Thursday, November 28, 2019
Macbeth Essays (332 words) - Characters In Macbeth,
Macbeth If it hadn't been for the three witches, Macbeth would never have killed Duncan nor Banquo. Macbeth, also would not have been killed my Macduff. The three witches are the reason that everything happened the way the they did. In the beginning of the play, the three witches prophecized that Macbeth would become Thane of Cawdor adn the King of Scotland. In the near future Macbeth became the Thane of Cawdor because of his valiant efforts in the war. Macbeth started to think about the witches proheciesand started to become a little ambitious. With the constant nagging and mockery of Lady Macbeth, Macbeth decides to go through with the murder of Duncan. Thus, another one of the witches prophecies was fulfilled. The witches also prophecized that Banquo's sons will be kings. In the worry of Banquo finding out about the murder of Duncan and the thought of Banquo's son, Fleance, Macbeth hires a few asassins to murder Banquo and his son. Later,three ghosts appear in front of Macbeth. First, an armored head appears and warns Macbeth to beware of Macduff. Second, a bloody child appears telling Macbeth that no man born a woman should harm him. Third, a child holding a tree, tells Macbeth that he is safe until Birnham Woods comes to Dunsinane. After the three ghosts visit Macbeth, the apparition of Banquo appears. Following Banquo is seven of his descendants, all of which were deceased kings. The first of the three warinings from the ghosts comes true when macduff allies with Malcolm, one of Duncan's sons. Together they plan to retake the throne of Scotland. Macduff and Malcolm plan to use the leaves and branches of Birnham Woods as camouflage. Before Macbeth is killed, he remembers the third ghost that stated that no man born a woman should harm him. Macduff then explains that he he was razed out of his mother's stomach, which means that he was not born a woman. All three of the warnings from the ghosts came true. This is why I believe that if Macbeth had never spoken to the three witches, none of this would have happened.
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Plagiarism and Academic Integrity
Plagiarism and Academic Integrity Plagiarism is referred to as literary theft and academic dishonesty, which usually occurs when someone copies the work, ideas and opinions of another author and expresses them as though they are his own without giving credit to the originator. It is very common among higher learning academicians especially when doing write ups for their projects, term papers or thesis.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Plagiarism and Academic Integrity specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Plagiarism is a very serious offence and it can attract penalties since copyright takes authors words as his own property and the author has rights to sue in the court of law in case of plagiarism. Plagiarizing not only involves written materials but also piracy in music and other properties. On the other hand academic integrity refer to a situation whereby students in higher learning institution hold highly on the moral values academics and do their work honestly without cheating (Drinan and Gallant, 2010). It encourages acts of independent learning and critical thinking (White, Owens, and Nguyen 2007). To maintain academic integrity, academicians should avoid acts of dishonesty, cheating, plagiarism among others. Institutions of higher learning should encourage academic integrity since it really helps students to develop academically and it makes it easy for them to face all kinds of challenges in their area of study. Academicians give several reasons for plagiarizing some of which include: to help a friend, time pressure, extenuating circumstances, peer pressure, to increase the mark, monetary reward, fear of failure, everybody does it, laziness, lack of research skills, institution admission criteria, poor academic skills, student understanding of plagiarism, external pressure to succeed, careless tutors and invigilators, among others (Devlin and Gray, 2007). Other reasons may be the advanced technology where by information is r eadily available online, financial problems where the student cannot afford resource materials, and low chance of being caught. Let us look at some of these reasons in details. The following essay will show clearly what academic integrity entails, the reason behind plagiarism and how academicians may overcome it to maintain academic integrity.Advertising Looking for essay on education? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Peer Pressure Peer pressure is a very common scenario in many learning institutions and many students are not able to curb the challenge effectively (Devlin and Gray, 2007). International students are likely to fall to peer-pressure than local ones since they may be seeking comfort and friendship in a place far away from home where they are not familiar with most places and lifestyle. Peer pressure maybe as a result of several factors. For example, a student may be working very hard to do an assignment h onestly but on realizing that most of her classmates are plagiarizing, he/she may prone to do it too. In other instances, the local students in to adventure and having fun may easily influence international students and since they are new to the environment, they may have fun at the expense of the assignment leading to plagiarizing (Vermaat, 2008, Peer, 2009). Time management International students in higher learning institutions are usually involved in many activities such as jobs, family responsibilities and may be having many units to cover. This is because most of them are usually far away from their families thus they have to cater for their basic needs as they learn. For instance, most of the international students in the institutions of higher learning do their studies part time after their usual economic businesses. Others are obsessed with having fun leaving very little time for their academic activities while some are generally lazy (Devlin and Gray, 2007). Due to their bi g workload, they ought to have a very clear schedule for their activities. The ability of a student to manage his/her time well in college is a key to his/her success. Most of the research papers in higher learning institutions are meant to gauge the student qualification for the area he/she may be covering thus requires ample time. Plagiarism in this case may be accelerated by procrastination whereby the student keeps on pushing the time to work on his paper until he/she is caught up with the deadline (UNSW, 2010). When students are caught up with the deadline, they are prone to panic and are therefore not able to concentrate or do enough research for their paper. They may end up getting involved in plagiarism to save the situation. Most international students find it hard to adopt the new curriculum and may not be keen on giving enough time to their research paper because of the advanced technology. They know that they can still get the information from the internet or other books thus being reluctant.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Plagiarism and Academic Integrity specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More They may also be going through financial strain as they adapt to the new lifestyle or because their guardians are far away thus looking for means to support themselves as they do their studies. This may lead them to poor time management since the job may be draining most of their time leaving them with very little time for their research paper. Pressure to succeed Whenever a student joins any institution of higher learning, failing is never an option and the mission right from day one is to get the best grades possible. The pressure may even be more for international students since it takes some so much sacrifice and strain to seek better education at international institutions. Pressure to succeed and fear of failure is perceived form all direction. For instance, the parents will always be proud of their child if he/she succeeds, the college always sets pass mark giving a student pressure to pass, whoever is learning also gets satisfaction and fulfillment after succeeding, the job market first absorbs the successful students, and in essence pressure to succeed comes from all direction (Sutherland-Smith, 2008) The education system is so materialistic in a manner that there is always a reward for the successful student and therefore the student will take every action that will help him/her succeed. In this case, whenever a student is given any form of assignment, chances of plagiarism are so high since he/she to present the best work possible. Through plagiarism, a student is assured of a better grade without putting so much effort or thinking too hard. Some students may be promised monetary gains in case of success while others may be lazy and want to get away with a good grade without sacrificing a lot. Other students may be taking courses they have a negative attitude tow ards, of which they have to pass thus making them prone to plagiarism (Devlin and Gray, 2007). This mostly happens to international students when they realize hat most of their areas of study are different from what they were used to at home. This is probably because they do not understand the concept behind their area of study or else, there are just interested in passing to leave the area and do something of their interest. This comes about when students make uninformed decisions when choosing their area of study or guardians force them in to a certain profession. How to overcome plagiarism Institutions of higher learning can only curb the problem of plagiarism by fostering academic integrity, which is composed of the following principles (Drinan and Gallant, 2010): Honesty- The students and tutors should have a driving force to be honest in learning, research and in exams.Advertising Looking for essay on education? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Honesty gives a student satisfaction and fulfillment on the grades achieved, enabling him/her to identify and work on his/her weak areas. For international students who may be facing challenges adapting to the new system, it is advisable to develop interest to learn and create more time in order to understand the concept. Trust: Institutions of higher learning and their students should create an atmosphere of trust where by none of them is afraid that the other may be dishonest in one way or the other. This will minimize cases of peer pressure whereby some honest student are forced to copy since everyone in class is doing it. This way, they are able to exchange ideas freely and they can help each other build well on their research and writing talents. Fairness: Tutors should always develop an attitude of fairness to their student’s right from the beginning whether they are local or international. They should be keen to encourage the honest students by rewarding their hard wor k well and putting strict measures to those caught with cases of dishonesty. Many institutions have come up with means of capturing cases of academic dishonesty such as CCTV in exam rooms, software to detect digital plagiarism and this has encouraged student to work on their own thus getting fair rewards. Tutors should also be fair when marking papers in order to raise the morale of their students and should create a conducive environment for the international students to learn (Keuskamp and Sliuzas, 2007) Respect: Academicians should hold the value of education dearly and with a lot of respect. Every credit in this field should be worked for and held with much integrity since it should be an evidence of the efforts the bearer has put towards its achievement. In this case students should manage their time carefully and this will enable them manage the pressure to pass without straining. It is therefore important to hold on to academic integrity and avoid cases of academic dishonesty . Responsibility: Institutions of higher learning are meant to nature a spirit of responsibility not only in college but also in their day-to-day life. This should begin right from college where students should be responsible of their research papers by working hard without depending on other author’s materials. They should be taught the importance of time management and independence Local and international students should know the institutions mission right from the beginning in to work towards it. Apart from the above principles of academic integrity, researchers should ensure that any information retrieved from another persons work is properly cited and references given. This can only be possible if the institution can facilitate on writing skills from the beginning of course work because many students get hardships when doing their write-ups due to lack of proper prior information. Another way of overcoming plagiarism is through extensive discussions about it between the staff and the students in order to bring the issue to the light. This is because plagiarism has been hidden for many days through assumption that it is not a very serious issue. This leads many students to taking the issue lightly since they do not know much about plagiarism. This is what leads to unintentional plagiarism since the student may think it is okay since no one talks about it. The staff should hole sessions with the students on time management and they way to live independently without much influence from the peers. Conclusion Academic integrity go hand in hand with plagiarism since for the former to operate, the latter should be totally avoided. When academic integrity is not upheld, it undermines the core values through which knowledge is obtained thus damaging the reputation of the larger academic community. I would recommend that writing skills to be included in every curriculum as a common unit to give learners ample knowledge on how to learn independently and invol ve critical thinking whenever they are carrying out their assignments. It should be clear that plagiarism is a very serious offence, which should be discouraged in every institution. This is because most tutors and students have had a mentality that plagiarism is just one simple way of accomplishing their course of duty. References Barrier, J. Presti, D. (2000). Digital plagiarisms. Retrieved from Devlin, M. Gray, K. (2007). A qualitative study of the Reasons Australian university students plagiarize. Centre for the Study of Higher Education, The University of Melbourne. Retrieved from Drinan, P. Gallant, T. (2010), Student Conduct Practice. Virginia: Stylus Publishing. Retrieved from Keuskamp, D. Sliuzas, R. (2007). Plagiarism prevention or detection? The contribution of text-matching software to education about academic integrity. Journal of Academic Language Learning, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 91-A99. Retrieved from Peer pressure and plagiarism. (2009). Peer pressure and plagiarism. Retrieved from Sutherland-Smith, W. (2008). Plagiarism, the Internet, and Students learning. NY, Routledge. Retrieved from The University of New South Wales. (2010). How Does Plagiarism Happen? Retrieved from Vermaat, S. (2008). Discovering Computers 2009: Introductory. Cengage Learning. Retrieved from c=copyright#v=onepageqf=false.  White, F., Owens, C. Nguyen, M. (2007). Using a constructive feedback approach to effectively reduce student plagiarism among first-year psychology students.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Case project Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Project - Case Study Example been developed to cater for the different operating systems and large file sizes include Smartsector for windows and Linux dd for the Linux operating system which are able to operate in both file by file and sector by sector modes of imaging hence increasing the speed of fragmentation. These new technologies are also able to image from more than a single storage device including hard drives, removable media devices and tapes. In order to acquire an image disk from a Linux operating system, various methods of acquiring images have been developed including: Safeback version 2.0 technique which is able to acquire images on various operating systems on the IDE drives of computers using the sector by sector method; the snapback DataArrest technique which acquires images on SCSI drives of computers using the sector by sector method and DIBS RAID technique which performs optical acquisition of images on both the SCSI drive and the IDE drive of the computer using both the sector by sector and the file by file methods. These methods hold a major strength in the fact that they are able to handle large amounts of data unlike the traditional methods. However, the most appropriate tool to use is the Linux dd version 7.0. This tool acquires images from the hard drive of the computer. External storage devices such a removable disks, tapes, flash drives and compact disks can also be used with this tool to perform imaging in a Linux environment. Linux dd version 7.0 is able to perform image verification by AMD5 checksum verification method [2]. This tool shows high levels of strength in computing complexity and it is very good in detection modification. The probability of programs collision is very low. Imaging is then done on the SCSI drive of the computer unlike other methods of imaging that perform imaging in the IDE drive. Copying of data into the hard drive is normally done using both modes of imaging which are sector by sector and file by file. This tool is able to
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Contemporary World Economy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 3
Contemporary World Economy - Essay Example In order to come up with the understanding of the economic changes that happen in the current world, there are different things that determine the way people will conduct their business according to their relations. Evaluation of the different perspectives of the economy makes the issues of economic differentiation very substantial. This will be an evaluation of the different economic systems in the world economy, with a perspective of the old economic relations. The themes that were discussed in class in the past term such like the economic markets liberalism, market systems, modernisms and development of economics, employment, globalization among other and are indicators of the transition that is happening in the world economy today. Some of these themes are reflective of the different economic systems in the world and focus on the difficulties that are predominant when a state or a nation adopt some of them and show the struggle that is in the world to ensure that people are set f ree from the unnecessary restriction. As a result, different scholars have written some materials in support or in criticism of some of these themes so that evaluation of the works of various scholars offers a great academic discourse that exposes the pros and con of different economic systems. In the evaluation, the study of the term, the most repeated themes are the economic systems and globalization which have been influenced by the differences in argument and the evaluation of each of them i.e. socialism, communism, and capitalism. As well, the issue of employment and its impact on the economy is a theme that has been repeated as seen in the discussion of the work of John Maynard Keynes who has elaborated the issue. This has influenced the discussion of the contribution of different people to the economy of a specific place and which have an impact on the development and retrogression of an area (Keynes 13-19). Through evaluation of the various consumption and investment habits of the people, Keynes has based his explanation for development or retrogression of a place in that where if the latter is greater than the former, development is realized (Campbell 212). Francis Fukuyama argues that there are transitions in the economy from the general state of restriction through which different people went so that they become the current liberals.Â
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Summaries on Chinese Yuan Currency Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Summaries on Chinese Yuan Currency - Assignment Example There is also a growing middle class in China that also benefits economic indicators. The article ‘White House Reviewing Proposed U.S. Legislation on the Yuan, Carney Says’ investigates potential policy legislation aimed at the Chinese yuan. White House press secretary Jay Carney has indicated that the Obama’s administrations views on the Chinese yuan currency is that the Chinese government has significantly undervalued this currency as a means of establishing Chinese economic gains. Specific measures in this policy would allow United States companies to seek duties on imports from China as a means of compensating for the unfair advantage Chinese businesses receive from the undervalued yuan currency. In terms of current statistical elements, the article indicates that, â€Å"China’s yuan rose after the central bank set a record daily reference rate, fueling speculation policy makers will favor currency gains as a means to tame inflation and support global exports. The currency gained 0.08 percent to 6.3938 per dollar in Shanghai, according to the China Foreign Exchange Trade System.†It’s also indicated that China’s current economic policies have resulted in the United States losing more than 2.8 million jobs since 2001. It remains to be seen if this legislation will have a bipartisan character. Republican Senator Orrin Hatch has not rejected the potential legislation but has indicated that he will need to learn more about its specific elements. The article ‘Yuan Has Monthly Drop as Europe Debt Crisis Spurs Dollar Demand’ examines volatility related to the Chinese yuan. The article indicates that the Chinese yuan has declined for the first time since January. The currency has declined as Europe’s sovereign-debt crisis will worsen bolstered demand for dollars. The Yuan trading volume greatly decreased in Shanghai as the Chinese government has set its strongest reference rate on record as a means of preventing further investment slide towards the dollar. The pervading notion in these regards is that investors feel the European sovereign debt crisis will slow Chinese economic growth because of strong investment between the nations; the subsequent expansion failure creates an investment environment where the dollar is a more stable investment option. In terms of global outlook in this context of discussion the article notes that, â€Å"European leaders have struggled to contain the region’s worsening debt crisis amid growing concern Greece will default. The International Monetary Fund cut China’s 2012 growth forecast to 9 percent from 9.5 percent on Sept. 20 on credit tightening and faltering demand for its exports.†Still, the Obama administration continues to note that the Chinese yuan remains substantially undervalued even though the currency appreciated 10 percent adjusted for inflation since June 2010. It’s believed that if more volatility and turmoil continue in relation to the yuan the People’s Republic of China will peg the yuan to the dollar. The article ‘Becoming number one’ considers how China’s economy could potentially overtake America’s within the next decade. Within this context of understanding it’s indicated that in 2010 the Chinese economy overtook Japan as the world’s second-largest economy. Analysts indicate that it
Friday, November 15, 2019
The First American Eagle Outfitters Store
The First American Eagle Outfitters Store After a stagnant market in 1991 which American Eagle had felt the effect of Retail Ventures, Inc. sold the rest of its fifty percent of its ownership of American Eagle to the Schottenstein family making them the complete controllers of the company. In 1992, under new management American Eagle slightly moved its focus on private label casual apparel for men and women keeping the outdoor look. During one of its best years American Eagle went public in April 1994 with a high of $0.91 for the first day of the initial public offering. Most of the earnings from the IPO was invested into the company and during the rest of 1994, fifty-five new American Eagle stores opened and at the one year mark of the IPO a total of 90 new stores had been opened. This rapid expansion caused some problems and forced the closing of all its outlet stores and focus on the mall locations as primary locations. In 1996, American Eagle moved to focus more on womens clothing, because it has proven to be more profitable. After the move American Eagle saw a big jump in sales and coupled with the integration of an apparel manufacture owned by the Schottenstein family, American Eagle became more vertically integrated. Through gained attention and high sales competitor Abercrombie Fitch saw a threat and filed three lawsuits against American Eagle Outfitters for copying their designs. All three times American Eagle won the suit due to the fact that designs cant be copyrighted. In 2000 American Eagle started to refine its marketing strategies and got a deal to provide clothing for the series Dawsons Creek and MTVs Road Rules. In the same year American Eagle went international when it bought a 172 store chain and warehouse operations in Canada, converting many of the stores into American Eagle Outfitters stores. Today American Eagle operates 938 AE stores, 137 Aerie stores and 28 M+O stores [1] , which are planned to be closed during the 2010 fiscal year. American Eagle is in all fifty states, Canada, Puerto Rico, and now Kuwait and Dubai. Deals are being made to open stores in Israel, China, and Japan. External Analysis The general environment of American Eagle Outfitters consists of multiple external industry factors that are beyond AEs control, yet significantly affect AEs, as well as the industrys, strategies. Those factors are demographic, sociocultural, political, technological, economic, and global. The aspect of the demographic segment that most notably affects AE is the aging population. With AEs key demographic focused on 15-25 year olds, the aging population results in a lower percentage of the overall population being included in their target market. With a lower percentage of the population included in the target market, a lower percentage of that populations consumer spending will be directed at AE. One factor in the sociocultural segment is an increase in dual-income families. This increase leads to a higher household income, thus, a higher disposable income that can be spent on shopping. Another sociocultural factor that affects AE is the style factor. Specific styles and trends in apparel are constantly changing depending on the latest fashion or current time of year and retailers have to keep up with the changes by having a variety of options available. In Elizabeth Holmess article Abercrombie Fitchs Style Sense Wears Thin with Some Shoppers, the importance of variety is emphasized when she says American Eagle, of Pittsburgh, Pa., is bringing in new merchandise every four weeks, up from every six weeks. Increased variety and choices will be critical and crucial as part of regaining market share (for Abercrombie). [1] Increased sales taxes in certain areas and rising sales taxes across the general population is the main political factor affecting AE. Any increase in ta xes results in a decrease in disposable income, which typically leads to less consumer spending. The technological aspect of the general environment in the retail industry is addressed by Jordan Speer in her article Apparels TOP 50 when she says Technology, too, continues to open possibilities like never before, as apparel companies implement ever more capable systems to refine merchandise planning and allocation, or to track consumer behavior in real time. [2] The recent increased use of radio frequency identification (RFID) tags in the apparel retail industry could revolutionize the supply chain management process. The most obvious factor in the general environment is in the economic segment. The current suffering economy has impacted even the retail industry, as stated in Datamonitors SWOT analysis of AE, Clothing sales fell 3.9% in April 2010 from April 2009, and the sales that month were 8.2% below April 2008. Worst affected is the womens clothing as 4.1% drop in womens fashions was witnessed while mens declined by a mere 0.5%. In terms of American Eagle specifically, the article stated that teen unemployment is also on the rise impacting their spending and as the cautious American consumers cut down on the discretionary spending, the demand for American Eagles products is likely to see a setback. [3] The global segment of the general environment includes any influences from foreign countries. While the amount of foreign substitutes for moderately priced, fashionable apparel is relatively low, the opportunities for globalization in the apparel retail industry are prevalent. American Eagle is based primarily in North America, but has opened a couple stores overseas and look to expand into the Asian market in the near future. American Eagles competitive environment can be broken down using Michael E. Porters five forces model, which consists of the following forces that affect a companys ability to compete: The threat of new entrants, The bargaining power of buyers, The bargaining power of suppliers, The threat of substitute products and services, and The intensity of rivalry among competitors. [4] We have determined that the threat of new entrants in the retail industry is relatively low. Although there are low capital requirements to start up a new business in retail and there are little to no switching costs for the consumer, we believe that American Eagle is relatively safe in terms of new entrants. First, and most importantly, the retail industry has had very modest growth in the past few years due to the lagging economy, limiting the industrys attractiveness to any new entrants. Next, the existence of economies of scale in the industry is a significant barrier to entry. For a new entrant to be successful, they would either have to come in at a large scale to utilize the economies of scale or come in at a smaller scale and have higher prices. The last factor limiting the threat to new entrants is consumer brand loyalty. Many consumers have certain preferences to select retail establishments and would not be willing to try out a new store. [5] The threat of substitution in the apparel retail industry in general is viewed as weak because most consumers prefer the ease of retailers to buying directly from manufacturers, making their own clothes, or settling for counterfeits. In terms of AE specifically, there is a fairly significant threat of substitute products with the various industry competitors, such as GAP, Pacific Sunwear, or Abercrombie Fitch, producing similar products at similar prices. Although some customers tend to have certain brand loyalties, when style is a factor, substitute products are always an option. We believe that the bargaining power of buyers is low in the retail industry. Although switching costs from AE to another competitor are negligible, there arent many more factors that give a buyer power. The buyers, in regards to American Eagle, are typically individual customers. This means that a single buyer does not represent a large percentage of AEs sales, so losing one customer does not significantly affect their profits. Since style varies, retail firms can become very differentiated by being the first on the market to provide the latest trends, thus, weakening buyer power. [6] Buyer power is also limited by the fact that consumers are very partial to the retail environment and prefer buying their clothing to making their own clothes or buying directly from manufacturers. The bargaining power of suppliers in the retail industry is also low. Garment manufacturers rely heavily on the retail industry to purchase their goods. There are low switching costs to a different manufacturer because there are numerous low-wage manufacturing facilities worldwide. Another reason why the bargaining power of suppliers is low in terms of American Eagle is that they own and operate their own manufacturing facility so there is no need for the supplier to bargain. We have determined that intense rivalry among competitors, such as GAP, Pacific Sunwear, and Abercrombie Fitch, in the industry is very prevalent. There are numerous balanced competitors in the retail industry, which has experienced slow growth. These factors, coupled with low switching costs and the always-changing fashion, result in a battle for market share. Internal Analysis American Eagles mission seems to be to provide high quality, on trend clothing, accessories, and personal care products at affordable prices. [1] Since we opened our first store in 1977, AE has focused on innovation. [7] The core value behind the American Eagle brand is people. People, whether they are customers, employees or business partners, are the key to a sustainable and successful company and are the heart of everything they do. We value and respect differing backgrounds, unique talents and eclectic tastes2American Eagle also lists integrity, passion, innovation and teamwork as core values that sustain the American Eagle brand. The American Eagle Slogan, Live your Life is meant to encourage everyone involved with the company, whether customer or associate to be individuals and to bring that uniqueness to the company. Even though American Eagle emphasizes being a value brand in their mission statement, they have decided to underscore the value position in their promotion campaigns by focusing on other sources of value such as quality and style.1 American Eagle is neither the lowest cost or the most differentiated in the market. Customers have been gravitating towards lower priced stores such as Aeropostale and Forever 21 and so the company has shifted the focus away from discounting in a move to strengthen the quality of the brand and therefore focus on a differentiation approach. Customers in their target market seem to be confused; however as to how American Eagle is differentiating itself from many other similar brands. The company sites diversity as a characteristic they value in their company, but it seems that they are trying to brand a lifestyle that is hard to understand. [8] Other competitors such as Hollister (which is part of Abercrombie and Fitch) choose more of a focus strategy, aiming towards the California style niche market. The company is focusing on growing market share in core product categories such as graphic t-shirts and fleece and to maintain its market leadership in denim. 1 American Eagles core competencies arise from the execution and combination of its resources. As a company, American Eagle considers its distribution a core competency. American Eagle successfully uses its distribution centers to best supply its retail stores as well as fulfill customer orders from its website and catalog by taking over logistic processes that it had previously outsourced to a third party. [9] Three things contribute to the success of their distribution at their Ottawa, Kansas distribution center, high speed shipping and receiving, multiple picking technologies and integrated warehouse management and warehouse control software systems. American Eagle had to develop an innovative way to balance the workload over three concepts (AE, aerie and Martin +Osa). One of the unique features is that we believe we have created the first waveless dynamic picking system in a direct-to-consumer operation for a specialty retailerà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦instead of queuing up orders into a wave based on what was received overnight, were able to prioritize orders in the picking pool based on delivery dates in real-time as those orders are received over the Internet. 9 American Eagle has a high market share in denim 1 which suggests the company has a core competency in the production and marketing of its denim product line. The majority of direct mail sales promotions the company produces targeted towards loyalty and credit card holders use each seasons new denim line to showcase other new seasonal items. [10] American Eagle uses brand recognition to tie jean sales with other promotional offers such as free movie tickets and free graphic tees from the brands expanding line. [11] Jeans are the most easily recognized and first thought of when thinking about the American Eagle Brand. I can easily tell when someone is wearing American Eagle jeans because they have a certain design on the back pockets. 8 Another core competency of American Eagle is its entertainment marketing campaigns. A series of 30 second episodes embedded in the CWs shows Veronica Mars and Gilmore Girls featured 12 real girls wearing the new aerie line, a line of dorm wear and intimates for women, talking about how they relate to show themes to their lives and the aerie brand. The mini episodes were also shown online and the website allowed viewers to see exclusive content from aerie Tuesdays and to enter contests to win an American Eagle shopping spree. That particular campaign also included advertising the two shows on in store video screens and surprise visits from show stars. [12] American Eagle has also teamed up with multiple MTV shows such as the Real World: Austin and Spring Break as well as collaborating with the musical group The Black Eyed Peas to launch their new album in AE stores. [13] More recently, American Eagle became one of the first companies to offer Facebook deals, in an effort t o take advantage of the rising popularity of social marketing. The deal offers customers who check in at American Eagle on Facebook with their smart phones 20% off their entire purchase. American Eagle customers are avid users of Facebook and mobile technology so the company has created an aggressive plan to exploit that opportunity. Facebook Deals enables American Eagle Outfitters to offer our customers even more value, as well as strengthen their connection with our brand in their preferred mode of communication. [14] As part of the retail industry, it is difficult for a retailer to develop sustainable competitive advantages since many business processes are easily imitated and low brand loyalty exists among consumers. American Eagle Outfitters possesses three things that are sources of competitive advantage in such an industry. American Eagle possesses its dedicated work force, a well recognized brand name, an employee generated intranet and a high amount of cash and low debt ratios. The company possesses its brand name, which exemplifies a culture of fun, variety, individualism, realness and honesty.1 The American Eagle brand is about being trendy and individualistic. American Eagle uses a small, stitched on eagle emblem on the majority of their clothing and most people from their target market recognize it as the symbol of American Eagle. Members of their target 15-25 year old market feel the brand is casual, laidback, breezy and cozy.8 American Eagle stores are tangible representations of thei r brand and so they are engaging and dynamic but reflect the laid back nature of the brand. Plasma screens in every store provide an exciting playlist of current hits as a backdrop to the shopping experience. 10 American Eagle is upgrading many of its stores to include newer technology (such as televisions that display product collections to shoppers in store). The company opened a flagship store in Times Square that includes a giant electronic billboard similar to the Times Square Landscape. The store will also offer mobile POS devices that allow customers purchase anywhere in the store as well as offer customers who make a purchase a chance to take a photo-booth picture that can be displayed on the giant Times Square Billboard. [15] Merchandise turns over quickly in response to customer preference also adding to the perceived trendiness of the brands clothing and accessories.8 Executives, using information from research and from the companys own intranet, have successfully i ntegrated entertainment with the American Eagles product offerings in order to relate to the companys target 15-25 year old market. By continuing to stay on trend with its target market, American Eagle products become featured in magazines popular with women in the 15-25 age segment such as Seventeen and Cosmopolitan.10 American Eagle Outfitters employees are a source of competitive advantage. AEO associates were diverse, hard-working, and loyal to the company; passionate about its brand; and lived the companys values of people, integrity, passion, innovation, and teamwork. [16] American Eagle hires employees who are similar on many demographic variables to that of its target market.16 By doing this, management ensures that associate generated content is relevant to the company and can be analyzed to understand its core customers. Walking into an American Eagle store feels unintimidating and relatable because the associates belong to the same core demographic segments that customers do By hiring associates similar to the members of the core target market, management also ensures that associate generated content is relevant to the company and can be analyzed to understand its core customers.8 The career website,, exemplifies American Eagles intense focus on providing a rewarding employee culture. Its compensation and benefit programs are individually based on performance to encourage individuality. At, outsiders can view employee accounts of responsibilities and personal growth afforded to them by being part of the American Eagle community. Interactive videos and photos guide the everyday user through the ins and outs of daily life at American Eagle and encourages them to apply for available positions. Here, students can also discover how to get involved with internships and college recruiting. Internships are designed to introduce college age students to the fast paced retail industry as well as the culture and style of American Eagle.7 American Eagle has developed an associate generated intranet system called AE life-the intranet. The purpose of the intranet is to showcase these employee values in a venue that also provides up to date information and industry news. The intranet allows associates at many locations to share and create a common experience of what is like to work at American Eagle.16 The intranets exciting and interactive format was designed to reflect the companys culture of fun and variety and to encourage employees to visit and update the system frequently. According to American Eagle Executives, their number one competitive advantage is the innovation of their associates. AEOs associates continue to connect to the values and the mission of the company, it can be assured that they will produce an intranet with appropriate and relevant information.16 Financially, American Eagle is a company with large amounts of cash on hand and low debt .1 This affords the company the ability to invest quickly in any market opportunities it may perceive, and would give it a competitive advantage. With large amounts of cash on hand, AE is more resilient to economic and other external environment changes. American Eagle may also be able to take bigger risks in the market, which may lead to large increases in sales and preference among their target market. Because of the nature of the fashion retail industry, American Eagle has a tough time sustaining its competitive advantages. Although American Eagle has a high brand awareness and liking among people in its target market, it does not seem to have a high preference among those consumers, especially among college aged men.8 This suggests that American Eagle could strengthen its brand name and positioning because of the confusion concerning what the brand is about and the lack of the quintessential American Eagle look. American Eagles clothing seems to be overpriced for the kind of quality received, with many in the focus group saying that their garments have fallen apart easily and they felt like they had overpaid for them because of it.10 Even though American Eagle cites innovation as a competitive advantage, very few of their products are unique enough to qualify as new and innovative to their consumers.8 Even though American Eagle locates their stores mostly in trendy, accessible ma lls, this is easily imitated by other competitors since they rent locations in malls as well. Also, the increase of internet purchases has made store locations less of a competitive advantage by substituting for them. Another disadvantage is the Martin +Osa brand name, which failed to gain much awareness and performed poorly financially. In fact the company hopes to increase shareholder equity by closing down the brand completely.1 American Eagle seems be trying to increase its resonance with the target market and maintain its individualistic company culture in order to develop competitive advantages. American Eagle increases its resonance by reducing product lead times to better react to consumer tastes and current fashion trends and by continuing to exploit the opportunity of mobile and social marketing. AE maintains its culture and values by creating exciting career and internship opportunities and by focusing on a user generated intranet. American Eagles presence in the retail market is threatened because of the perceptions about them in their target market. Although some people enjoy and find the clothing to be fashionable and affordable, lack of a differentiated brand name will really hurt American Eagle in the long run. If they choose to focus on a differentiation strategy as opposed to focusing on low cost, they need to get their customers to believe all the things their employees do about the American Eagle brand. Comparison to Competition American Eagle has placed itself in the middle of the fashion industry where they cannot compete on price nor are they a high fashion brand, and they tailor toward a relatively small market segment. They have been able to successfully compete, to this point, by indentifying trends in fashion, positioning the company with a strong and recognizable brand name and maintaining a world class supply chain network. American Eagle most directly competes with Abercrombie and Fitch and The Gap but they have also seen increased market pressure from fast-fashion retailers like Forever 21.4 American Eagle has been very successful at identifying trends in fashion. A fashion retail company that could not would be out of business because of the nature of the fashion industry. This is an advantage that is tough to maintain because a few bad seasons could sink a successful retailer because it ruins their brand name and their revenues. There are two keys to being successful in fashion trending, the first is forecasting and identifying the newest fashion trends, and the second is getting those products through design, purchasing, manufacturing, distribution and to the store while they are still relevant. AE does a good job at both tasks and they are on par with their competitors in this sense. They are losing in these positions with fast fashion retailers, like Forever 21, which offer trendier clothes, cheaper, and faster from design. The fast fashion industry has been in boom as of late because they offer a greater degree of affordability than American Eagle and other traditi onal retail stores, while being trendier.4 American Eagle prides itself on how competitive their supply chain has become and, as we discussed previously, the distribution process is critical to success in fashion. When American Eagle sought to expand their business in 1999 they began by improving their distribution process. The goal was to lower inventory levels and increase the amount of flow in the distribution centers, a strategy often called Just-in-time distribution. They had two reasons to move toward this strategy, the first was discussed above, which was to shorten lead times from design to store shelves. This allowed them to create a store atmosphere of fresh, clean and hip clothes. This was supposed to compliment the overall theme of their clothing, which was supposed to be preppy and young. Short lead times also work to decrease sales lost to stock outs. The other goal was to decrease the cost of holding excess inventory, which will create better profit margins that they would not otherwise realize. [17] American Eagle has also been profitable because the way they have developed their brand name. They currently rank number 36 in the top 50 most valuable retail brand name list. The GAP is number 23 and Abercrombie and Fitch is at number 49. [18] The value of the brand name is based on how much it will likely earn them in the future. This is the result of both quality product and marketing efforts. AE has worked to market through socially hip medians, such as hip TV shows, and Facebook. The result has been that they are able to spend less on marketing while being as effective as other industry leaders. For instance AE spends 3.2% of total assets on marketing1 while Abercrombie and Fitch spends 12.1% [19] , despite Abercrombies much lower ranking. In fashion a brand is everything, two identical shirts with two different brands are going to be perceived as different. Since, American Eagle has placed themselves in a good position when it comes to their brand name, but they are not industry leaders, with the GAP, Polo Ralph Lauren and even Aeropostale coming in above them. The general conclusion has been that American Eagle has been successful due to the defined key metrics for success but at the same time they have consistently fallen short of the top position each category. This is consistent when looking through the stock price of each company, with American Eagle falling well behind Abercrombie and Fitch, Urban Outfitters, The Buckle, and short of The Gap, Aeropostale. Recommendations As American Eagle enters the international market using a wider variety of currencies one of the biggest problems that they will face is the movement of exchange rates. With the change of exchange rates they might have to show a loss of millions of dollars just because of an unfavorable exchange rate. The most important thing that American Eagle needs to develop is a clear and thorough way to hedge this risk. One way could be to set up a manufacturing site in those areas that the company is looking to enter, this will set the costs in the same currency as the revenue hedging that risk. Another recommendation for American Eagle in the aspect of its failed line of M+O stores, is to develop a store in a number of years that will transition its current American Eagle customers into a more adult look. The reason that M+O failed could be that older people now have already had a set look and company that they buy from and its hard to get those people to change and try something new. By wait ing a number of years and having its current customers grow into adulthood they can put out a line or store that fits that customer because they are already used to the American Eagle name and store. Looking through American Eagles 2009 statement of cash flows it is evident that the company has a lot of cash sitting there not being put towards an investment which is almost like losing money. And with advertising as a percentage of sales only being 2.3% compared to Abercrombie Fitch having 12.1%19 American Eagle could put that money towards an advertising campaign. American Eagle is in a unique position from most of their competitors because they are flushed with cash and can afford to invest the money into company growth. The greatest potential for market growth exists overseas, with 90.8% of revenue coming from the United States.4 American Eagle does have online sales overseas, but there are only a few store locations outside of North America. We believe AE would be best served by investing in countries where the economy is struggling and where the brand name would not have heavy negative connotations. These markets would mostly be China, Japan, and other Asian countries. Success overseas is not a given and AE will have to be careful to differentiate themselves from foreign competitors. It may even be necessary to change the brand name depending on market research performed on a country and their reaction to a brand that is so American. If they are able to compete overseas they will be able to take advantage of two huge strategic benefits. The first is accomplishing economies of size by increasing manufacturing demands from a global market, an objective their competitors have already begun to work toward. The second benefit is that ability to weather economic depressions in different companies by being diversified across foreign markets. We suggest that American Eagle differentiate itself from its major competitors, since our focus group research has suggested that members of their core market tend to be c
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Southern Arizona: Lives that Shaped the Frontier Experience :: Essays Papers
"Ordinary" Women in Early Twentieth Century Southern Arizona: Lives that Shaped the Frontier Experience Some historians have argued that women’s roles in early 20th century Arizona centered exclusively around the domestic sphere and typified values of femininity such as passivity, motherhood, and loyalty to marriage. Their journeys to the West are likewise portrayed as involuntary and life on the frontier a hated struggle. For example, Christiane Fischer states, â€Å"Frontier conditions tended to reinforce women in their traditional roles and did not open up any new possibilities for them†(Fischer, 46). Although this may have been true for some, women’s overall experiences and contributions to Arizona’s history were much more complex. Although historically â€Å"important†figures are often over-represented in the stories we tell about our past, it is essential to remember that social change cannot occur without the involvement of thousands of ordinary folks. According to E.D. Branch, â€Å"If there is a moral to the history of the westwa rd movement, it is this: the transcendent importance of small things and of unimportant people†(Branch in Poling-Kempes, xii). This is especially relevant to women’s history in that women’s experiences are often ignored in dominant discourse and their achievements are relegated to the invisible sphere of domesticity. This essay will explore the ways in which â€Å"ordinary†women influenced the development of the Arizona frontier and to what extent the conditions of this lifestyle affected their roles and opportunities. At the turn of the century, women in the West enjoyed greater freedom than their sisters in other parts of the country. Various social and economic necessities both allowed and forced women into situations that were traditionally reserved for men. Lesley Poling-Kempes states, â€Å"Liberation may have been a side effect, rather than a motivating force or premeditated goal, for women in the new society of the American West†(Poling-Kempes, 49). Women in this region generally had a better economic status, more job opportunities, and higher legal status than women in other regions (Rothschild and Hronek, xx). Historians have presented several hypotheses to explain this geographical distinction. One such theory is that the biased sex ratio (many more men were present than women) required men to be tolerant of women leading unconventional lifestyles. Another possibility is that, overall, the frontier embraced a more democratic way of life than settled areas, which in turn affected women’s rights (Rothschild and Hronek, xx).
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Principle and Practise of Management
International Case : Carrefour  Which Way to Go? Wal-Mart's biggest global competitor is the big French retailer Carretour, a firm that has hypermarkets, big stores offering a variety of goods. It has made large investments around the globe in Latin America and China. But not all is well as competitors taking market share its home market, for instance. There has been even speculation of a takeover by Wal-Mart or Tesco, an English chain. Mr. Barnard has been ousted after heading the company for 12 years; he was replaced by Jose Luis Durant who is of German-Spanish descent. Although the global expansion is cited by some as success, it may be even a big mistake. It withdrew from Japan and sold 29 hypermarkets in Mexico. Carrefour also had problems competing with Tesco in Slovakia and the Czech Republic. In Germany, the company faced tough competition from Aldi and Lidle, two successful discounters. On the other hand, it bought stores in Poland, Italy, Turkey, and opened new stores in China, South Korea, and Columbia. Carrefour has become more careful in selecting markets. But. the company is eager to enter the Indian market, but found out in late 2006 that Wal-Mart will do so as well. In France, where Carrefour is well established, the company made the big mistake in its pricing policy. It probably started with the 1999 merger with Promodes, the French discount chain. Carrefour confused the French clientele by losing its low-cost image; whether the image can be changed remains to be seen. Mr. Durant, the new CEO since 2005, embarked on the new strategy by offering 15 percent new products in its hypermarkets and 10 percent in its supermarkets. Moreover, he wants to employ more staff, extend the operating hours in certain hypermarkets, cutting prices, trying small stores, and pushing down decision making. Mr. Durant aims to stay only in countries where Carrefour is among the top retailers.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Valence Bond (VB) Theory Definition
Valence Bond (VB) Theory Definition Valence bond (VB) theory is a chemical bonding theory that explains the chemical bonding between two atoms. Like molecular orbital (MO) theory, it explains bonding using principles of quantum mechanics. According to valence bond theory, bonding is caused by the overlap of half-filled atomic orbitals. The two atoms share each others unpaired electron to form a filled orbital to form a hybrid orbital and bond together. Sigma and pi bonds are part of valence bond theory. Key Takeaways: Valence Bond (VB) Theory Valence bond theory or VB theory is a theory based on quantum mechanics that explains how chemical bonding works.In valence bond theory, the atomic orbitals of individual atoms are combined to form chemical bonds.The other major theory of chemical bonding is molecular orbital theory or MO theory. Valence bond theory is used to explain how covalent chemical bonds form between several molecules. Theory Valence bond theory predicts covalent bond formation between atoms when they have half-filled valence atomic orbitals, each containing a single unpaired electron. These atomic orbitals overlap, so electrons have the highest probability of being within the bond region. Both atoms then share the single unpaired electrons to form weakly coupled orbitals. The two atomic orbitals do not need to be the same as each other. For example, sigma and pi bonds may overlap. Sigma bonds form when the two shared electrons have orbitals that overlap head-to-head. In contrast, pi bonds form when the orbitals overlap but are parallel to each other. This diagram depicts a sigma bond between two atoms. The red area represents localized electron density. ZooFari / Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license Sigma bonds form between electrons of two s-orbitals because the orbital shape is spherical. Single bonds contain one sigma bond. Double bonds contain a sigma bond and a pi bond. Triple bonds contain a sigma bond and two pi bonds. When chemical bonds form between atoms, the atomic orbitals may be hybrids of sigma and pi bonds. The theory helps explain bond formation in cases where a Lewis structure cant describe real behavior. In this case, several valence bond structures may be used to describe a single Lewis stricture. History Valence bond theory draws from Lewis structures. G.N. Lewis proposed these structures in 1916, based on the idea that two shared bonding electrons formed chemical bonds. Quantum mechanics was applied to describe bonding properties in the Heitler-London theory of 1927. This theory described chemical bond formation between hydrogen atoms in the H2 molecule using Schrà ¶dingers wave equation to merge the wavefunctions of the two hydrogen atoms. In 1928, Linus Pauling combined Lewiss pair bonding idea with the Heitler-London theory to propose valence bond theory. Valence bond theory was developed to describe resonance and orbital hybridization. In 1931, Pauling published a paper on valence bond theory entitled, On the Nature of the Chemical Bond. The first computer programs used to describe chemical bonding used molecular orbital theory, but since the 1980s, principles of valence bond theory have become programmable. Today, the modern versions of these theories are competitive with each other in terms of accurately describing real behavior. Uses Valence bond theory can often explain how covalent bonds form. The diatomic fluorine molecule, F2, is an example. Fluorine atoms form single covalent bonds with each other. The F-F bond results from overlapping pz orbitals, which each contain a single unpaired electron. A similar situation occurs in hydrogen, H2, but the bond lengths and strength are different between H2 and F2 molecules. A covalent bond forms between hydrogen and fluorine in hydrofluoric acid, HF. This bond forms from the overlap of the hydrogen 1s orbital and the fluorine 2pz orbital, which each have an unpaired electron. In HF, both the hydrogen and fluorine atoms share these electrons in a covalent bond. Sources Cooper, David L.; Gerratt, Joseph; Raimondi, Mario (1986). The electronic structure of the benzene molecule. Nature. 323 (6090): 699. doi:10.1038/323699a0Messmer, Richard P.; Schultz, Peter A. (1987). The electronic structure of the benzene molecule. Nature. 329 (6139): 492. doi:10.1038/329492a0Murrell, J.N.; Kettle, S.F.A.; Tedder, J.M. (1985). The Chemical Bond (2nd ed.). John Wiley Sons. ISBN 0-471-90759-6.Pauling, Linus (1987). Electronic structure of the benzene molecule. Nature. 325 (6103): 396. doi:10.1038/325396d0Shaik, Sason S.; Phillipe C. Hiberty (2008). A Chemists Guide to Valence Bond Theory. New Jersey: Wiley-Interscience. ISBN 978-0-470-03735-5.
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
African American History and Women Timeline 1860-1869
African American History and Women Timeline 1860-1869 [Previous] [Next] Women and African American History: 1860-1869 1860 founded in 1832 and accepting male and female, white and black students, by 1860 Oberlin College had a student population that was one-third African American 1861 Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl, autobiography of Harriet Jacobs, was published, including descriptions of the sexual exploitation of female slaves Laura Towne, from Pennsylvania, went to the Sea Islands off the coast of South Carolina to teach the former slaves she ran a school in the Sea Islands until 1901, adopting several African American children with her friend and teaching partner, Ellen Murray 1862 Charlotte Forten arrived in the Sea Islands to work with Laura Towne, teaching former slaves Mary Jane Patterson, graduating from Oberlin College, was the first African American woman to graduate from an American college Congress abolished slavery in Washington, DC (July 16) Ida B. Wells (Wells-Barnett) born (muckraking journalist, lecturer, activist, anti-lynching writer and activist) (July 13-17) many New York African Americans killed in draft riots (September 22) Emancipation Proclamation issued, freeing slaves within territory controlled by the Union 1863 Fanny Kemble published Journal of a Residence on a Georgian Plantation which opposed slavery and served as anti-slavery propaganda Memoir of Old Elizabeth a Coloured Woman published: autobiography of an African Methodist Episcopal evangelist Susie King Taylor, African American army nurse with the Union army, began writing her journal, later published as In Reminiscences of My Life in Camp: Civil War Nurse Mary Church Terrell born (activist, clubwoman) 1864 Rebecca Ann Crumple graduated from the New England Medical College, becoming the first African American woman M.D. 1865 slavery ended in the United States with the passage of the 13th Amendment to the Constitution  American Equal Rights Association founded by Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Susan B. Anthony, Frederick Douglass, Lucy Stone, and others, to work for equal rights for African Americans and women the group split in 1868 over which group (women or African American men) should take priority  Charlotte Forten published Life on the Sea Islands about her teaching experiences as an African American northerner who went south to teach former slaves sculptor Edmonia Lewis produced a bust of Robert Gould Shaw, who led black troops in the Civil War (March 9) Mary Murray Washington born (educator, founder of the Tuskegee Womans Club, wife of Booker T. Washington) (April 11) Mary White Ovington born (social worker, reformer, NAACP founder) (-1873) many women teachers, nurses, and physicians went to the South to help former slaves by founding schools and providing other services, as part of the Freedmens Bureau effort or as missionaries with religious or more secular organizations 1866 President Andrew Johnson vetoed funding for and extension of the Freedmens Bureau, but Congress overrode the veto  Old Elizabeth died 1867 Rebecca Cole graduated from medical school, the second African American woman to do so. She went on to work with Elizabeth Blackwell in New York.  Edmonia Lewis created sculpture Forever Free communicating the response of African Americans when they heard of the end of slavery (July 15) Maggie Lena Walker born (banker, executive) (December 23) Sarah Breedlove Walker (Madam C.J. Walker) born 1868  14th Amendment to the US Constitition granted US citizenship to African American men for the first time explicitly defining US citizens as male. Attitudes towards the importance of this change split the American Equal Rights Association within the year. Much later, the 14th Amendment became the basis for various equal protection cases advocating for womens rights. Elizabeth Keckley, dressmaker and confidante of Mary Todd Lincoln, published her autobiography, Behind the Scenes; or, Thirty Years a Slave and Four Years in the White House sculptor Edmonia Lewis produced Hagar in the Wilderness 1869 biography Harriet Tubman: The Moses of Her People by Sarah Bradford published; proceeds funded a home for the elderly founded by Harriet Tubman  National Woman Suffrage Association founded (NWSA), with Elizabeth Cady Stanton as first president (November) American Woman Suffrage Association founded (AWSA), with Henry Ward Beecher as first president [Previous] [Next] [1492-1699] [1700-1799] [1800-1859] [1860-1869] [1870-1899] [1900-1919] [1910-1919] [1920-1929] [1930-1939] [1940-1949] [1950-1959] [1960-1969] [1970-1979] [1980-1989] [1990-1999] [2000-]
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Obama Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Obama Assignment - Essay Example e represent opportunities for a truly unprecedented series of changes that could change the way that the world thinks about America, and America about itself. The organisation of the U.S. government system in general, is fundamentally based on promoting American capitalism at its core, and unless a change in this vital paradigm is brought about it is difficult to achieve a shift in public policy. Obama has said that America must be as careful in withdrawing troops as it was careless in going to war – but at the heart of the matter is the bigger question of newly-acquired U.S. oil interests in Iraq, with one of the world’s major untapped resources. It is difficult to envisage the current U.S. administration to admit that there are vested economic interests in the war, and current political structure would certainly discourage the U.S. from making a U-turn. In turn, it is also linked to the energy crisis, as it will take time for America to build its renewable energy rese rves, and thus oil-related geopolitical considerations would continue for a while. The cost of war is another issue : American firms rebuilding Iraq are also part of the complex geopolitical chain of economic considerations. Even Obama’s personal profile and acceptability in the Arab world will hardly make it any easier to address this vital issue. Influencing public policy in this regard is likely to remain a major challenge fir the foreseeable future. Regarding the credit crisis and its effect on the American economy, the challenges are even greater. Obama’s agenda to create more jobs for Americans means that the existing credit-fuelled structure of the American market place has to be changed. Housing is one of the mainstays of American economic activity : to cause a shift to this will be a monumental task, as the housing sector is likely to stay depressed for a longer period of time. Obama will face an uphill task with the Congress to raise minimum wages, amend NAFTA to benefit
Friday, November 1, 2019
Budget Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Budget - Assignment Example The budget cuts across machinery $27 million, fire engines $32 million, fire education $10 million, servicing of the existing engines and machinery with the approximate cost $ 5 million, emergency cases among other miscellaneous costs (Ballam, 2013). After reading Bland’s book on which tax revenues are more likely to be budget neutral, I took some interest on capital improvement plan and the ways to finance the proposed project in government’s public sector as per the views of the publication called A Budgeting Guide for Local Government. In order to understand the ways of funding the given project in the capital development plan, one needs to get acquainted with the purpose of the intended project(s). The main drive of planning is to match and forecast projected capital and revenues needs over a given time frame, for instance a year, six months. The capital improvement plan is inclusive of information such as a listing of the capital projections or equipment intended to be purchased, the priority list for given project, the plan for funding the projects, the defense of the projects, as well as the elaboration of all the expenditures for the given projects (Bland, 2013). The fire department’s development plan that needed further analysis is the section concentrating on the financing choices for the project of around $1.3 million. Well-wishers, national government and local government can fund fire services’ projects using a pay as you use option. In the first option, the government depends on the existing revenue sources to fund different projects in the emergency services, fire department. These revenues get sourced from diversified sources such as current taxes, for example, petroleum taxes for highway developments, grants courts and reserves accumulated over time. When the needs to finance a definite project is more than the present revenue available to fund the project in question,
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