Monday, September 30, 2019
Mind/Body Problem Essay
The mind/body problem is the problem of specifying the relationship between the mind and body. Before further explanation of this issue, it is important to fully understand each term as it is being used throughout this paper. The mind, as I will call it, is representational of the consciousness of an individual. This is to say that the part of a person which determines will and choice, the experiences and sensations are collectively referred to as mind. The body, at times more specifically, the brain, denotes the physical aspects of a person. This is inclusive of the physical mass, neurons responsiveness to stimuli, and physical location. Now, with a more complete understanding of mind and body, one is able to return to the issue of the relationship concerning the two. One way to view this subject is to think of it as defining the relationship of mental states and brain (neural) states. While philosophers have not reached a definitive explanation to this issue, the years have provided ample time for a few prominent theories to develop. It may be thought that science could provide an answer to our problem, though this is not the case. While science may give us insight to different functions of brain states that correlate to mental processes, it does not definitely prove how they are related or why. This can be explained through the point of view perception. Science can give a clear understanding of how the brain functions; it can paint a rich picture of the inputs and outputs. Science may also have the ability to explain what feelings and emotions are. For example, it may be able to explain biting into a summer peach and describe the taste. However, science cannot experience the way a summer peach tastes to me, as an individual. It cannot feel the way I do whenever I think about my mother. This is the difference in the third person perspective (the only one that science is truly able to offer) and the first person perspective of the individual actually experiencing the situation. While it seems as though there is a causal relationship between the mind and body, meaning that the mind affects the body and the body has an effect on the mind, the question still remains as to how this interaction functions and why. It is at this point that philosophers provide different solutions to these questions. The dualist perspective offers that the mind and body are two completely distinct ontological entities, whether in composition, function, or interaction. Conversely, the physicalist argues that the mind and body are both explainable in physical terms because there is nothing more to this world than the physical aspects. This is to say that the mind is of the same stuff as the body because in fact, they are the same. The mind is simply a process of the physical brain. Frank Jackson utilizes a mind experiment in his writing, What Mary Didn’t Know to challenge this thought of physicalism. Jackson asks his readers to imagine a woman named Mary who is confined to a black and white room. She is taught through a black and white screen everything that there is to know about the physical nature of the world. According to physicalism, she knows all there is to know. However, one day Mary is taken outside of the black and white room. At this time, she will learn what it is like to see and experience the color red. According to Jackson, Mary learns something new; something above and beyond all of her physical knowledge of the world. If this is the case, that would result in the fact that there are some things in the world that are not physical things. Jackson’s argument may be structured in a way that clearly defines his point. Mary knows everything physical there is to know about other people. Mary does not know everything there is to know about other people. It follows that there are truths about other people that escape the physicalist’s story. Utilizing the knowledge argument, Jackson asserts that because Mary learned what experiencing the color red is like, that she learned something new and gained knowledge about something outside the physicalist’s argument. This, in Jackson’s perspective, discredits physicalism because if while in the black and white room Mary knows every physical fact, then she must know everything. However, by gaining a new experience and learning something outside of the room, then there are things that cannot be explained physically. Jackson argues that learning on a black and white screen isn’t enough to learn about mental life. It is not enough to learn about the qualia of experiences. These qualia refer to the individual qualitative feelings of an experience. For example, what tasting a ripe summer peach is actually like to experience. Therefore there must be something more to the story. Taking a different view, Colin McGinn offers his perspective on the mind/body problem in his writing, Can we Solve the Mindâ€â€Body Problem? McGinn suggests that no, we cannot solve the mind/body problem and therein lies our solution- that we should not be worried about this issue because we will never be able to solve it. McGinn maps out several reasons to support his conclusion. He begins by explaining why previous attempts of explanation have failed to clarify the mind/body problem. McGinn states that previous arguments use one of two tactics. The first is to resort to the use of supernatural means. McGinn says that this is just as â€Å"extreme as the problem†, meaning that proving this premise is just as difficult as the conclusion it is designed to support. Furthermore, he says that other arguments employ the use of explaining mental states through physical properties of the brain. This proves problematic as well. McGinn offers a different avenue, it is what he calls, cognitive closure. He believes that there is a natural explanation for the way in which the mind and body interact with each other but that we, as humans, are closed to its explanation. He proposes his argument in this way: Human minds are similar to biological bodies in which that they have different levels of capacity and cognitive capability. Even though a mind may not possess the cognitive ability to understand a concept, this would not imply that the concept is untrue. He uses the example of the light spectrum. While humans can only view a small portion of the light spectrum, it does not discount the other levels. The same principle may be applied here. Furthermore, an idea may be completely cognitively closed if there is no possibility of any mind being able to understand it. However, the same standard of its truth value remains. McGinn argues that the mind/body problem is an issue that is completely cognitively closed to humans. Therefore, no matter what advancements in science or technology that may occur, it will still never be enough to understand the mind/body problem. This should give humans some peace of mind. McGinn says that there should be not need to worry about solving an issue that can never be solved. Keeping McGinn’s paradigm of thought in mind, once again consider Jackson’s article, What Mary didn’t know. While Jackson seems to offer a strong argument, McGinn may object to it on the basis of his first premise. If the human mind is cognitively closed to certain levels of knowledge, then it is impossible for Mary to learn everything there is to know in her black and white room. In fact, it does not matter where Mary receives her learning, she will never gain complete knowledge. Her limit would reach the level of knowledge in which her brain is cognitively open to her. While it is true that Mary would have the knowledge of everything that humans could possibly understand; she still is not all-knowing. By denying Jackson’s first premise, it renders his argument invalid.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Technological Adaptation On Hospital Standards Health And Social Care Essay
IntroductionHospital is one of the most of import and fast growth industry. It is the most of import service for the populace. Many organisations are working as in private or publicly ( Murawski et al. , 2011 ) . Health governments by the authoritiess and United Nation are working to look after for the criterions and process ( Edlund et al. , 2003 ) . The regulations are so rigorous for the wellness attention services it straight deals with the life of the patient ( Kim et al. , 2010 ) . The regulative governments do proper checking and guarantee the quality of the service provided to the patients. The safety safeguards are really high ( Snella et al. , 2004 ) . The wellness factors are impacting people to endure from their lives more and more. Health attention services include the infirmaries, pharmaceutical companies, ambulance services, and every step to salvage the human life ( Snella et al. , 2004 ) . Human life is the cherished gift by the GOD which needs exceptional attention and attending. There is nil more cherished than the life a human being so the governments do non compromise on the service quality ( Murawski et al. , 2011 ) . The wellness service suppliers need invention in the industry as to be cost effectual and efficient ( Murawski et al. , 2011 ) . The uninterrupted and effectual betterment is needed in term of service quality and safety step ( World Healthcare Congress, 2009 ) . Patient attention is become mandatory as the diseases affect the human life severely ( Kim et al. , 2010 ) . The attendant alterations are required in wellness installations particularly in infirmaries and services drive from it ( Snella et al. , 2004 ) . The schemes and scrutinies demands to be done on uninterrupted footing to travel towards more inventions and engineering promotion ( Solberg et al. , 2008 ) . The progress in engineering will non merely impact the cost of the intervention but besides the effectivity of the intervention will travel more positive. IT and the technological promotion have rolled all over the Earth ( Murawski et al. , 2011 ) . The researches and the experiments are been on uninterrupted footing t o travel towards more effectual and efficient interventions ( Solberg et al. , 2008 ) . Hospital and Hospital direction is one of those Fieldss where IT has taken another measure and rush and has added a batch to the medical promotion which has assisted in a figure of interventions that were antecedently thought to be impossible ( Murawski et al. , 2011 ) . Hospitals were non more focus towards the computerized systems and database. The computing machines and IT were ab initio merely restricted to disposal section of the infirmary to keep the direction. Even the information was maintained in the manus written registry book which can be harm and the information is non unafraid ( Solberg et al. , 2008 ) . With the promotion of the engineering, the infirmaries are now equipped with fiscal be aftering which helps the infirmaries to command the finance, budgeting which helps the infirmary to command the cost and advanced medical equipment which helps the infirmaries for more effectual and efficient interventions ( Solberg et al. , 2008 ) . The IHMS package assists the infirmary in patient wellness attention and disposal ( Kim et al. , 2010 ) . It helps the infirmaries to keep an up to day of the month services provided to the patient and the direction issues of the infirmary ( Murawski et al. , 2011 ) . These package non merely salvage the c ost but besides secure the information which is really of import in term of patient`s life ( Kim et al. , 2010 ) . The aims of the survey are to measure the IT alterations and promotions in Skoulnong General Hospital, the behavior towards engineering version and the impact of IT on the patient attention services ( Snella et al. , 2004 ) . The cost of supplying the high quality services as comparison to the client satisfaction is negligible ( Snella et al. , 2004 ) . When it comes to wellness issues the money non affairs. Health is more of import than the money ( Murawski et al. , 2011 ) . The engineering promotion made the intervention cost lower which is good for the economic system every bit good. The infirmaries require up to day of the month electronic medical record of the patients which helps the infirmaries to be less dependent on the medical staff ( Bowers & A ; Lutz, 2000 ) . In instance the staff gets absent the infirmary direction can easy manage the patient with the aid of alternate staff ( Murawski et al. , 2011 ) . The direction issues of the infirmary can be sorted out as the computerized sign-out systems will keep the staff clip in and clip out. The computerized system will keep the intervention, medicines, and job of the patients to be to the full integrated ( Kim et al. , 2010 ) . Harmonizing to Bowers and Lutz ( 2000 ) , the third degree or service sectors are labour intensive establishments. There is wastage of the cherished clip on the certification and other filing procedure done by the medical staff. The IT and standard processs allows the infirmaries to hold an entree of the intranet that can do the information readily available ( Solberg et al. , 2008 ) . The planetary sphere is concentrating on the client satisfaction as client is the most of import factor of the concern and IT has shown important consequences in accomplishing positive consequences ( Crow et al. , 2003 ) . The purpose of this survey is to measure the technological promotion and its impacts on the infirmary attention services at Skoulnong General Hospital. The survey would imply in deepness about the different technological alterations that this selected infirmary has taken into consideration and due to which their infirmary criterions were affected excessively ( Murawski et al. , 2011 ) .IHMSThe wellness attention installations are turning and there is more focal point on the quality of wellness attention systems ( Edlund et al. , 2003 ) . This focal point shows the fast increasing technological alteration in wellness attention installations and edification of modern methods of patient intervention ( Kim et al. , 2010 ) . The increasing quality and engineering is been viewed as a important platform of answerability and intensive attention from the policy shapers in the private and public sectors. The alteration is needed as the conditions are altering ( Murawski et al. , 2011 ) . The diseases and the illness of the people are increasing due to many environmental factors. The infirmaries need to be effectual and attendant in intervention and which can merely be achieved through engineering inventions ( Murawski et al. , 2011 ) . IHMS package has been developed to assist the infirmaries in bettering their public presentation with the aid of comprehensive package so lution ( Burden, 2002 ) . The package helps the infirmary in every facet to run and keep the criterions of working. The engineering helps the infirmary to make proper checking and controlling of the staff, histories, and ailments by the clients ( Burden, 2002 ) . The package cost much to the infirmaries but helps in effectivity in accomplishing more end products ( Burden, 2002 ) . The staff is able to work without package. But the engineering promotion forces the infirmaries to put in such package to work more expeditiously and efficaciously ( Murawski et al. , 2011 ) . Harmonizing to Grimes ( 2003 ) , the IHMS package used in the infirmaries have two basic manners of operations such as patient attention sphere and administrative sphere. The patient attention sector of the IHMS includes out-patient charge which helps the infirmary direction to keep the charge history and computerized records of history which non merely helps to better the client attention but besides help in decrease of frauds ( Burden, 2002 ) . The medical history of the patient is besides been computerized which helps the infirmary to keep a proper record of the intervention and in instance the staff is non present the alternate staff can execute the responsibilities on their behalf ( Bowers & A ; Lutz, 2000 ) . This will assist the infirmary to maintain a balance in the intervention of the patient and safety of the record ( Kim et al. , 2010 ) . This package includes more in term of in-patient discharge, ward direction, in-patient admittance, Out-patient enrollment, medical recor ds, referral patient direction, assignment, patient flow direction, operation theatre direction, medical record trailing, and in-patient reserve ( Burden, 2002 ) . All the informations related to information about the patient and issues of infirmary are keeping through computerized informations ( Kim et al. , 2010 ) . It improves the patient satisfaction and a good feeling towards infirmary and intervention ( Murawski et al. , 2011 ) . The administrative sphere entails intranet, material direction, standard fiscal, and community outreach. The ISMS package is extremely flexible and can be easy customized to the dynamic demands of the infirmaries ( Burden, 2002 ) . It helps the disposal to keep a web nexus between the all computing machines of the infirmary and a database which safe all the information. Through this system the information of the direction and patient attention is safe over the paper work which staff demands to make ( Machado et al. , ( 2007 ) . The paper work non merely waste the cherished clip of the medical staff but besides impropriety and hazard in keeping the records. The package is besides self operative and increases the efficiency of the client related questions ( Murawski et al. , 2011 ) . The charge and reserves on clip increases the client satisfaction and the infirmary generates large grosss from it ( Crow et al. , 2003 ) . In instance of the manual records the patient have to wait for th e question reply as the staff needs to happen the file of the client than cheque for the record ( Kim et al. , 2010 ) . It non merely blow the clip of the staff but besides makes the client uncomfortable. Customer wants importance and fast service which non merely do a good image of the organisation but besides satisfaction towards service ( Snella et al. , 2004 ) . Crow, Storey, and Page ( 2003 ) articulated that the IHMS maintain the information of the patients from the information of admittance to the discharge and supply the relevant and filtered information refering to the demand of the medical staff. Information engineering standardized the patient flow with the same criterions and processs, work flow and other activities within the infirmary ( Kim et al. , 2010 ) . The standard process takes less clip and hence, diminish the clip consumed by the disposal section ( Murawski et al. , 2011 ) . The consumers are satisfied with the efficiency of the infirmary and gives rise to augmented client satisfaction ( Crow et al. , 2003 ) . The engineering promotion increases the cost for the infirmary but it has least of import than the client satisfaction ( Grimes, 2003 ) . Customer is the key for any concern because the concern operates for the client and concern is useless without clients ( Crow et al. , 2003 ) .The client satisfaction and technolog ical versionThe intent of the concern is to bring forth net income and the intent of the non net income organisations is to supply thee better attention to the general populace. Health sector includes the both private and public organisation to function the clients ( Edlund et al. , 2003 ) . Private wellness sector organisations are more focus towards net incomes but the public wellness sector organisations are owned by the authorities which is runing to give the purchase to the client ( Edlund et al. , 2003 ) . For both type of organisations client is needed to maintain the flow of the operations. The client for the infirmaries is the patient who suffers from unwellness and hurts ( Machado et al. , ( 2007 ) . Hospitals belong to service industry in which the manufacturer and the terminal user communicate straight ( Murawski et al. , 2011 ) . The mission and vision of the organisations is to better the service quality and convey invention to fulfill the client ( Snella et al. , 2004 ) . The success factors of any concern depend on the customeraa‚Â ¬a„?s satisfaction and the sensed image of the organisation ( Crow et al. , 2003 ) . Customer satisfaction may be defined as the positive feedback after buying the merchandise or service ( Snella et al. , 2004 ) . The quality of the service is really of import and the government organic structures are keeping and commanding the quality ( Freil et al. , 2005 ) . The rigorous actions can be taken against the medical service suppliers in instance the quality of the intervention or the factors drive from it are with lower quality ( Freil et al. , 2005 ) . The client satisfaction helps the organisation to do the loyal clients ( Crow et al. , 2003 ) . The competition is really high in every industry particularly in service industry ( Snella et al. , 2004 ) . Hospital is the most of import sector of any state because the life is really cherished. In infirmary industry the patients are more comfy with the medical staff as it is the critical issue for the patient life ( Kim et al. , 2010 ) . The patient feels comfy because the medical staff with whom they are acquiring the intervention knows them good, and knows the medical history of the patient ( Murawski et al. , 2011 ) . In instance the same medical staffs are non found by the patient, the patient does experience uncomfortable by acquiring the intervention from the alternate staff ( Solberg et al. , 2008 ) . If the client gets satisfied the client will go the loyal client and come to the same infirmary whenever they feel ill. Patients do prefer to travel to their household physicians a s an apprehension has been developed with them ( Murawski et al. , 2011 ) . The staffs of the infirmary are really of import for client satisfaction ( Grimes, 2003 ) . The medical staff should be good educated and good train as a minor error can harm the patient ( Bowers & A ; Lutz, 2000 ) . The technological invention brings the flawlessness in interventions and improves the quality of services ( Snella et al. , 2004 ) . The promotion in the engineering helps the infirmaries to utilize more effectual and efficient ways to name the disease and get down the intervention. Harmonizing o Crow, Storey, and Page ( 2003 ) , the technological acceptance by the infirmaries has shown important positive consequence. This new progress package can be used in any section and require input from the staff and nowadays the consequence in extremely organized and customized signifiers ( Solberg et al. , 2008 ) . The size of the infirmaries is irrelevant to the new engineering and medical equipment. The progress equipment helps the infirmaries to handle the patient with intensive attention ( Machado et al. , ( 2007 ) . It can be used by infirmaries and medical institute of all sizes with comprehensive package and dearly-won machines ( Murawski et al. , 2011 ) . The new advanced machines help the infirmaries to distinguish them from the rivals as the competition in the industry is really high ( Murawski et al. , 2011 ) . These machines help the physicians to indentify the patient disease in short period of clip ( Bowers & A ; Lutz, 2000 ) . The infirmaries must be without noise as it disturbs the patient ( Kim et al. , 2010 ) . The ill patient demands to rest more in peace and unagitated environment. The designation of disease is the first phase to get down the intervention ( Solberg et al. , 2008 ) . The advanced electronic devices help the infirmary direction to cut down the noise. Hospitals are public topographic points where any accident can go on ( Murawski et al. , 2011 ) . The safety step should be taken to minimise the hazard of accidents. The fire alarms or exigency systems help to contend with the catastrophe state of affairss ( Murawski et al. , 2011 ) . The proclamations and messages help to better the commuting procedure ( Solbe rg et al. , 2008 ) . The computerized printed paperss are easy to read instead than the human authorship. Comprehensive package is needed for the infirmaries that have 25-30 admittance and dispatch a twenty-four hours otherwise a trim and little package is necessary for the infirmaries ( Solberg et al. , 2008 ) .The benefits of IT and technological acceptance to the infirmariesThe benefits of engineering promotion are high which forces the infirmaries to follow the engineering ( Solberg et al. , 2008 ) . The package shops the informations from all the section and offices of the infirmary on one portal. The information stored is merely presented and stored in one format which is easy clear and accessible at the exigency state of affairss ( Solberg et al. , 2008 ) . It helps the infirmary to pull off the informations and procure it from amendss. Arbors and Lutz ( 2000 ) acknowledged that the clients are pleased with the use of hi-tech package because it decreases their clip in certifi cation procedure and provides alleviation by utilizing easy accessible medical history. The handiness helps the direction to dependent on the medical staff least. The infirmary information is helpful to place the state of affairs of the patient and future executions ( Bowers & A ; Lutz, 2000 ) . The clients do non hold to wait in waiting line and their clip is save which readily consequences into the client satisfaction ( Crow et al. , 2003 ) . The engineering promotion helps the infirmaries to better their public presentation with the aid of effectual package. The cost of the package is high with the effectivity ( World Healthcare Congress, 2009 ) . This package cost much to the infirmaries and the staff is able to work without package. But the engineering promotion forces the infirmaries to put in such package to work more expeditiously and efficaciously ( World Healthcare Congress, 2009 ) . The engineering promotion helps the direction to cut down the clip of the service bringing ( Snella et al. , 2004 ) . The infirmary develops the standard papers and format readily available on the intranet of the infirmary and hence the error opportunities are reduced. Grimes ( 2003 ) asserted that the staff enters the information with great ardor and concentration merely one time and so it can be retrieve easy on all the visits of the patients ( Kim et al. , 2010 ) . The patients are besides pleased with the public presentation of the infirmaries and do non hold to transport their old studies and medical histories once more and once more ( Solberg et al. , 2008 ) . The engineering betterments in medical equipment, stock list direction and helps the infirmaries to handle the patient in effectual mode ( Bowers & A ; Lutz, 2000 ) . The effectivity leads towards the better terminal consequence. The efficiency might acquire affected as the technological alteration has the high cost ( Bow ers & A ; Lutz, 2000 ) . The human life is more of import than the cost of the intervention because the effectual intervention will do the patient acquire rid of the diseases and live a healthy life ( Kim et al. , 2010 ) . The of import force is the ambulance by which the patient is been transfer to the infirmary ( Machado et al. , ( 2007 ) . The ambulance is the running infirmary which should be to the full equipped with the latest machines and tools which helps the ambulance crew to assist the patient in exigency state of affairs. In instance of accidents the patient needs pressing intervention without the wastage of clip. The ambulance helps in catastrophe by supplying initial medical intervention to the patients ( Machado et al. , ( 2007 ) . The version of new techniques to handle the patient is good to fulfill the client ( Kim et al. , 2010 ) . The benefits of the information engineering are it reduces the clip of the overall intervention. It besides helps the infirmary to distinguish them from rivals and give them an border over rivals ( Machado et al. , ( 2007 ) . The advanced machines and tools help the physician to place the disease of the patient efficaciously without blowing much clip ( Solberg et al. , 2008 ) . The short diagnostic clip helps the physicians to get down the intervention foremost. The infirmary should be to the full equipped to cover with any sort of state of affairs and disease. The infirmaries are public topographic points with noisy environment ( Solberg et al. , 2008 ) . The advanced engineering tools help the infirmary direction to command the noise as the patient needs unagitated and peaceable environment to rest ( Machado et al. , 2007 ) . Fire dismaies and technological safety step helps th e infirmary to cut down the hazard of uncertainness ( World Healthcare Congress, 2009 ) . The fire alarms or exigency systems help to contend with the catastrophe state of affairss. The effectual communicating helps to better the public presentation of the organisation. The information engineering helps to work decently with proper certification and computerized informations ( Solberg et al. , 2008 ) . The information is unafraid in computerized systems than the manus written paperss. It saves the clip of direction and improves efficiency ( Solberg et al. , 2008 ) . The progress engineering helps the infirmary to keep the stock list degrees, and the in and out of the infirmary. Inventory direction system is the most of import factor which helps the infirmary to keep a good criterion and quality of service ( Machado et al. , 2007 ) . The stock list system includes the medical specialty stock list, tools, and other equipment needed. The benefit of the stock list direction system is to command the stock list before the deficit ( Solberg et al. , 2008 ) . The medical specialty should be in adequate measure to carry through the demand in exigency instances. The stock list direction package helps the provider to look into the measure and supply it when itaa‚Â ¬a„?s needed ( Machado et al. , 2007 ) . The engineering promotion besides affects the medical specialty quality and uninterrupted invention in the production criterions ( Grimes, 2003 ) . The medical specialty is the tool which is used by the infirmaries and other wellness installations centres to bring around the disease of the patient ( Freil et al. , 2005 ) . Patient satisfaction is depended on the stableness in the wellness of the patient which is the terminal consequence of the whole procedure done in the infirmary ( World Healthcare Congress, 2009 ) . If the behaviour and experience of the patient is non good with the infirmary but the terminal consequence is the stableness in the wellness, the patient will be still satisfied ( World Healthcare Congress, 2009 ) . The invention and uninterrupted betterment in the medical specialty quality is because of the engineering quality besides due to the invention in the engineering ( Crow et al. , 2003 ) .IT, infirmary criterions, and employee satisfactionHarmonizing to Crow, Storey and Page ( 2003 ) , the turning accent on the client satisfaction has allowed the infirmaries to put in the IT undertakings for better quality of the services. The environment of the infirmary should be contributing to the client satisfaction and supply every easiness to diminish the manual procedure ( Crow et al. , 2003 ) . The infirmaries should develop long term relationship with their clients and non burthen them with the procedure direction. The value and self-respect of the patients should be mai ntained or enhanced by guaranting the criterions processs ( Solberg et al. , 2008 ) . A usher should be presented before the patients in that a detail process should be presented for the admittance and discharge procedure. The employee plays a critical function in the public presentation of the infirmary ( Solberg et al. , 2008 ) . The public presentation of the infirmary depends on the employeeaa‚Â ¬a„?s public presentation and their behaviour ( Murawski et al. , 2011 ) . Employees are the 1 who deals straight with the clients and handle them. Employee satisfaction comes from the working conditions and motivational factors provided by the direction ( Grimes, 2003 ) . If the employee is satisfied from the occupation, their public presentation will be high which impact the organisations public presentation positively ( Murawski et al. , 2011 ) . Employees are the pillars of the organisation and particularly in service industry in which the employees are the one straight pass oning with the clients ( Murawski et al. , 2011 ) . The infirmary criterions maintain the gait of the procedure fast and present the high quality services ( Freil et al. , 2005 ) . The efficiency and effectivity of the infirmary decidedly leaves a positive impact on the client which is the ultimate net income and success for staff and infirmary both ( World Healthcare Congress, 2009 ) . The criterion and process must be followed by the infirmaries which are design by the wellness section of the state ( Edlund et al. , 2003 ) . The regulative governments are guaranting the policies and criterions are been followed. In instance any mis-management happened the rigorous action should be taken against the infirmary ( Edlund et al. , 2003 ) . The new construct is been introduced as the universe as a planetary small town through which the United Nation organisations are involved to look into the quality and the tools and the medical specialty given to the patients ( Freil et al. , 2005 ) .
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Reflection on the History & Systems of Psychology Essay
Pre-modern, modern and postmodern frames of reference have all helped shape important, contemporary psychological theories and issues. In this paper I will attempt, in a reflective manner, to walk through and revisit the areas we covered in course, the end aim being to gain a measure of insight into where the field of psychology stands today, particularly with regard to oppressive forms of ethnocentric monoculturalism. In terms of pre-modern perspectives, in the course we first discussed historical issues concerning the mind-body problem. I stated the nature of the relationship between body and mind and whether they are one and the same or two distinct substances, which is the center of the debate between monists and dualist. Descartes, the most well known dualist, argued for a separation of mind from soul and body. Also an interactionist, Descartes held the mind influenced the body as much as the body impacted the mind (Goodwin, 2009). Plato, his predecessor from antiquity, was also a dualist and an interactionist arguably, and believed the body and soul/mind were temporarily at one during life; each came from a completely different place, the body from the material world and the soul from the world of ideas. At the moment of death, the body withered away in time and space, the soul or mind returning to the world of forms and there realizing universal truths (Wozniak, 1992). Delving deeper into pre-modern views of the mind-body problem I touched upon Spinoza. Spinoza, a contemporary of Descartes, dismissed Descartes’ two-substance view in favor of what is called double-aspect theory (Wozniak, 1992). Double-aspect theories hold the view that the mental and the physical realms are varying aspects of the same substance. For Spinoza, that single substance is God, perceived as the universal essence or nature of everything in existence. In Spinoza’s view, there is no partition of mind and body, therefore. Instead they are of a single substance, in a pre-established coordination, reflecting the divine essence. In reflection, I continue to side with Spinoza and double-aspect theory in terms of pre-modern perspectives. I do believe that there is a pre-established coordination between mind and body that is reflective of the divine creation. â€Å"I am therefore I think†is my continued response to Descartes. In terms of modern perspectives in the course we examined the origins of psychology as a subject discipline. During the course I stated that psychology first appeared as a subject discipline in 1879 when Wilhelm Wundt started a psychology lab in Germany at the University of Leipzig. The laboratory devoted itself to the analysis of conscious thought in its basic elements and structures, which was uncovered through a process of introspection (Gross, 1996). What differentiated this ‘new psychology’ at the time from philosophy was its use of measurement and control as well as its emphasis on the scientific method to study mental processes relevant to human consciousness. Due to his influence on Edward B. Titchener, Wundt’s frame of reference arguably helped give birth to structuralism. Indeed Wundt’s disciple, Titchener, is credited with developing and labeling structuralism in an 1898 paper called â€Å"The Postulates of a Structural Psychology (Goodwin, 2009). In the paper he compared and contrasted structuralism with functionalism, which he claimed infested most US universities, save Cornell where he was cultivating what would come to be called the â€Å"the Cornell school of psychology.†Notwithstanding, Goodwin (2009) has stated that Titchener and the Cornell view of psychology was extremely narrow largely because of its insistence on introspection and due to Titchener’s attitude that his way was the only way, a position that often does not bode well in academia. In this vein and perhaps arrogantly so, Titchener, likened structuralism to anatomy, its purpose being analysis he surmised  whereas functionalism he likened to physiology, stating that functionalists examine how the mind is able to adapt one to his or her said environ ment, which to Titchener was a waste of time without a deep understanding of structure. As one needs to know the ins and outs of human anatomy before being able to fully delve into physiology, so thus was the functionalist at a loss, in his view, without the ability to outline the structures of human consciousness via a highly difficult process of systematic, experimental introspection as stipulated by him in almost cult like exclusivity, which spawned criticism. Accordingly, his movement never gained the momentum it needed to win American hearts and minds, falling into the dustbin of history in favor of functionalism. Nevertheless, in spite of Titchener’s unpopularity in the US, his enduring contribution is that he helped create a place for the lab and experimental psychology in all colleges and universities with programs in psychology. While functionalists were also interested in looking at mental processes such as consciousness in so far as assessing human behavior in terms of how it aided people in adapting to ever-changing environments, they did not, unlike followers of Titchener, emphasize introspection (Goodwin, 2009). Psychologist James R. Angell, a follower of John Dewey, the founder of functionalism in America, became its most outspoken spokesperson, criticizing Titchener and drawing a sharp contrast to him in a 1907 popular paper called â€Å"The Province of Functional Psychology.†It was a damning response to Titchener’s 1898 paper. For Angell, the structuralist was interested in the â€Å"what?†of conscious thought, whereas the functionalist psychologist wished to know the â€Å"how?†and â€Å"why?†of it, asking what is consciousness for? (Goodwin, 2009). This way of viewing psychology in terms of its practical applications, became an important influence in modern times, because it led to the study of topics such as developmental and abnormal psychology, in addition to examining the individual differences of mind, (which Titchener and the Cornell school remarkably had no interest in). When asking how psychology can be used to solve everyday problems in a practical way, we are taking from the functionalists and their movement. Perhaps the most prominent movement in the field of modern 20th century psychology was behaviorism. Behaviorism began essentially due to the work of Ivan Pavlov. Pavlov who did not consider himself a psychologist, but, rather a physiologist interested in the process of digestion in dogs, was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1904 (the year B. F. Skinner was born) in Physiology and Medicine. In the course of his research, Pavlov observed that the dogs would often start salivating before any food being given to them, when they would see the food or the food’s container, or when they heard the footsteps of the lab assistant who was on his way to feed them. His observations led to the study to what we now call classical conditioning (Gross, 1996). The first attempt to apply Pavlov’s findings on conditioning to humans was made by John B. Watson in a dubious and arguably unethical experiment on a small boy named Albert, showing that the fear of rats can be deliberately induced (Watson and Rayer, 1920). The experiment served to popularize a new behavioral approach to psychology that would within a decade become the dominant force in America, Watson its founder, propagator and publicist (Goodwin, 2008). To the modernist Watson (1913), psychology is an objective natural science, its theoretical goal the prediction and control of behavior. Wundt and Titchener’s view on introspection has no place in its methods, nor is consciousness addressed or studied. There is no marked borderline between people and animals. Due to Watson’s input and influence cats, dogs, rats, and pigeons became the major source of psychological data. As ‘psychological’ now meant ‘behavior’ rather than ‘consciousness,’ animals that were easier to study and whose environments could be more readily controlled could replace people as experimental subjects (Gross, 1966). B. F. Skinner, also a behaviorist and modernist, went steps further than Pavlov and Watson, casting behavior in a more interactive light. He made a distinction between respondent and operant behavior and argued that most animal and human behavior is not brought about in the way Pavlov and Watson indicated and surmised. Skinner, like Edward Thorndike before him, was interested in how animals operate on their environment and how this operant behavior brings about particular consequences that can determine the likelihood of that behavior being repeated. In experiments he used a variation of Thordike’s puzzle-box, a Skinner box, which was made for a rat or a pigeon to do things in, rather than escape from. Fundamentally, Skinner saw the learner as much more actively involved than did Pavlov or Watson, for whom behavior was due to stimuli, unconditioned stimuli before learning and conditioned stimuli after learning. In addition to behaviorism, modern views of psychology took twists and turns. As a reaction to both Titchener’s structuralism and Watson’s behaviorism, the Gestalt psychologists of the 1920s and 1930s in Germany and Austria were primarily concerned with perception and held that perceptions could not be deconstructed in the way that Wundt and Titchener wanted to do with thought, and that behaviorists had sought for with behavior. Their belief could be succinctly stated as follows: ‘the whole is greater than the sum of its parts’ (Gross, 1996, p.3). The whole is essentially destroyed when you break down perception and behavior into parts, the Gestalt psychologists held. There are organizing principles of perceptual organization which were voiced by Gestalt’s founder Max Wertheimer. These principles are frequently highlighted in units on perception in general psychology textbooks and are as follows: the principle of proximity, the principle of similarity, the principle of continuation. All of the organizing principles have in common what is called the law of simplicity or what Gestaltists term Prà ¤gnanz. This refers to the tendency for perceptions to mirror reality as closely as possible (Goodwin, 2009). In the course I gave an example of gestalt thinking, which in reflection I would like to return to as it clearly remains in mind. I used the example of a bus stopping at a bus stop in one’s neighborhood. On a given day the bus stops at the same corner the person is accustomed to, and is recognized to be that bus. The person gets on, but has made a mistake. She did not realize that there was a route change that morning and the bus she took was numbered differently. What gives? Is it only a matter of not paying attention? In Gestalt inspired, top-down conceptually driven processing, we begin with one’s prior knowledge, motivations, expectations and beliefs. In the bus example, the inability to see and decipher or register a different number on the bus and get on it, means it was recognized it to be the customary bus due to top-down processing (Danner, 2009). If one were to notice the different bus number, however, that would entail bottom-up processing, because such processing is data driven. The different number is perceived in terms of information in the sensory input, in conjunction with top-down processing, revealing to the person that it is not the customary bus. Perhaps after realizing her mistake, the person in the example will be more careful next time, thereby exercising more bottom-up processing. If Austria was home to some of Gestalt’s most prominent members and adherents, it was also home to Sigmund Freud, the father of psychoanalysis. Freudian psychoanalytic theory was the first to state the significance of innate drives and define abnormal and normal behavior in relationship to the role of the unconscious mind. Its importance is that the theory of personality popularized contextualizing human behavior in terms of the id, ego, and superego, notating development in five psychosexual stages. Each stage was marked by shifts in what Freud believed were the underlying modes of gratification: oral, anal, phallic, latency and genital (Glassman, 2000). In reflection, I continue to find merit in Freud’s concept of stages for sure. I would still prefer to call them development stages, however, and not necessarily put a sexual meaning on them, as Freud and his supporters have done and continue to do. There is no need to detail the well-known limitations and criticisms of Freudian theory, which according to Glassman (2000) are its falsifiability, the great deal of emphasis put on case studies, and its cultural bias towards women. Regardless of such naysaying, his supporters would passionately argue for and be adamant about such a sexual narrative of the human person, which if not fodder, certainly has entertainment value. In fact, Freudian theory is fascinating to me largely due to the dramatic (almost cinematic) conflicts and challenges that mark each psychosexual stage. Perhaps the most well-known of these is the Oedipal conflict (which occurs in the so-called phallic stage). It was interesting to read that some analysts calle d the female variant, the Electra conflict, but Freud himself did not use the term (see Freud 1924). Perhaps the most attractive modern theory of personality, in my view, would belong to Carl Rogers. In Carl Roger’s theory, a person is the source of his or her basic needs such as food and water. He or she is also the source of a growth motive which he called an actualizing tendency, which is an innate drive that is reflective of the desire to grow, to develop and to develop one’s capabilities (Glassman, 2000). It is the actualizing tendency that stimulates creativity, causing a person to seek out new challenges and skills that motivate healthy growth in one’s lifetime (Gross, 1996). According to Rogers (1961, but originally proposed in 1947): Whether one calls it a growth tendency, a drive towards self-actualization, or a forward moving direction tendency, it is the mainspring in life†¦ It is the urge which is evident in all organic and human life – to expand, extend, become autonomous, mature and develop. In reflection, I continue to feel that Roger’s influence and continuing popularity in the psychotherapeutic community give his theories merit. APA members have been asked which psychotherapist they believe to me the most influential figure in the field (Smith, 1982). In 2006, this survey repeated in the Psychotherapy Networker. In both surveys, Carl Rogers was the â€Å"landslide†choice. While this does not prove Rogers to be correct, certainly it gives his theory of motivation more credence than not, increasing its believability. Certainly, I feel influenced by Rogers as I move forward in my career. While Roger’s theory of an actualizing tendency and the overall nature of the client-centered approach may be controversial due to its allowance to let the client call the shots and as stated by Goodwin (2009) for its overemphasis on the the self at the expense of the importance of the community, in addition to being clearer what it was against than what it was for, it is nevertheless, a credible postulation in terms of its application in therapy and remains my preference over Freud. Accordingly, I continue to feel that all clients innately wish to be successful in life and to be praised as contributors to their own selfactualization. They wish to expand their knowledge and achieve higher levels of success beneath all the guises that seem otherwise. When clients are not performing to their fullest potential, praise and support can help ignite the actualizing tendency in a manner that would otherwise have remained dormant. When exploring postmodern views of psychology we have to inherently speak about cultural narratives and meta-narratives. What is psychology today and who defines it? What is psychology’s story, who told that story historically, and who gets to tell it today? When we look at psychology as a practice, historically and today, is important to bring to the fore the ethnocentric monocultural aspects that were oppressive to women and continue to be to minority groups in reinforcing white male Euro-American culture as the normative and desirable culture. Indeed, therapists and helping professionals should try to help deconstruct and unveil monoculturalism whenever it rears its despicable head. When oppressive forms such as heterosexism, ageism, gender and sexism come to the fore in therapy, for example, therapists should not reinforce them but try to encourage reflection on such prejudices with the aim being for the client to indentify for what it is – and to grow accordingly. The field of psychology itself is not immune but remains at risk to the debacle of monoculturalism. According to Yutrzenka, Todd-Bazemore and Caraway (1999) even though the data forecast that by 2050, ethnic minorities will make up over 50% of the US population, this quickly changing demographic has minimal effect on the number of ethnic minority psychologists. This is particularly true for Native Americans, who are far more underrepresented than any other ethnic body. Though the APA as stated by Goodwin (2009), is vigorously addressing this entire issue at present, with such efforts to be praised, still the legacy of ethnocentric monoculturalism is a stain on the profession, and will remain so until significant numbers of minority psychologists abound. In spite of the barriers confronting them, women and minorities have made many notable, valuable and vital contributions to the field of psychology. During the course I discussed Eleanor Gibson who received the National Medal of Science in 1992 for a lifetime of research on topics dealing with the development of depth perception to the fundamentals involved in reading, faced discrimination while at Yale from psychologist Robert Yerkes who wanted no females in his lab (Goodwin, 2009). While she was able to get her PhD there under the guidance of the neobehaviorist Clark Hull, she unfortunately went on to experience difficulties at Cornell (where her husband had gained a position) forced into an unpaid research associate position in spite of winning competitive and prestigious research grants. As a result of these grants, however, she was able to carry out pioneering studies on depth perception with Richard Walk. When Cornell, home to Titchener’s legacy, removed its nepotism rules in 1966, only then did she become a full professor. Furthermore, as discussed in the course, African-Americans have also made outstanding contributions to psychology. Kenneth and Mamie Phipps Clark again come to mind in terms of their best known research titled Racial identification and preference in Negro children (Goodwin, 2009). In this research it was shown that black children showed a preference for white dolls over black ones when asked which they would like to play with and looked more like. The Clarks concluded, according to Goodwin (2009) that one insidious effect of racial segregation was its negative influence on African-American self-esteem. As a result of this research, in part, the Supreme Court was compelled to do the right thing and reverse the racist separate but equal doctrine in Brown v. Board of Education. The Clarks’ contribution to psychology and the contributions of other AfricanAmericans preceding them were not without struggle. Their mentor at Howard University, Francis Sumner faced huge obstacles when attempting to get a graduate degree and gain employment in academia. African-Americans have often had their basic intellectual abilities questioned (Goodwin, 2009). The legacy of white racism and of the field of psychology’s complicity by not taking a firmer stand until only recently is without question a significant reason why African-Americans remain heavily underrepresented in the profession, in spite of the gains made for women. 60 percent of doctorates in psychology are awarded to women today, while Native Americans as we discussed and African-Americans continue to be awarded a paltry percentage in turn. Such dismal figures have nothing to do with intelligence. We know that early intelligence tests were normed on just Caucasian, middle-class populations and only recently has such bias been addressed and perhaps abated. This also was the case for the MMPI personality tests as well. In the case of the MMPI, many of the original items became dated and according to Kassin (2008), to bring the test up to the 21st century and more postmodern views, new items were written in, and a more diverse cross-section of the US was sampled. The result of that updating is the newer 567-item version called the MMPI-2. In reflection, my guess is that similar advances have been made or are being considered in IQ testing as well; otherwise we would have to call into question whether biased IQ tests are valid for minority groups. Accordingly, great care should be taken when formulating test questions as well as interpreting the results of test-takers from different cultural groups and urban tribes. Fundamentally, it is crucial that test makers be made aware of cultural differences when putting together IQ test questions, as recommended for the MMPI (Church 2001). Exercising caution does not mean minority groups are treated with kid gloves, but rather that a lens of understanding is in place  and that can come about as a result of the test makers and assessors informing themselves. Otherwise an IQ test’s validity for minority groups is at issue. Pre-modern, modern and postmodern frames of reference have all helped shape important, contemporary psychological theories and issues. Accordingly, I have attempted in a reflective manner to revisit the areas of psychology’s history we covered in course. If psychology as a profession is to continue to grow and develop, it will occur through a similar process of reflection, followed by action. It is important for psychology to know its origins, its history and respective story. However, in realization of the depth of ethnocentric monoculturalism, its leadership, particularly in the APA, must act on the call to bring about the inclusion of more minorities. Otherwise, the oppressive stain of monoculturalism shall abound and continue to blemish the profession we hold dear. References Angell, J.R. (1904). Psychology. New York: Holt. Church, A.T. (2001). Personality measurement in cross-cultural perspective. Journal of Personality, 69, 979-1006. Danner, N. (2011). Psychology: ORG5001 survey of psychology I. Boston: Pearson Learning Solutions. Freud, S. (1924) A General Introduction to Psychoanalysis. New York: Washington Square Press (reprinted 1952). Glassman, W (Ed.). (2000) Approaches to psychology. Philadelphia: Open University Press. Goodwin, C.J. (2009) A history of modern psychology (3rd ed.). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. Gross, R. (Ed.). (1996) Psychology, the study of mind and behavior. London: Hodder & Stoughton. Kassin, S., (2008). Psychology in Modules: ORG 5002 Survey of psychology II. New York: Pearson Custom Publishing. Rogers, C.R. (1961) On becoming a person. Boston: Houghton Mifflin. Smith, D. (1982) Trends in counseling and psychology. American Psychologist, 37, 802–809. Watson, J.B. (1913) Psychology as the behaviorist views it. Psychological Review, 20, 15877. Watson, J.B. & Rayneer, R. (1920) Conditioned emotional reactions. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 3, 1-14. Wozniak,R. (1992) Mind and body: Renà © Descartes to William James. Retrieved from Yutrzenka, B.A., Todd-Bazemore, E., & Caraway, S.J. (1999). Four winds: The evolution of culturally inclusive clinical psychology training for Native Americans. International Review of Psychiatry, 11, 129- 135. ProQuest: 43479524.
Friday, September 27, 2019
Popular Culture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Popular Culture - Essay Example From this paper it is clear that the role of culture is to struggle and win consent of the players by the civil society. The popular culture acts as a source of pleasure and the human desire will make us always seek for it. The mediums such as books have enhanced this. For example the American youths girls read romance books and get different experience and behaviours.They find sources of encouragement, strength and pleasures that change their ideologies and reasoning. Therefore, the culture that emanates from the reading the romance books brings contradictory effects that enable the youths enter into uncouth and unacceptable behaviors. This discussion highlights that the youth have a role to create popular culture while engaging cultural citizenship. Ordinarily, the cultural practices have power to create social change and alter the social condition and foundations of people’s lives. Instead of the youths accepting the education they are refusing to school because of the structures that are in place. The challenge in social formation and the quest for democracy and freedom by the youths makes them to resist institution of schooling only to look for jobs so as to be in working class. They therefore follow their parents into manual labor jobs so as to earn a living. For the youths to be effective in popular culture, cultural citizenship and radical democracy, they should take part in public sphere and politics for they would be practicing cultural citizenship.
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Bacteria, Viruses, and Health Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Bacteria, Viruses, and Health - Case Study Example In 1879 Albert Ludwig Sigesmund Neisser was the first person to describe the bacteria as the causative agent of gonorrhea and he was the one that officially named it Neisseria gonorrhoeae. The structure is a typical gram negative cell with thin peptidoglycan, cytoplasmic membrane and the outer membrane is covered with proteins, lipooligosaccharide and phospholipids (Ryan & Ray, 2004). Toxin lipopolysaccharide endotoxins are found in the cells of neisseria gonorrhoeae, it was first extracted by tauber and garson in 1959. The endotoxin is found to have at least two antigenic determinants reveled by haemagglutination inhibition and absorption experiment. Polysaccharide is another determinant besides other proteins (Ryan & Ray, 2004). The information in the patient’s symptoms that led to my conclusion is the discharge of yellow substance from the penis which is the symptom of the N. gonorrhoeae infection. Lab results that indicate the presence of gram-negative diplococci in the fluid sample taken from Mike’s penis confirmed the presence of bacteria’s and certainly it was a bacterial infection, and this directed me to rule out any other disease with similar symptoms that is not caused by bacteria (Ryan & Ray, 2004). Pain and burning sensation when urinating are other symptoms of which the patient displays. The report is also that mike recently broken up with her old time girlfriend and immediately started dating a new girl and given that the bacteria is sexually transmitted there is high chances that the patient was infected by her new girlfriend in a new relationship (Ryan & Ray, 2004). Mononucleosis was also ruled out because the symptoms differ from the ones the patient display, symptom of mononucleosis are, sore throat , swollen tonsils, headache skin rash and others which are very distinct from the gonorrhea infections. What make gonorrhea a perfectly sexual transmitted infection is the need for intimate contact with someone with the
Typologies of terrorism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Typologies of terrorism - Essay Example dent took place in April 1999 where an attack by 2 students at Denver, Colorado, resulted in the deaths of 15, while more than 20 people were wounded. This qualifies as a terroristic act as innocent civilians died, it was as a resultant of a stereotypical ideological goal and meant to create fear on the targets. The type of terrorism involved in the two terrorist acts mentioned above according to the definition by Malisow (2008) was state terrorism. This is so because the terroristic actions were directed towards the members of different country or even origin other than United States of America. The first terroristic act for example was directed towards Pakistan government by the United States government whereas in the second terrorist act, it was directed towards students who are different from the â€Å"normal†citizen of the United States (this was so because it was directed towards blacks and Hispanics by two students who were presumed to be white
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Strategies in Order to Avoid Plagiarism Assignment
Strategies in Order to Avoid Plagiarism - Assignment Example plagiarism could be a way to hold back people’s potential to exercise their creativity and personal ideas on certain things because, in the end, there would only be relevant duplications of concepts as an upshot of not significantly citing the right author or taking others’ words as own. For this reason, plagiarism could stand as an activity limiting the potential of a person to think of his own ideas and concepts on certain issues for instance. This activity should, therefore, degrade academic quality, so it is important to consider vital strategies in order to prevent somebody from plagiarizing. Below are some of the strategies in order to avoid plagiarism. Three strategies to avoid plagiarism Citing or attributing the reference source is one important strategy to avoid plagiarism (EC-Council, 2009). By attributing the reference source, a writer or speaker is giving credit to a person or article as the starting place of corresponding ideas. It is not good to consider an idea and regard it with full ownership if somebody already had it owned in the first place. In order to consider that idea without any problem, attributing the source is one of the most relevant actions a writer or speaker could apply. So in order to achieve this, it is good to go back to the basic and employ substantial effort to cite authors and other related sources of some important ideas. In the age of advanced technology, it is now easy to detect whether a piece of article is a plagiarized output. There are some available online tools or software that could be used in order to identify the similarity of used words or information. Such are the common tools used in various academic institutions. In order to prevent from having similar outputs, one should, therefore, understand how these online tools work. In the case of some of these tools, the number or percentage of similar words is usually taken into account. Thus, when there is a higher number of percentage of proximit y, there is, therefore, a superior indication of actual plagiarism. At this point, another potential strategy that could be used in order to prevent plagiarism involves either paraphrasing or rephrasing (Tensen, 2012). This strategy would also be effective when one has to properly document the source (Van Blerkom, 2009). At some certain level, one is not limited to combine these two. In fact, this, for instance, would further enhance the writing skills of the writer, but above all, there is great consideration of warding off the high value of similarity between the recent and existing outputs. However, in this strategy, it would still be effective to attribute the source. Thus, paraphrasing or rephrasing plus citing the source would ensure a free-plagiarized output.
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Pollution by CO2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Pollution by CO2 - Essay Example Therefore, concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere is being monitored closely in order to prevent effects of global warming (Ramseur & Parker2008, p.27). The need to curb the effects of global warming due to increased greenhouse gases has led to the development of novel devices, which can monitor air pollution by CO2. However, it is worth to mention that some of the methods in use for the monitoring of CO2 tend to be highly sophisticated, and can only be used under exceptional circumstances. Today, majority of the devices that are in use for monitoring of atmospheric CO2 are constructed using Non-Dispersive Infrared gas analyzers. However, there are several other techniques, which use chromatographic and spectrum techniques. It is necessary to note that there is an internationally accepted calibration system that helps in giving a global standard for CO2 measurements (Nowakb & King 2002, p.246). Devices for measuring CO2 pollution Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) This is one of the methods widely used for monitoring atmospheric pollution by CO2. This technique has been in use for decades, and its working principle is based on the identification of the absorption spectrum for different gases. Therefore, FTIR operates by monitoring the whole infrared spectrum in order to identify the different absorption spectrums for gases present. Infrared spectrums produce absorption spectrums for samples that have absorption peaks that correspond to frequencies of bond vibrations within an atom. Every material has a unique combination of atoms, hence the uniqueness in the infrared spectrum produced. Therefore, the use of infrared spectroscopy can help in the quantitative analysis of a material (Xinyi 2012, p. 225). The size of peaks produced by infrared spectrums provides a direct measurement for the quantity of substance present within the test sample, which goes to extents of 10% of CO2 concentrations in the sample. The use of software algorithms has made use o f the infrared spectrum a vital tool for quantitative analysis. The use of FTIR has a number of advantages over other techniques that were in use earlier. These advantages include its nondestructive nature; it also gives precise measurements that do not need any external calibration, has a high operating speed and is of a high sensitivity. Other advantages include its high optical throughput, and its mechanical simplicity.With the help of an interferometer, FTIR measures different infrared frequencies simultaneously. Therefore, this technique is reliable for the identification of air pollution by CO2 based on its unique absorption spectrum (Griffith &Stephen 2000, p.218). Advantages FTIR provides the advantage of measuring up to 50 determinants. The other advantagesincludethe reduced number of interferences, lack of frequent calibration, and a typical range of 2.5-25Â µm. Disadvantages The main disadvantage associated with the use of FTIR is its potential to generate a large amount of data from inferograms, which makes data analysis process cumbersome. The other disadvantage relates to difficulties in obtaining a representative background. Gas chromatography This is an analytic technique that is used in the analysis of a number of gaseous substances. Analysis of gases using gas chromatography requires the gaseous compounds under analysis to have thermal stability and sufficiently
Monday, September 23, 2019
Entrepreneurship Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 4
Entrepreneurship - Essay Example Architecture for Humanity is one such institute. It was started in1999 by two individuals, Cameron Sinclair and Kate Stohr, out of their entrepreneurial spirit (Sinclair, 11). The initial concept was to search for architectural remedies to some humanitarian calamities and avail design services to populations in need. They planned to create openings and avenues through which architects and designers all over the globe would respond to humanitarian catastrophes. To achieve this, they planned to work through various forums and organize various activities such as collaborations with other firms and groups, workshops and competitions. However, regardless of various undertakings since 1999, they had not succeeded in building a single structure till after the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on World Trade Centre (Sinclair, 11). They had humble beginnings and for four years were working from a small office cubicle in New York that was only 4 sq. ft. Motivated by their vision of responding and alleviating the suffering of people in humanitarian crises, they undertook various activities and ventures most at times they were strained resource-wise. First, they launched a competition to design provisional housing units for refugees in Kosovo in which they planned to build few units for refugees in Kosovo. The plans went well and raised a substantial amount of cash as well as creating awareness and building new affiliations (Sinclair, 13). Though they never constructed the houses for the refugees due to restrictions by the Kosovo government, the money went to charity through another organization- War Child. Other projects they have undertaken venture include outreach program – a Programme to fight HIV/AIDS in sub-Saharan Africa through mobile clinics (Sinclair, 13). Other activities include response to both natural and artificial debacles such as earthquakes, floods, catastrophes caused by war and other human conflicts. Design Corps is
Sunday, September 22, 2019
How and why did USA become involved in the Vietnam War Essay Example for Free
How and why did USA become involved in the Vietnam War Essay In march 12, 1947 with the truman doctrine and the newly introduced policy of containment usa decided to award itself with status of policeman of the world giving themselves a permission to intervene anywhere in the world when they consider it is neccessary. This was the policy that allowed them to interpose in vietnam. Vietnamese people under the leadership of ho chi mihn, founder of viet minh defeated french at diem bien phu who had controll over whole indochina (thailand, vietnam, combodia, laos). Although usa was sending aid to french they didnt help much because president eisenhower has just been elected to end the korean war therefore he didnt want to involve usa in another conflict. However after french defeat and the devision of vietnam into north which was communist and south usa started to realize the danger of communism spreading into asia and saw vietnam as a puppet in hands of ussr and china. in convinction that responsibility for the domino effect will be theirs if they wont do anything. n 1954 usa prevented the re-uniting free elections from taking place, foreboding uniting vietnam under communist goverment. this time they showed their resilient attitude, considering their disapproval with ussr, not holding free elections in their sattelites. nevertheless there were no elections and usa picked up anti-communist diem to become a president of south vietnam. This decision led to many protest especially from buddhist monks since diem was ignorat to their religion and culture, he himself being christian. uring his reign he forbade any elections and set members of his family into important positions. his corruption and way of controling south vietnam was the reason for more and more people joining the national front for the liberation of south vietnam, the viet cong. although usa didnt agree with his governance after his murder they continued to support his equally corrupt successor. Meantime, in usa after kennedys assasination new president was elected with completely different attitude. b johnson seemed more considered about vietnam and sent more and more military personel, the so called advisors to vietnam. During his leadership he achieved the tonkin gulf resolution under suspicious coincidences of the tonkin gulf incident, giving him ultimate power to launch immediate attack or start war without the need of consulting the idea with senate or advisors. lbj was the most involved president in vietnam war and he started the open war with vietnam. When advisors were not enough and the infiltration of north vietnamese in south vietnam became with increasing number of attacs intorelable problem, in march 1965 lbj decided to launch the operation rolling thunder, bombing of the North Vietnam and Ho Chi Minhs trail which was the major mean of supplying south vietnam by Viet Cong. within a short time usa realized that this tactics is not appropriate but they were in convinction that easing would signal their weakness. n addition this operation lasted for eight years where high explosives, herbicides to destroy the jungle and defoliant agent orange were used and more bombs were dropped on vietnam than on germany by all the allies during the second world war. despite the growing objections johnson launched full-scale war with the first conventional warfare in ia drang valley which both sides considered as victory. Although americans inflicted greater losses than they have suffered (a:300 v:2000), vietnamese held their positions. This way the war continued for number of years marked with unsuccessful negotiations with main problem of diplomacy frequently undermined by military activity at a critical moment. In 1967 in south Vietnam were held the free elections but without any communist party. Thieu was elected with a low vote but finally usa could say they are defending democratically elected goverment. in following years after the failure of previous operations, operations search and destroy was introduced which main aims were defending us bases, launching search and destroy missions. Another operation, an attempt to win the hearts and minds of the peasant was also complete failure, highlighting the main American problem misapprehension of the culture of Vietnamese people. The Vietnam war being the first televised war hugely influenced it and seeing the happenings in vietnam many student protests took place in usa, especially after the Mai Lay massacre which shocked people being the evidence that something in this war has gone wrong. n 1967 increase of bombing by more than 50%, generals still requsting more men and viet cong still holding their positions even advancing (the tet offesnive 1968) and more than 3 000 000 casualities made johnson slowly realize that this war he will not win. In 1968 johnson after many absurd years of fighting informed public that usa will halt bombing, awaiting peace talks. the president has given up ending this terrible mistake and resignated, Vietnam finally became free, united and communist.
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Fashion and Rebellion In The 1960s
Fashion and Rebellion In The 1960s What are the main differences between subculture and counterculture and what do they tell us about fashion and the rebellion in the 1960s? I shall be studying about the difference between subculture and counterculture and what they tell us about fashion and rebellion in the 1960s. I shall do this by looking at the way how the 1960s influenced the generation of the hippies era in relation to fashion, music, media and photography. I am going start by exploring the definition of subculture and counterculture. Culture is the way, the forms, in which groups handle the raw material of their social and material existence. (Clarke et al, 1975: 10) Subcultures are sub-sets smaller, more localised and differentiated structures, within one or other of the larger cultural networks. (Clarke et al, 1975: 13) both references from (Populism, Jim McGuigan, Chapter 3, Youth Culture and Consumption, pg95) The 1960s were an immense time to be young. Youth culture and youth fashion, had begun to take shape in the fifties, blossomed as never before. Hippies culture became very popular in the 60s after the Beatniks.Hippie culture, with the new interest in vegetarianism, the environment and peace, proved ready not just for revival but for a permanent place in this endless youth culture. (Post Modernism and Popular Culture, Angela Mcrobbie, pg.159) As of Stuart Hall, he saw the hippy movement as an identification towards poverty. It was also politically informed in the sense of being determined to create an alternative society. This subculture was therefore able to develop an extensive semi-entrepreneurial network which came to be known as the counter-culture. (Post Modernism and Popular Culture, Angela Mcrobbie, pg.143, Subcultural Entreprenuers) Hippies popularised kaftans, Macrame bags and Afghan coats. the flares of the late 1960s widened out to bell-bottom proportions before high-waisted straight trousers and platform soles stepped into view. (Speak the Culture, Britain, Be Fluent In British Life and Culture, Neil Thomas, ThoroGood, Pg.253) The distinct style of hippie are mainly colourful and floral wear, a lot of accessories such as headbands, rings, necklaces and earrings, usual would wear flip flops for footwear. Carnaby street was where they would all shop, Hippie Land that is what I would call it. Summer of Love was associated with the hippies, known as the Swingin 60s Carnaby Street in 1966. During the 60s, Lord John was the hippest store. (Fashion of a Decade, The 1960s pg.41) This is where Twiggy comes in, famous model, with her long lashes, big eyes and bob, she became the British style icon of the 60s. Made it big for wearing the mini-skirt. And to this day she has brought a new life to fashion for the older person as they relate to her and connect her to Marks and Spencer, which has made profit to them. A new style then came into sight, by a new group of teenagers which they called Mods. The Mod style were inspired by the beatniks and from American fashion. The well known designers at that time were Mary Quant, Zandra Rhodes and Barbara Hulanicki. Mary Quant introduced Britain to mini-skirts, and that made a huge impact in fashion in the 60s. The mini-skirt was mainly worn by the young, most of the audience were shocked, others saw this as free will. Zandra Rhodes influenced by pop art, with her unconventional clothes and pink hair. Rhodes sold some of her first textiles work to Marion Foale and Sally Tuffin. Associated with pop art during this decade were artists such as Andy Warhol, the fact that this movement was unrealistic, the audience were interested from the use of expression and abstract, which made people feel free, this is how the hippies were seen as. Pop art became the parcel of fashion, which made clothing more fun and colourful. Barbara Hulanicki opened a clothing store with her husband in the early 60s, she later became known for the garments she had designed for Cathy McGowan, the TV presenter for the music show Ready, Steady, Go. Till this day these three designers are the icons of modern fashion. Retro fashion is always coming back with new and fresh looks. Many contemporary designers now such as Anna Sui, Diane von Furstenburg, Erdem are influenced by the hippie culture. Music in the 1960s has made a big impression in the lives of youth culture. They still have an appeal to old and young, they were the ones mainly responsible for the change in music and social change from the war and 50s onwards. For example, the Beatles, which created Beatlemania their style was a start of a new era, having long hair with long beards, Lennon known for wearing the granny glasses, this is where the Beatniks were introduced, which then led to the hippy movement. Elvis Presley known as the King Rock and Roll. Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin and The Rolling Stones. The Glastonbury Festival, would have varieties of artists, in an open field, which lasts up to 3-4 days, usually visited by hippies during the 70s when it was first held, the festival was an excuse for sex, drugs, socialising with others. And to this day The Glastonbury Festival is still a successful event. This is where technology comes in, it is rapidly progressing from records to cassettes, to cassette tape walkman, to cds, to cd walkmans, to mp3 players such as Ipods,mobile phones. Also being able to download music from the internet illegally, this is causing music stores, such as HMV to close down shops, due to not enough sales to keep the business afloat. During the 60s, youths from under 25 years of age regularly visited the cinema as entertainment before TV became more popular. Also it was another excuse to socialise with others when they take a visit to the movies. The theatre was also popular for the upper age group as a form of entertainment. Photography plays a big role in fashion advertisement in a form of magazines such as Vogue and Vanity Fair, which introduces the upper working-class to upcoming fashion trends, which is currently still happening today with many more magazine options to choose from such as Dazed and Confused, ID etc. Fashions and faces: Beaton, Bailey and Rankin As Britain pursued its passion for photojournalism in the mid 20th century a more affected genre of photography also evolved, set to explode in the 1960s. It embraced fashion, advertising and high society (in short, beautiful people) and found its outlet in magazines like Vanity Fair, Harpers Bazaar and Vogue. Cecil Beaton bore the torch with staged, glamorous images of Marlene Dietrich, Audrey Hepburn and the Royals from the 1920s through to the 60s. (Speak the Culture Britain Be Fluent in British Life and Culture, Neil Thomas, ThoroGood, pg.245) To conclude, I have discovered that the subculture of hippies in the 1960s, were free spirited, peace loving, rebellions against war, and also introduced a fashionable trend that are still current in some societies. What I think about the difference between subculture and counterculture is that subculture is the identity of an individual. You can show your personality through clothing, the music you listen to, where you get together in the environment, the region of a culture. E.g. When you think of Camden, you automatically think of punks and rockers. Notting Hill Gate, the Notting Hill carnival comes to your mind. Where as counterculture, as seen as the political part of the culture i.e hippies. A subculture is the way of defining and honouring the particular specification and demarcation of special or different interests of a group of people within a larger collectivity. (Culture, Chris Jenks, pg.10)
Friday, September 20, 2019
Comparing the Enthalpy Changes of Combustion of Different Alcohols :: Enthalpy
Comparing the Enthalpy Changes of Combustion of Different Alcohols Aim: I will find the enthalpy change of combustion of a number of alcohols so that I can investigate how and why enthalpy change is affected by molecular structure of the alcohol. Outline: I will use Methanol, Ethanol, Propanol and Butanol in the experiment. I will use these four because they should give me clear results, and they range from short chained to long-chained hydrocarbons, so patterns should be easy to spot in the conclusion. Variables: My independent variables are - The type of alcohol (I will use ethanol, methanol, propanol and butanol) My dependant variables are - the specific heating capacity of water - Mass of water in grams - Change in temperature of water My control variables are - The change in temperature of water- 20..C - The mass of water. If this were changed then all the results would be wrong, because it would take different amounts of energy to heat different volumes of water - The distance from the bottom of the calorimeter to the top of the wick. Otherwise different amounts of energy could escape each time making it an unfair test. Plan: From carrying out the follow experiment I will be able to find out the enthalpy change of each fuel I am testing. The enthalpy change of combustion of a fuel is the measure of energy transferred when one mole of fuel burns completely. I will use the fact that 42 Joules of energy are required to raise the temperature of 1 gram of water by 1 C. Enthalpy change varies according to the following conditions – temperature, pressure and concentration of solutions. Therefore I will use a standard pressure of I atmosphere, a standard concentration of 1 mol dm†¦.3 and finally a specified temperature of†¦. I will use the equation enthalpy change = cm†¦..T c- Specific heating capacity of water m- Mass of water in grams †¦T- Change in temperature of water I will then compare the enthalpy changes and the types of molecular structures and so I will able to out why enthalpy change is affected by the molecular structure of the alcohol Prediction: I predict that as the number of carbons in the alcohol is increased, the enthalpy of combustion also increases. The enthalpy change of combustion of alcohols increases as the length of the chain increases. This can be explained if we compare one alcohol with the next in the series. The chain length increases with an addition of a CH2 group. When the alcohol is combusted what actually happens is the covalent bonds are broken, and new bond are formed.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Essay --
1. EDUCAÇÃÆ'O INFANTIL A PORTA DE ENTRADA PARA O ENSINO OBRIGATÓRIO Conceituando a Educaà §Ãƒ £o Infantil pode-se dizer que à © uma educaà §Ãƒ £o criada para ajudar as crianà §as antes de ingressarem no ensino obrigatà ³rio. A educaà §Ãƒ £o infantil à © uma forma de preparar as crianà §as com menos de seis anos para o ensino obrigatà ³rio atà © chegar à idade certa para ingressa nesse ensino obrigatà ³rio que comeà §a a partir dos sete anos de idade. Nos dias de hoje a Educaà §Ãƒ £o Infantil à © a forma de transportar as crianà §as para ensino obrigatà ³rio com um nà vel de aprendizagem mais elevada. (LDB, 2010) Na Educaà §Ãƒ £o Infantil, as crianà §as nessa faixa-età ¡ria sà £o estimuladas a ao aprendizado atravà ©s de atividades là ºdicas e atravà ©s de jogos e brincadeiras, onde os professores procuram exercitar as capacidades motoras e cognitivas, fazendo com que as crianà §as descubram o gosto pela educaà §Ãƒ £o iniciando seu processo de educaà §Ãƒ £o ou aprendizagem. (LDB, 2010). Para a LDB, (2010) a educaà §Ãƒ £o infantil à © coordenada em escolas de ensino educacional como: berà §Ãƒ ¡rio, a creches, prà ©-escolas, jardins de infà ¢ncias, e, jardins-escola, sà £o nesses estabelecimentos que as crianà §as recebem a primeira base da aprendizagem educacional para entrar no ensino obrigatà ³rio. Segundo Mello, (2007, p. 34) a educaà §Ãƒ £o infantil à ©: Uma educaà §Ãƒ £o histà ³rica e de à ©poca, de uma sociedade, de uma cultura e tambà ©m de fatores polà ticos e econà ´micos. Dessa forma perguntamos: O que à © infà ¢ncia? Quem à © a crianà §a? Por que essas perguntas foram feitas separadamente? Porque possuem conceitos diferentes. Crianà §a sempre vai existir, mas, da um conceito a infà ¢ncia nà £o; infà ¢ncia à © um sentimento que surgiu hà ¡ pouco tempo, mais precisamente no sà ©culo XVII. Para os autores: A crianà §a hoje à © considerada como um ser so... ... paà ses perifà ©ricos. Recebe um valor segundo a forma de produà §Ãƒ £o da vida material, que à © tratada como um negà ³cio lucrativo, com qualidade e retorno financeiro; †¢ No Brasil – na dà ©cada de 1970, com o aumento do nà ºmero de fà ¡bricas, iniciaram-se os movimentos de mulheres e os de luta por creche, resultando na necessidade de criar um lugar para os filhos da massa operà ¡ria, surgindo entà £o à s creches, com um foco totalmente assistencialista, visando apenas o cuidar. Segundo Faria (1999, p.25): Se os anos 70 estavam voltados para as mulheres, nos anos 80, essas mulheres se voltaram para as crianà §as. É explicado que foram as feministas intelectualizadas de classe mà ©dia, e que eram contra a ditadura, que passaram a pesquisar sobre a infà ¢ncia e assessorar os governos progressistas que, atendendo à s reivindicaà §Ãƒ µes populares, prometeram creches nas suas campanhas eleitorais.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Differing Views On Reconstruction :: American America History
Differing Views On Reconstruction By 1866, several distinct positions on Reconstruction emerged. These were divided into three opposing camps: Conservatives (democrats), Moderates, and Radicals. The Conservatives believed the South should be readmitted into the Union as soon as possible, but the Radicals and Moderates believed there should be consequences for succeeding. The question of what those consequences should be separated Radical from Moderate. The answer to this question was as related to how important each side believed it was to enfranchise African Americans into this country (socially, politically, economically, and culturally) as it was in exacting an appropriate punishment for the treasonous South. Although the two Republican factions disagreed on several aspects of Reconstruction policy, they both understood that the Conservative approach to Reconstruction could never be enacted. The Conservatives lead by President Johnson, believed in a rapid readmission, into the Union, for the defeated Southern states. Johnson's stipulations were solely that the states ratify the 13th Amendment, and repudiate Confederate war debt (thus making it null and void). A second more controversial measure to the democrat's plan for rapid reconstruction was the issuing of pardons to former Confederate officials, landowners, and generals. As a direct result of these pardons, former plantation owners' land was returned. The goal of the Conservatives during Reconstruction was obviously to return the South to the social, political, and economic structure of the antebellum period. The Conservative plans for reconstruction allowed the former Confederate leadership, which led the South to war to regain high ranking political positions. This made the Republicans fearful that the South would eventually move down the path of war with the Union. Furthermore, it also proved to the South that there were no consequences for succession. This was unacceptable to both Moderates and Radicals. In their eyes the South had committed treason and should have to suffer the consequences. However, Johnson never tried any of the Confederate leaders on charges of treason. The obvious answer to why the Conservatives wanted to enact this policy were because they were the ones guilty of succession. This was their way of protecting their self-interests. Before the war, Conservatives dominated Southern politics. After Southern succession they made up the majority of the Confederate government. However, the less than obvious answer was that they saw preserving the status quo antebellum as the only way to allow the Southern economy to one-day flourish. Considering that many conservatives were former slaveholders they enjoyed some vested interest in preserving the system. Differing Views On Reconstruction :: American America History Differing Views On Reconstruction By 1866, several distinct positions on Reconstruction emerged. These were divided into three opposing camps: Conservatives (democrats), Moderates, and Radicals. The Conservatives believed the South should be readmitted into the Union as soon as possible, but the Radicals and Moderates believed there should be consequences for succeeding. The question of what those consequences should be separated Radical from Moderate. The answer to this question was as related to how important each side believed it was to enfranchise African Americans into this country (socially, politically, economically, and culturally) as it was in exacting an appropriate punishment for the treasonous South. Although the two Republican factions disagreed on several aspects of Reconstruction policy, they both understood that the Conservative approach to Reconstruction could never be enacted. The Conservatives lead by President Johnson, believed in a rapid readmission, into the Union, for the defeated Southern states. Johnson's stipulations were solely that the states ratify the 13th Amendment, and repudiate Confederate war debt (thus making it null and void). A second more controversial measure to the democrat's plan for rapid reconstruction was the issuing of pardons to former Confederate officials, landowners, and generals. As a direct result of these pardons, former plantation owners' land was returned. The goal of the Conservatives during Reconstruction was obviously to return the South to the social, political, and economic structure of the antebellum period. The Conservative plans for reconstruction allowed the former Confederate leadership, which led the South to war to regain high ranking political positions. This made the Republicans fearful that the South would eventually move down the path of war with the Union. Furthermore, it also proved to the South that there were no consequences for succession. This was unacceptable to both Moderates and Radicals. In their eyes the South had committed treason and should have to suffer the consequences. However, Johnson never tried any of the Confederate leaders on charges of treason. The obvious answer to why the Conservatives wanted to enact this policy were because they were the ones guilty of succession. This was their way of protecting their self-interests. Before the war, Conservatives dominated Southern politics. After Southern succession they made up the majority of the Confederate government. However, the less than obvious answer was that they saw preserving the status quo antebellum as the only way to allow the Southern economy to one-day flourish. Considering that many conservatives were former slaveholders they enjoyed some vested interest in preserving the system.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Muriel’s wedding critical analysis Essay
In Muriel’s wedding, the perception of comedian has soon arrived into a melodrama derived by P.J Hogan, as the film covers the low self-esteem Muriel in breaking through the bondages around her family and friends, trespassing from suburban to civilisation. Muriel begins the film as an overweight loser from Queensland, a woman trapped by a dysfunctional family, an apathetic neighbourhood, and a clique of beautiful â€Å"best friends.†The movie opens with a shot of a beautiful friend’s wedding, where one of the clique members is shown having an affair with the groom. The movie moves that fast: credits, wedding, affair. Before the scandalous couple have time to emerge from their private room the ugly misfit Muriel is taken into custody by the police. Apparently, she never paid for her leopard-print dress. (3) Hogan establishes his characters rather quickly. The evil clique is made up of Barbie look-alikes who criticize Muriel for not wearing frosted lipstick. Murie l is clumsy, overweight and â€Å"useless,†hopelessly ostracized from the inner circle by her unemployment and consequent failure to follow fashion. â€Å"I’ve got a job,†Muriel tells them, referring to a cosmetics sales position offered by her father’s mistress. â€Å"It’s not your clothes,†the friends retort, it’s you.†Crushed, Muriel steals money from her parents and buys a holiday at the same resort where the clique is staying. Once there she meets up with a friend from high school (Rachel Griffiths) whose noble character is symbolized by her short black hair and indifference toward fashion. The two women celebrate their independence from the neurosis of Porpoise Spit by running away to Sydney, where they get jobs, meet men, and have the time of their lives. â€Å"When I was living in Porpoise Spit I used to sit in my room all day and listen to Abba songs,†Muriel says. â€Å"Since I’ve come to Sydney, I haven’t listened to Abba at all.†Muriel’s Wedding uses the songs of the Swedish supergroup as a clever link to the thoughts and feelings of Muriel, a young Australian woman obsessed with becoming married as soon as possible. Muriel lives with her go-nowhere family in the town of Porpoise Spit, where she spends most of her time in her room, listening to ABBA when her father isn’t giving her grief. The point of this movie is very simple: in order to escape from insecurity and stagnant immobility one must rebel against the conventions held by beautiful people, cut one’s hair, buy a new wardrobe, and forge a new life on one’s own. If theft and dishonesty are the only ways that these ends can by achieved, so much the better. Another point of symbolisation in this case can be compared by the use of location VS Muriel’s self esteem. Read Also: Critical Analysis Essay Topics Viewers can compare Muriel’s self esteem from the beginning as she stays in Porpoise Spit a so call suburbia or small town where she’s in search of a higher self esteem where here Sydney takes place. Although her ultimate utopia is still the wedding, however once met, she would kindly realize that life is far more beyond. (1)(6) Sadly to say that throughout the whole film, none of the scenes appear natural, instead, they look like Hogan has manipulated the gray shades of everyday experience in order to come up with a cast of characters that are either too black, too white, too good, or too obviously evil. Although Muriel’s Wedding does an excellent job of conveying the attitudes and economic realities of small Australian towns, it fails to capture the subtle interludes of conversation that make characters seem like real people. For example, the character of Muriel’s mother (Jeanie Drynan) is not developed at all. She is shown once standing in her kitchen, lost in a zombie-like trance, and then again in a restaurant, oblivious to the presence of her husband’s mistress. It is not until Muriel ignores her at her own wedding and Muriel’s father moves in with his mistress that we see this woman come to life, and then she kills herself. (6) Muriel’s father is another stock character, as is her celebrity immigrant husband. Hogan may as well have used cardboard cut outs to play their roles, writing â€Å"philandering politician†on one and â€Å"Olympic diver†on the other. Their lives do not figure into the plot of the movie; what matters is what they can do for Muriel. In the end they each contribute about ten grand. Muriel’s Wedding is an entertaining film after all with a bit of an identity crisis: it doesn’t know if it wants to be a comedy or a drama. The filmmakers perpetually toy with the viewers, dragging them from high comedy to melodramatic tragedy in a heartbeat, and more than once. This problem arises whenever the camera is not on Muriel, who really owns this picture completely. Whenever the plastic su pporting cast is the main focus, the film falls flat. A tacked-on, bittersweet ending doesn’t help, either. Reference 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.) 6.)’sWedding.htm
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