in the quality of instruction by 2015. These ends are turn toing the educat ional issues of CWDs, but the Salamanca committedness was non incorporated into that model. EFA enterprises were non included CWDs under the Flagship of â€Å" The Right to Education for PWDs: Towards Inclusion †after following Dakar model. However, with minimum resources and non-formal construction had limited success. Another major international committedness to cosmopolitan primary instruction, Millennium Development Goals ( MDG ) was made in 2000. Those ends recognize instruction as cardinal to this purpose in the end to ‘achieve cosmopolitan primary instruction ‘ . The committedness of IE was made by the governmental and institutional understanding of Salamanca in 1994. After a few old ages, EFA and the Millennium Development Goal of cosmopolitan primary instruction were besides adopted as the planetary instruction docket to be achieved by 2015. After 15 old ages acquiring the understanding of Salamanca, the UNCRPD recognizes a right to education for people with disablements. So the planetary committedness of IE has strengthened between Salamanca and the CRPD. By the Article 24 of the UN CRPD stated that â€Å" All province parties shall enable individuals with disablements to larn life and societal development accomplishments to ease their full and equal engagement in instruction and as members of the community †. To this terminal, States Parties shall take appropriate steps, including: Facilitating the acquisition of Braille, alternate book, augmentative and alternate manners, agencies and formats of communicating and orientation and mobility accomplishments, and easing peer support and mentoring ; Facilitating the acquisition of mark linguistic communication and the publicity of the lingual individuality of the deaf community ; Guaranting that the instruction of individuals, and in peculiar kids, who are blind, deaf or deaf-blind, is delivered in the most appropriate linguistic communications and manners and agencies of communicating for the person, and in environments which maximize academic and societal development. In order to assist guarantee the realisation of this right, States Parties shall take appropriate steps to use instructors, including instructors with disablements, who are qualified in mark linguistic communication and/or Braille, and to develop professionals and staff who work at all degrees of instruction. Such developing shall integrate disablement consciousness and the usage of appropriate augmentative and alternate manners, agencies and formats of communicating, educational techniques and stuffs to back up PWDs. Besides the right to an instruction without favoritism is stated in the UDHR ( 1948 ) and CRC ( 1989 ) .A The Convention on the Rights of the Child specifically declares the rights of CWDs to bask a full and nice life in conditions that promote autonomy, and ease the kid ‘s active engagement in the community. Furthermore, Rule 6 of the UN ‘s Standard Rules on the Equalization of Opportunities for PWDs ( UN, 1993 ) provides for equal rights for kids and grownups with disablements and for the proviso of an incorporate school setting.A A3.6 Execution of the Inclusive Education Policy in MyanmarThis research focuses on the primary and lower secondary degree pupils with disablements for the intent to turn to the educational demands of CWDs in Myanmar. In add-on, one of the most of import concerns in the Myanmar educational sector is how CWDs can be provided with chances to take duty for their acquisition throughout the constructs of community engagement and proficient aid to a ccomplish a sustainable hereafter. The political and societal context is discussed in footings of international policy reforms and enterprises, particularly the Salamanca Statement that agreed to guarantee a basic instruction for all kids, including CWDs. The Salamanca Framework for Action ( 1994 ) was a important milepost in the instruction for CWDs and recommended the manner of service bringing of timing and intercession that linked to inclusive patterns. National-level policy and Torahs as they relate to CWDs are briefly described in service bringing, and increase consciousness about the educational chances for them. Furthermore, the authorities tries to do the conjunct attempts harmoniously for the quality of life of PWDs at pleasant. Harmonizing to the counsel of the EFA-NAP, the undermentioned activities are being implemented: Supplying primary school text editions worth over 1835.51 million kyats in free of charges for over 5 million primary pupils to originate free, mandatory primary instruction ; Fixing the plans for scholarships and stipends which will be implemented get downing from 2012-13AY in basic and higher instruction sectors ; and Ordaining the private school enrollment jurisprudence and developing regulations and ordinances in coordination with concerned sections to lend the instruction services by the private sector. For bettering the quality of school instruction, monitoring and supervising mechanism has been strengthened since 2006-07 AY by concentrating on the instruction and acquisition procedure. Basic instruction schools were classified by 5 degrees ( A, B, C, D, E ) based on using the undermentioned monitoring and supervising standards such as Accomplishment of the school principal ; Degree of school attending ; Execution of monthly lesson programs ; Students ‘ accomplishments ; Use of learning AIDSs, installations & A ; research labs ; Cultivating morale and moralss ; Capacity of learning staff ; Adequate schoolrooms and furniture ; School sanitation and tidiness ; Adequate instruction AIDSs and multimedia installations ; Greening of a school campus ; and Good physical scene of schools. Myanmar has made advancement in the instruction sector to carry through MDG 2: â€Å" Achieve cosmopolitan primary instruction †with the mark of guaranting that, by 2015, kids everyplace, male childs and misss likewise, will be able to finish a full class of primary schooling: nevertheless the dropout rate still high in secondary school degree. A sum of 92 authoritiess including Myanmar and 25 international organisations reaffirmed committedness to the ends of Education for All ( EFA ) , acknowledging the necessity and urgency of supplying an instruction for kids and young person with particular demands within the regular instruction system. By the official informations on net registration in primary schools was 84.6 % in 2010 ( MOE, 2010, EFA in Myanmar ) and the gender favoritism has largely been removed from basic instruction registration. However, the net registration rates in secondary and third instruction are really low. The quality of instruction at all degrees remain s a serious concern. Inclusive instruction ( IE ) is to back up instruction for all, with particular accent on taking barriers to engagement and acquisition for misss and adult females, disadvantaged groups, kids with disablements and out-of-school kids. The nucleus point of IE is the basic right to instruction, which is rooted in many international human rights pacts since the UDHR adopted in 1948. The Dakar Education Forum ( 2000 ) reaffirmed that instruction was a cardinal human right and underlined the importance of a rights-based authorities actions in implementing EFA activities at the national degree. The understandings on the rules and criterions of IE spelt out the international human rights instruments and a rights-based instruction system. Myanmar authorities applies a rights-based attack to instruction in their scheduling and planning procedures. It will besides briefly discuss possible entry points and tools to travel frontward. In add-on, it is hoped that this research will increase apprehension of human rights ‘ importance in underpinning development cooperation scheduling, every bit good as furthering a treatment on the practical facets of implementing such scheduling. Many of the jobs are related to the deficiency of instruction quality, relevancy and exclusion of larning. There is a well-recognized nexus between get the better ofing the barriers of acquisition and accomplishing the EFA ends. Government and schools ‘ principals must, hence, pay particular attending to kids who should be in school, and are non, and to kids who are in school, but are unable to win at that place. At the present, MOE is doing particular agreements for the handicapped and other excluded kids to go to formal schools and to go on their instruction having particular attention and attending. In Myanmar, IE plans were formulated to suit for all kids irrespective of their physical, rational, societal, emotional, lingual or other conditions. These plans include all vulnerable kids such as CWDs ; kids form nomadic households, orphans, street kids, and other deprived kids. No.25 Basic Education Primary School ( Yangon ) is the best informant of MOE in implementing IE. A new multi-pronged scheme for the capacity edifice in Teacher Education can advance the progressive acceptance of effectual instruction and acquisition methodological analysiss for all CWDs at all degrees. MOE and other spouses strengthen educational direction for the Basic Education Sector Plan that supports the Government ‘s instruction service bringing to run into trade goods needs at the school degree. IE is a programme that creates chances for CWDs to prosecute instruction together with non-disabled kids in mainstreaming schools. It can convey about the educational chances for them. Nowadays, CWDs who have completed their primary instruction through particular schools are now able to go on their instruction in mainstreaming schools by maintaining abreast with other non-disabled kids. IE Harmonizing to the statistics informations from MOE in 2011 showed that, there were 801 disable kids in mainstreaming schools, 1450 kids in particular schools for the blind and the deaf, 30 disable pupils in universities and colleges and 6 disable pupils in maestro grade classs in 2010-11 AY. The authorities policy was developed and practiced with policy reform to make full the spread in legal and policy development. As par hearing from the media, the protagonism for assisting handicapped issue more and more in Myanmar. The authorities policy and legal alteration occur on resetting standards for definition of PWDs. Out of nine standards ( international norms ) , some execution procedures of IE use four standards to specify the PWDs. To be more specific about educational chances for CWDs, the authorities agrees to supply all kids ( including all regardless of physical status ) equal chance to larn basic instruction. In the existent state of affairs, there has a spread between policy and pattern. The construct of IE means welcoming all kids, without favoritism, in formal schools. Indeed, it is a focal point on making environments antiphonal to the differing developmental capacities, demands, and potencies of all kids. Inclusion means a displacement in services from merely seeking to suit the kid into ‘normal scenes ‘ ; it is a auxiliary support for their disablements on particular demands and advancing the kid ‘s overall development in an optimum scene. It calls for regard of difference and diverseness of single features and demands. This has to include a consideration of overall organisation, course of study and schoolroom pattern, support for larning and staff development. By the coaction and cooperation of MOE, DSW is implementing inclusive instruction for the pupils with disablements particularly for the Blind and the Deaf pupils. Besides, inclusive instruction workshops were held throughout the state and the instructors from the MOE and the staffs from DSW were besides attended. Myanmar is now implementing six sectors for PWDs across the state such as Enhancing Education Standard, Bettering Vocational Trainings and Job Opportunities, Promoting Health Care Service, Enhancing Reintegration into the Society, Upgrading Capacity Building and Morale, and Supplying Social Needs. In this state of affairs, if the service suppliers can do the conjunct attempts harmoniously, the life quality of PWDs will certainly be enhanced and pleasant. Inclusive instruction can convey about the educational chances for CWDs. Some NGOs and DPOs are join forcesing with the Department of Social Welfare, the Department of Basic Education and the Department of Health for CWDs, who have completed their primary and lower secondary instruction degree through particular schools, able to go on their instruction.3.6.1 Implementing procedures of IE by I/LNGOsTLMI is affecting a small portion in this country of IE execution procedures. They merely conduct preparations for instructors on disablement issues, the importance of CWDs to acquire the chance to go to schools like any other kids and supplying some barrier free agreement in selected schools. TLMI is working with the parents of CWDs to convert to direct the formal school and on the other manus they besides try to prosecute with scho ol principals to accept and pay attending for those kids. Besides they proposed the instruction demand of PWDs in the Draft disabled jurisprudence, advocate the determination shapers and instructor, and we are working together with U Tin Nyo, retired DG from MOE who is really interested in IE for CWDs. Myanmar Independent Living Initiative ( MILI ) has concrete program to implement the IE plans for kids with cross-disabilities, they could non take form it yet to the full because their organisation is merely one twelvemonth old & A ; still immature. But, some executive members of MILI organisation are actively involved in comprehensive disablement jurisprudence outlining procedure to guarantee the educational rights of PWDs. The Long experience of disablement inclusive instruction for five old ages, the community-based rehabilitation plans chiefly supported hapless kids with disablements to travel to mainstream schools, advocated parents and instruction instructors for disablement inclusive instruction and renovated the schools to be accessible for pupils with disablements in coaction with Department of basic instruction, DSW, local PWDs ‘ Self-help Organizations and other relevant stakeholders. That organisation has planned to work in IE policy for PWDs by following sorts of schemes ; Awareness raising and protagonism for disablement inclusive instruction policy & A ; jurisprudence Capacity edifice of educational officers and staffs, and parents as good Support kids with disablements for their mainstream and particular schools Change the schools as accessible friendly topographic points for handicapped kids Strengthen the coaction among authorities sections, non-government sectors and relevant stakeholders to guarantee the educational right of handicapped kids Eden initiated the undertaking of IE implementing in formal schools and the program for barrier free redevelopment such as paseos, place lavatory and one bannister that fixed in the lavatory. In that undertaking, 80 IE pupils were gathered at Eden Centre for CWDs. Besides Eden celebrated the township degree consciousness meeting for presenting to the instructors for successfully implemented IE policy. It means that the principals and instructors from 21 schools are presenting IE consciousness about IE at their schools. Therefore, IE procedure can merely win through strong coaction and cooperation amongst all stockholders particularly from the authorities site and the donor site every bit good. Eden is collaborating with DSW and MOE. Harmonizing to their advice, they held workshops and preparations for consciousness raising workshop with DSW and MOE and shared consciousness about IE and disablement issue to other I/LNGOs ‘ staff, local governments, other stakeholders and instructors from mainstream schools. EDEN organizes a series of nomadic preparation classs throughout Myanmar aimed at assisting better the lives of handicapped people which focus on activities such as CBR, IE and disablement development. Through the aid of DSW and Department of Basic Education No. ( 1 ) , ( 2 ) and ( 3 ) , awareness developing non merely about IE but besides the Social Model of Disability was conducted in mainstream schools. â€Å" PWDs in Yangon have more opportunities to entree this information with aid from NGOs and DSW, but those populating in rural countries holding troubles due to inconvenient transit and deficiency of mobility, †U Hta Oke said. â€Å" I ‘m pleased about the turning figure of people working in the field, but most of them are utilizing a charity attack, which involves giving nutrient, money, tools and other necessities, †he said. â€Å" Not many are utilizing a life-based attack, which means supplying developing so they can stand on their ain pess. †Furthermore, for the educational position of kids with hearing/seeing/ rational disablements in Myanmar is unequal and behind-the-times. There is merely the DSW has one undertaking on gestural linguistic communication particularly for people with hearing disablement. There is no standard educational pattern. Teachers learn by copying the methods of older instructors. Harmonizing to the UN CRPD understanding emphasizes bi-lingual/bi-cultural instruction for people with hearing disablement. The Mary Chapman School in Yangon uses the doctrine â€Å" Entire Communication †that is method has been a widely adopted linguistic communication policy in deaf instruction from the 1970s. But this doctrine is out-dated. Graduation rates are really low. In Yangon Division, merely 14 pupils with hearing disablement have passed high school and merely six have graduated from university until 2011-2012 academic old ages.Undertaking All School-age Children in School ProgramIn Myanmar, all school aged kids in school undertaking ( ACIS ) was implemented by the MOE by join forcesing with UNICEF since 1994 with the purposes of cut downing the figure of over-aged out of school kids, extinguishing non-school traveling public, guaranting that all school aged kids to go to school and increasing the registration rate of primary degree pupils. They designed the last hebdomad of May as the Whole Country School Enrollment Week.3.6.2 Special schools which are supported IE for CWDsMyanmar has a policy of IE, which means handicapped pupils, including those who are blind, are allowed to go to categories in mainstream schools. This survey found that mainstream schools are non decently equipped to provide for pupils with disablements which mean that most CWDs are forced to go to particular schools, despite the policy. There are challenges to implementing the policy, since schools lack the needed resources and installations. Myanmar Christian Fellowship of the Blind ( MCFB ) was founded on 4th August, 1975, to upgrade the basic degree of instruction afforded to blind people in order to increase chances of taking independent in life manners. That foundation encourages donees in instruction particular to their demands including vocational preparation, every bit good as a focal point on how to get by as a unsighted parent and occupation arrangements. The MCFB accepts kids aged five and above and enrolls a similar method to the authorities mainstreaming schools. At that school, pupils can larn from grade 1 to 5 and so they can go on their secondary instruction in formal school. That school charges Kyats 15,000 a twelvemonth for twenty-four hours pupils and Kyats 40,000-50,000 for get oning pupils, which covers adjustment, repasts and tuition fees. However, there are over 700 blind and visually impaired pupils receive a formal or vocational instruction. â€Å" The schools should be equipped with learning stuffs in Braille, and instructors who know how to learn the blind by utilizing Braille, †said Mr. Thein Lwin, the general secretary of MCFB. Besides in an interview with the principal of the Kyee Myint Daing School for the Blind found that the school accepts kids from age six to 16, who are taught to the 4th criterion. After they finished the primary instruction, they are sent to a formal school to go on their secondary instruction. The school and provides has both twenty-four hours pupils and lodgers with free of charges for all fees of nutrient and adjustment. The school can accept 200 pupils for one academic twelvemonth. Mary Chapman School for the Deaf accepts kids from the ages of five to 18. At that school, kids can larn regular course of study that is taught in formal schools together with address reading, finger spelling and mark linguistic communication. Furthermore, kids at that school over 10-year of aged are taught reading, composing and arithmetic and vocational preparation such as tailoring, knitting, book binding, bag-making, cookery and massage. The school fee is Kyats 6,000 per month including repasts for pupils. The School for Disabled Children in Mayangone Township in Yangon is operated by the DSW. That school accepts both physically and mentally handicapped kids between the ages of six to 18 and teaches the criterion curriculum up to the 4th criterion. It has developed a particular course of study for kids with a learning disablement that take into history the extent of their disablement and their capacity to larn. The current admittance fee is Kyats 10,000 for one academic twelvemonth. Further, while the survey found that, the proficient for instruction and preparation enterprises are non new to Myanmar. As a consequence of some recent educational developments and reforms, it is new to some instructors and scholars both in course of study and methods of bringing.Particular Program for Over-aged ChildrenThis plan is one of the subdivisions of all school aged kids in school particularly for over-aged kids. It was started in 2003-04 AY at basic instruction schools. If the kid has between the age of 7 and 8, he/she will finish the primary instruction within 3 old ages and if the kid has over 9 old ages of age, this accelerated plan enables to finish his/her primary instruction within 2 old ages.Cloistered Education SystemUnder the supervising the Ministry of Religious Affairs, the cloistered basic instruction schools are initiated by join forcesing with the MOE. They use the formal basic instruction course of study of MOE but the schooling hr is flexible harmonizing to the pupils ‘ handiness. This plan is so benefit for the marginalized kids including CWDs that is complementary to the formal instruction system. In 2010-11 AY, there were about 1431 Cloistered schools ( 1071 primary schools, 246 station primary schools, 112 in-between schools and 2 high schools ) with 0.215 million pupils including novitiates and nuns. Presently, at least 40 % of all pupils in Myanmar are go toing at these cloistered schools. The research found that it is still really few chances for CWDs if we compared to the full state. 3.7 Problems of handiness to instruction faced by PWDs The rule of basic instruction as a right based attack has been accepted internationally. However, a big figure of CWDS are non able to finish a minimal figure of school old ages in most underdeveloped states. They face a assortment of barriers before coming to school and even within the school. This research findings highlighted the jobs of CWDs to entree instruction that although the ordinance and Torahs on inclusive instruction for all excluded kids have been good established in Myanmar. The authorities runs the IE as the national degree instruction development program, nevertheless, there is a deficiency of educational assistive stuffs such as Braille books, Braille composing frames and course of studies, qualitative/standard documents for composing in Braille, assistive devices for mathematical instruction or acquisition, and gestural linguistic communication translators. For these grounds and because of the deficiency of skilled instructors, the IE system ‘s benefits have non been realized. Learning through the restricted environment has besides been one the most critical issues of educational chances for PWDs that needs to be addressed in order to make equality and just instruction in Myanmar. The current instruction system does non accommodate for PWDs in rural country, specifically in advancing the instruction criterion of CWDs. In fact, there are several factors that influence over the instruction chance for CWDs. In add-on, the research worker tries to research what are those factors, challenges, and obstructions in prosecuting instruction in the community. The undermentioned informations are contributed by the PWDs and community representatives during the field research. Towards the attainment of MDGs, many challenges still remain with respect to particular focal point which is required on hard-to-reach countries. A demand of protagonism with more focal point on responsibility carrier is a scheme to do certain of the long term committedness. The policy needs to be rewritten with a better apprehension of governments, responsibility carriers and responsibility holders. Furthermore, the accessible services for PWDs in Myanmar is really small, merely those who live in metropoliss could entree to those services and even so they need to acquire to such topographic points where by necessitate a batch of barriers to get the better of to acquire at that place and money factor is another large barrier. In 2008, there are merely 100 Physical therapists appointed in infirmaries under ministry of wellness. Harmonizing to the First Myanmar National Disability Survey 2010 showed that there were merely 50 % of PWDs in Myanmar ne'er attended school, out of which 66.5 % enrolled in primary schools, 22.2 % in secondary schools. Some sort of jobs concerned with CWDs. A big per centum of those who do go to mainstream schools shortly drop-out because of unfriendly attitudes and environments in educational scenes. They frequently encounter negative intervention from their equals who are non sensitized to disablement issues. Most instructors and school principals are non familiar with the thought of including. In Myanmar, one of the Southeast Asiatic states, most of the people are still discriminate and exclude the CWDs traditionally. They believe money can do CWDs to be happy. It ‘s non right. In particular schools, there have IE undertakings for all CWDs. It can merely the manner to do in those kids ‘s lives to be valuable. While the registration rate addition about 100 % every twelvemonth at school opening seasons, there is dismaying about 40-50 % dropping out before they completed in their primary instruction so one could conceive of for pupils with disablements. There is small aid for schooling chances for pupils with disablements with the current state of affairs because of the low consciousness about the disablement issue, incorrect traditional believes and pattern, less accessible resources ( Brielle, mark linguistic communication, learning AIDSs, Buildings, etc. ) , Low prioritization and no particular jurisprudence and ordinance to protect them. Among the four types of disablements, handiness for physical disablement, blind and deaf disablement may be about 3. For people with rational disablement is 0.05. The huge bulk of CWDs ne'er attended school and that a big per centum of the 1s who do go to mainstream schools shortly drop out due to unaccessible school substructure, deficiency of larning Scopess, improper acquisition procedure and unfriendly school environment. But amongst the kids that are non in any signifier of educational apparatuss, a big bulk shows a acute involvement to get instruction. CWDs may hold many of the jobs that affect kids at hazard. The troubles and jobs are non because of their damages but because of several barriers around their environments. During this field research, the research worker notified that there is an absence of dependable and consistent informations on the educational position of kids harmonizing to their disablements. This makes it hard for pedagogues, policy-makers and coders to understand the nature of the job, and place possible solutions. Furthermore, the current instruction methods are non turn toing to the single demands of pupils with disablements by missing preparation and experience of instructors in learning and managing them. Presently, the instruction of CWDs is concerned by DSW. For this ground, it is hard to mainstream the plan. Education for CWDs needs to be addressed by the MOE by join forcesing with DSW and other stakeholder organisations.Economic FactorsThe high cost of instructional stuffs of CWDs farther curtailed their entree to all inclusive instruction services. Some representatives from DPOs were besides presented about the cross subdivision of economic factors of CWDs ‘ house holds to entree instruction. To sum up the assorted understandings on poorness issues that is earnestly impeding the CWDs from accessing instruction. Poverty is non merely affected on the handiness of basic instruction for CWDs but besides for other kids. In other the school drop-out CWDs instance, many of them are enduring from an live or undiagnosed disablement. If the community aware more about the disablement issue, they could seek to better instruction for those kids, but right now the illiteracy rate of this population is so high and that caused an economic load on states. In the failure to include those CWDs, most of the community members are disregarding an of import measure in our effort to eliminate poorness. Poverty and deficiency of cognition on disablement issues are the major jobs accessing instruction for CWDs. Poverty would stand out on top as there are livelihood chances for parents who are hapless and holding CWDs in the household. The research worker agrees with the respondents that because of the perceived added costs of wellness related jobs, the job is comparatively deeper when the CWDs are involved. More than half of the population of PWDs lives in rural countries detached from the benefits of information and communicating, transit, and certain advanced technological installations. Indeed the high cost of equipments, coupled with the rampant poorness predetermines the close or entire absence of instructional stuffs. There does non look to be a policy to guarantee the monolithic distribution of these stuffs.School substructureThe deficiency of fiting substructure necessary for the integrating was identified as a cardinal challenge to all inclusive instruction services. Most of the schools ‘ substructures are non comfy for kids with physical and ocular disablements. There are many environmental barriers for wheelchair motion. In schools that are at least two narratives high, there is no manner to mount up the step by kids in wheelchairs or utilizing crutches. Parents of physically handicapped kids have to be carried up stepss and the doors are besides non big plenty for wheelchairs to go through through. Lack of schoolroom versions hinders the motion of kids with disablements including the furniture of the schoolrooms and accessible lavatories. These barriers are so hard to entree IE. A key job is the deficiency of clear policy steering I/LNGOs ‘ intercessions in instruction for pupils with disablements. Another barrier is the deficiency of dependable information and statistics which could endorse up planning and support procedures. All schools are under the Ministry of Education, but the development issues of CWDs are still under the DSW. Existing policies related to instruction and disablements were found to be contradictory to each other. Appropriate policy preparation & A ; version is required to get the better of the barriers. Furthermore, the budget for instruction is the basic demand and consciousness of responsibility carriers and responsibility holders need to be promoted along with its legal and policy development. It is someway, inclusion is non a topic of Teacher ‘s preparation college, developing methods & A ; tools are non available in Myanmar. Insufficient cognition of inclusive instruction methodological analysiss, deficiency of public consciousness about the demands and chances of this mark group and deficiency of support to back up inclusive instruction for CWDs are all forestalling these kids from having an instruction and being included in wider society. It is found that to be depended upon the single instructor ‘s or school principals ‘ involvement to originate and include in the mainstream instruction system. Most of the services are available merely in Major City such as Yangon, Mandalay and Sagine where 27 % of PWDs are cognizant of bing societal services, while merely a 3rd of those of all time contacted the bureau.Isolation and negative attitude by equalsHarmonizing to the EFA scheme, all schools are found to be implementing IE procedure sing the CWDs but there are no dissing them, particular support for them, no strenuous work for them. In some instances, some non-disabled kids perceive some CWDs as contagious and fear that they will convey from those disablements. Some superstitious parents of non-disabled kids want to forestall their kids from doing friends with CWDs. This is one factor that upsets one of CWDs.Information and consciousness sectorAs to the consciousness of NGOs who provide services for PWDs, 14.7 % know of their presence but merely over 1.7 % of those who are cognizant of the services had of all time contacted NGOs. Refering particular establishments, 20.2 % of PWDs have knowledge about particular establishments but merely less than 1.7 % of them of all time had contact with them. Merely 14.6 % of PWDs know about the being of organisations for and of PWDs whereas merely 2.5 % of them of all time been involved with those organisations. Engagement of PWDs in IE policy is non a large job for physically handicapped individuals. The large job is IE and vocational preparation for ID. Government, I/LNGOs and DPOs need to make a batch of it.Unavailable trained instructors in following pupils with disablementsThe deficiency of adequate trained instructors has predetermined that CWDs lack the specialized attention they need. This could be explained by deficiency of consciousness and disablement related installations like inclines, particular lavatory installations, larning stuffs by t he parents. Teachers can incorporate the virtuousness of instruction degrees, functions and duties by being exposed the demands of CWDs in the community. In
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